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Sunday, March 31, 2002
And just because dinner was a little later than originally anticipated: search engine referrers!"very secret diaries LOTR" ...not here. Go to Cassandra's page. *points at links list* "Megan Shell Kira" er. no. Try here. "Akimiya" Last time I checked, he was an OC in Kouri's fic Live Through. Ask her where to find it. And of course, the million and one for "angels deserve to die". ...really going now. Happy Easter, all! My Easter started off well - I got up, searched for eggs with my family, found and ate said eggs, then had a quick shower and rushed off to karate. Yes, with only chocolate for breakfast. Suprisingly(sp?), I felt just fine. ^_^ /Then/, I came home, ate lunch, went to an afternoon tea with one of the guys from sunday karate and his family, and am now back at home, waiting for our easter dinner roast thing to cook and be ready. I'm starving. Got Magic Knight Rayearth Volume 3 yesterday, in English. *sniffs* so sa~ad... now I want #4!! And nothing else was at QC because they haven't got a shipment yet because of Easter. Hmph. *pouts* ... food. Yum. Later. Saturday, March 23, 2002
Argh, the post screwed up. The end /should/ say, Thanks for the nice summary, Lilack!Why am I still up? I seem to be saying that a lot lately. Ehhhh... *sweatdrop* ...and another week passes. Well... I've been really, really busy... and I have to fight for computer access with my sibling and my dad... okay, so I haven't really had time either. The highlight of my week was wednesday night at senior training, when I got my foot mashed while sparring because I kicked wrong. My toes were down, not up, so when the kick was blocked, my foot got hurt. >.< I now have a nice, big bruise over the right hand side of my right foot. It looks very cool, and I guarantee (sp?) that the lesson was learnt. Got back from Swan Lake at about 10:40pm tonight. Boy, was it fun. It was part of the Perth International Arts Festival 2002, preformed by the Cullberg Ballet. The choreography, for those who are interested, was done by Mats Ek, who is apparently a famous dude, seeing as he has a whole double page in the program listing what he's done. But for the more shallow minded among us... I have to saw, the Prince was really, /really/ fecking cute. ^_^ I mean, the music was /great/, I love the music, and the costumes and dancing was brilliant, but the Prince just put the icing on the cake. Mmmm, Prince. ^_^ ne, Leareth, /I/ enjoyed Gravitation. My reaction was WAIWAIWAIWAIWAI MORE PLEASE!!! ^_____^ ...why can't they show ep 2 next week... *cries* Of course, because I went to Swan Lake, I missed JAFWA. Thanks for the nice summary, Vel'ithya got pinned down by Fuuma 11:20 am | link post Sunday, March 17, 2002
Just a quick post, to say I've linked Mooncalf *waves* I've been reading her blog for a while, using the Technomancy link sidebar, so I thought it was time I added her to mine. Mooncalf? Congratulations on your new domain, and glad to see everything made it in one piece.A~and... Twig, just Vel, please. no need to be so formal. *grins* and as long as I know that you /got/ my email and will reply sometime in the next month, that's fine. I'm happy. And now, dinner calls. mum made salmon. mmm, salmon. and I apologise for lack of capitals - I'm in a hurry. ja, minna! Saturday, March 16, 2002
I hate it when I spend ten minutes typing a nice, long post, and then netscape crashes, and the damn thing gets lost, don't you? ...this happened to me yesterday. *sighs*Okay. I'll be quick, really. Kouri, congrats on you and Karasu's domain. And thanks for the fic update, much appreciated as always. And don't worry about 'stealing' Kakyou for Skylar; I saw ep 1 of Crest of Stars today, and it gave me an idea for the fic that is eating my brain. Plus, Skylar's cool. As for being political... hmm. Fresher rep isn't /that/ important, really. I only get keys to the fridge and half the cupboards. I don't even get a room key! :( Apparently, anyway. *shrugs* but it should be fun! *grins* ...ummm.... Oh! right.I went to the IGSSA (Independant Girl's Schools' Sporting Association) swimming carnival. Not only was I watching my little sister Ali compete in the 2nd division breastroke, she was also in the breastroke relay, and I was swimming in the old girls. Last year, when I was Swimming Captain for MLC, We lost to Penhros, our arch-rivals, by 3 points. Penhros had won the carnival for the past 5/6 years. Anyway. So I'm sitting in the stands, chatting to MLC girls and a few old teachers, and my sister's first race comes. It's the relay, and she's swimming anchor leg (last). When she dives in, we're coming last (of 7). When she finishes, she touches 4th. And my dad timed her at about 40 seconds. With a flying start, this is impressive. And faster than me (dammit!!). Anyway. By the time her individual event comes around, I'm down poolside, with the MLC team, because I need to warm up soon. The 1st division MLC girl does badly. 4th/5th or so. And Ali gets up. And swims. And /wins/. With a 41:02. For 50m /breastroke/. I have never been prouder of my little sister, then when she came into the team area, dripping wet, and gave me a big hug, screaming. MLC went on to win the yr 8 pennant, the year 9 pennant, the yr 11 pennant (Ali helped here), the yr 12 pennant, and went on to thrash Penhros by over 70 points. Yes, I was crying. Because we came so /close/ last year, and even though I was swimming Old Girls it wasn't the same. I was part of the team, but then again I wasn't. I hadn't trained with them every morning, marched through the gates to the cheers of the entire school. And when we - they- finally broke Penhros' domination, I wasn't part of it. Old Girls carries no points. So instead of partying with the team, I did the next best thing. I went home and baked my sister a fucking big chocolate cake. All for her. I love you, Ali, and on friday you made me so proud of you. ... I think that was all. at least all that I can remember. I don't know /why/ I'm still up. it's too late. early. And I have to get up in less than 5 hours. ...ugh. And if anyone knows where I can find DN Angel translations for all five volumes, can they please show me the way? I'm dying to understand what I'm 'reading'. Please. So in conclusion, I will leave you with some (half-remembered and probably paraphrased) dialogue about the Brain-eating story. Quick background: The main character gets pregnant, and I was bitching about the fact that I didn't know anything about the enemy. I was discussing this fact with Troy from karate. He suggested that the enemy be female, and also pregnant, and thus set grounds for a sequel, when the two kids moved in together. He said the conflict would come when they realised that one had Enemy blood. Troy: And they can have a big fight! Me: ...What if they're both girls? Troy: Cat fight! Me: ...Or both guys? Troy: Gay cat fight! Me: ... (speechless) Troy, if you're reading this, you rock. And that will be all. Ladies and Gentlemen, I bid you, goodnight. goodmorning. ...whatever. Monday, March 11, 2002
Damn Macs damn GAT room damn Tartarus damn handbook I HATE YOU!!!*breathes* My day can be summarised as follows: Got up. Rode to Uni. Cold. Went to lectures. Went to GAT room. Set up forwarding from Tartarus to Hotmail. Success! Tried to check hotmail. Access denied by UWA coding. Damn them. Tried to view course info in engineering handbook, to see if had to do physics next year. Lecturer is awful. His lecture notes aren't much better. Netscape crashed. Moved to different Mac. Netscape crashed again. Gave up. Loaded blogger. Logged in. Success! Tried to post. Failed. Tried again. Failed again. Gave up. Left. Looked for some other place to use computer - decent computer ie one that I actually /know how to use/ ie /anything/ but a Mac. Search unsuccessful. Ate lunch in UniSFA clubroom. Mourned loss of brick. Went to tute. Finished tute in 5 minutes. Rode home. Speed change, walked to bus stop. Caught bus to work. Worked. Folding mail is interesting, oh yes it is. Got home. Discovered I'd run out of blank tapes to record on. Got money, rode up hill to video store. Got blank videos, discovered had left money at home. Coasted down big hill, got money, rode back up big hill to store, bought videos. Got home, ate dinner, got on computer and found 35 new emails. I have never had this much crap in my inbox. Ever. Read email, deleted email. Logged into blogger. And what I /tried/ to post earlier, but couldn't, was: Leareth, /where/ is an alternative to the GAT room? that lets me check my email and blog?! ...I think that was it. Gosh, I'm talkative today. *waves* Ko, I linked you. Hi. Your little comics are great, and Neko!Keiichi and Neko!Kamui are kawaii. ^_^ In other news, I got another story idea. And only 3 weeks after the last one, no less. Argh. See, I have about 20 stories fighting in my head. And they fight for dominance. And this one came down like a lightning bolt and fried every other story, so it has currnt dominance. The only problem is that this one requires /planning/. Dammit. I /never/ plan stories. Except Ice Dancer. But that's because that was special. Anyway. TV calls. Bye. ^_^ Sunday, March 10, 2002
what the hell is wrong with this thing? stoppit already!
Sunday, March 03, 2002
Dammit I've been busy. Lemme see. When was my last post... a week an a half ago. bummer. Okay. On Sat 23rd, I had beach training for karate. We went to Hillary's Beach Park, and trained on the beach, with all the public looking on. I tell you, trying to do roundhouse kicks when you're up to your ribs in really, really cold water is /hard/. But dunking all the Sensei's afterwards was /fu~un/. Then I had JAFWA... and I was late. But I was late for a /reason/. Well, several reasons. See, it was 3:30, and I didn't have to pick up Sab til 4:30. So I thought, why not go on the net. Big mistake. At 4:25, I arrived at CLAMPesque. I saw the new chapter of Ashes, and the new chapter of Genesis. And 10 minutes later (albeit 10 minutes of /bliss/) I looked at my watched, screamed, and ran out the door. So, reason number one. *glares at Shell, Kira and Kouri* /Then/. Sab was waiting for me, so she rushed out anmd jumped in the car, and we sped off to the freeway. We hit the freeway. Then we slowed to a crawl. And I mean, a real crawl. If we'd got out and /walked/, we'd've gotten to JAFWA at /least/ 10 minutes earlier, if not more. But anyway, there we were, stuck on the freeway. We spent about half an hour going about 3 kms. Do the math. That's 6 k/hr. Not real fast. Then we got to the Canning Hwy exit. Now, our usual exit is Manning Road, the one /after/ Canning Hwy. But we got off at Canning Hwy anyway. Because there were police cars blockading the road. Turns out, there was a big bushfire, and they'd closed the freeway. But we didn't know that then. So we thought, we'll go straight on, and then turn left at Manning Rd. Another big mistake. Turns out, you can only turn left or right. And we were in the right lane. So we turn right. And go over the freeway, over the river, and end up even /furthur/ away from Curtin Uni. We should've turned left. We realised that halfway over the bridge. So. We turned left at the earliest opportunity, managed to do a U-turn consisting of a few streets, and go back over the river. By this point we'd dug out the road map. Because lets face it, neither of us live in the Como area, and we knew nothing about the roads. Hell, we didn't even know where we were. But with Sab's brilliant navigating skills, we managed to get to JAFWA. Albeit about 45 minutes late. But we managed to get there in time to see Inu-Yasha! *cheers*.Okay... so that was saturday. Then comes tuesday. On tuesday, I saw LotR. Again. *sigh* I love that movie. But anyway. I had to miss karate that night because... *drum roll* I had to go to the TEE awards ceremony! Yes, that's right, I watched everyone (including Leareth's brother) go up on stage and get their General Exhibitions, their Subject Exhibitions etc... and then we all split up into little groups to get our Certificates of Excellence (10 A's over 2 years) with much less ceremony. How disappointing. I was so looking forward to getting my photo taken by the Minister for Education... /sarcasm... I mean, this is the awards, not a political rally. I don't care about the state of education in WA. Just get on with the damn awards, already. Then there was wednesday. Host day. I went. I saw. I gave away my free lunch. It was crawling with gluten. And it was soo not interesting. But then we had senior training. Which was fun. The tournament is on the 6th of April, so we were practising for that by doing tournament style kata and kumite. So, we started at Saifa (the third kata) and worked our way up through Bassai Dai and Seiunchin to Empi. I do not know Empi. Correction. I /did/ not know Empi. Sensei Nigel got Savvy (sp?) to take those of us who did not know Empi and teach it to us. I now know Empi. But I can't do the jump. It's a 360 degree jump, and you have to land in stance, with your back straight. And while you're in the air, you have to bring your knees up to your chest. Arrgh. This one's an ankle /killer/, believe me. Anyway. Then we got our mitts and pads on for kumite. We sketched out a ring on the floor, using the basketball/volleyball/tennis lines on the floor, and I was first, fighting Julia. Who's a black belt. But I got in a good kick! Head level roundhouse kick, which would normally earn me 'ippon', or a full point. But no. Sensei Nigel said that it didn't have enough power to be effective, so he only gave me 'wazari', or a half point. *grumbles* So I lost. But oh well! Julia didn't see the kick coming. This gives me hope for the Open division of the tournament, which I'm entering as well as my age division. Thursday... was boring. Nothing here to see, moving right along to friday! Yes... O-day. I went. I argued with people about my timetable for an hour and a half, thereby missing the Saturday... I worked. And then went to QC and picked up my PREVIEWS magazine. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! This message brought to you by PREVIEWS and X Volume 7 in /ENGLISH/. Thank the Lord!! Finally. X in a language I can /read/! ^_____________________^ And today... I wrote. See, last... Monday night, I had a dream. And on Tuesday morning, I woke up, remembered said dream, and proceeded to write it down. 40 pages later, here I am. I started it in a 160 page notebook. I expect to need another notebook in another month or two, if writing proceeds at its current rate. Of course, said writing rate may drop rapidly when combined with Uni. As demonstrated by the 15 or so origifics I have yet to finish. But anyway, I'm enjoying this one. It's about virtual reality games, and one game in particular, called Almacyura. Hence its working title 'VRstory/Almacyura'. Eheh. I'm so original. But anyway. It's about this chick, Keira, and she's a game tester. As in, someone who goes in, plays the game, comes out, and lists off problems, possible solutions, and things that she thinks need to be changed. And /her/ problems start when she's contracted by VirtuaCorp to test their latest game Almacyura. You know it's gonna be long when the prologue is 25 pages. Notebook pages that is. Because one of my idiot brother's friends has rung through and disconnected me, and I just spent 2 hours typing said prologue, waiting for my chance to go back on. It's only 9 pages of typing. How disappointing. Anyway. On to the social bloggage!!! Twig, I owe you email. Soon, I promise. Glad to hear you're feeling better, Isa-chan. Also glad to hear TR is coming along well. (yes, I am purely motivated by greed and a desire to read your story. Really. ^_^) *pastes on fake smile* Of /course/ I'm ready for Day One, Leareth. *ticks off on fingers* I've got my timetable sorted, my bike fixed, my notebooks bought (but not decorated yet)... Hmm. Should probably check /where/ my lectures are, though. *hands Lilack extra-strength soul-sealing glue* Here. Have a tube. I've felt like that before too. Please don't withdraw from us. We'll miss you. Sab... see you at Uni tomorrow, yeah? *checks watch* I mean... today... bugger. *blinks* Nice layout, girls... very... yes, technicolour /is/ the right word. And cute. And you're right, the horse is nice. ...Tsukineko? What happened to your blog? I get a blank white screen. Oh, okay, so /that's/ where you were when I tried to ring you this arvo. I have new story to read to you, and a PREVIEWS to go through, so I guess I have to ring you later. Like... next Sat? Ignore my msg on the answering machine - mum reminded me not 5 minutes after I'd rung that it was a long weekend, and I thought, oh damn, she'll be at denmark. You shoulda rung. Or something. :( Oh. This is a general request. I would like to know where I can find DNangel translations for all five volumes. If anyone has them, or knows where to find them, can you mail me please? The translations will not be used for scanlating purposes, merely for my own use. Like, helping me to understand the manga. ^_^; And finally... search engine hits!! Apart from the million and one for "When angels deserve to die", here are some I've received: Why Oh Why Do angels deserve to die? I don't know. *shrugs* cos they destroy stuff? die bitch die ... uh-/huh/. um, no. thank you. *cute angels* try any X page with a decent picture gallery. read manga star ocean ex hmm. Meia has some translations, I believe. Well... looks like that's all. Definately time for bed. Uni tomorrow. Seeya! |
Name: Vel'ithya Tevriel Age: 19 Starsign: Libra Chinese: Rat Status: Taken ^_^ Studying: Japanese (and Creative Writing) at UWA Fallen Angels Drifting Feathers* Paradise Lost Wishlist: X Vol 10 Angel Sanctuary manga Yami no Matsuei manga Yuu Yuu Hakusho (both) Saiyuki anime Captain Jack Sparrow Nano: Twig Tsaiko Ann Changeling Liz Falstaff Sonnlich Favourite...
Anime/Manga: X/99 Tokyo Babylon DN Angel DragonBall Z Blade of the Immortal Trigun Saiyuki Fullmetal Alchemist Characters: Captain Jack Sparrow Genjo Sanzo (Houshi) Sumeragi Subaru Sakurazuka Seishirou Monou Fuuma Duo Maxwell Briefs Trunks Edward Elric Roy Mustang Hobbies/Loves: Writing (mainly original) Reading Karate Archery Music/Singing Chas ^_~ Captain Jack Sparrow Pirates of the Carribean Links...
Reads: Asprosdrakos Catt Changeling Chaobell Fallimar Flamebyrd(LJ) The Great Conjunction House of Mews Ko Leareth Lunar Meia Metamia Mooncalf PenChaft Pirotess Snow Kitten Spooky Thorne Tsaiko Wind ff.net/fp.net Ann(fic) Catt(ff.net) House of Mirrors Lunar(fic) Thorne(ff.net) Twig(fic) Twig(ff.net) Twig(fp.net) LJ friends* Uni: UniSFA Unigames UWAnime UCC Aaron Goth!Chris James Jesus!Dave Max Rae (I) Rae (II) Tom Adam* Alex* Ben* Coman* Davyd* Goth!Chris* Liz* Maelkann* Pam* Rae* Stephie* Tom Tommo* Vegeta* Campaign: Valmar Kalika Evelyn Seigfried Aldo Lives: KnK's Fanfics Irrealistic.net The Academy RoodAwakenings Angel's Gate Disarming Smile Kaitou.net | Bob Tsaiko's World Laranica Firehorse Fantasy Arts Ephebian Paradise Mooncalf Just a Little Ecchi Ficbitches* CLAMPesque Questionable Reality The Very Secret Diaries A Life Like Any Other Juuhachi-gou's Place of Being Vejiita4eva Temple O' Trunks Daizenshuu Ex B-chan Makai Black Market Comics: 8-bit Theater Dominic Deegan Errant Story Utukki Penny Arcade Friendly Hostility Boy Meets Boy w00t_comic* Random...
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