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Sunday, April 28, 2002
Since everyone else is...Would you survive a horror movie? Find out @ She's Crafty Woohoo! Glad to know I'll survive. This is great, considering that I ride home from Uni at all hours of the morning, depending on when the security guards come round and kick us out of the building. Which Action Star Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty I [heart] the Matrix. Are you a ho? Find out @ She's Crafty /That's/ the answer I was expecting. I'm currently sitting at 50% in my next Mallard assignment. I need 10% more to register as getting any marks at all. This is /so/ frustrating. *sigh* Saturday, April 27, 2002
Almost forgot to post this. Damn my faulty memory. Hard karate session this morning. Ouch. Now all I want to do is lie down and sleep. Argh. Why do I have to have assignments from Uni to do?!?!?! Wednesday, April 24, 2002
This is my second post today, so if you've just arrived and thought My god, she's alive after all, do scroll down. Now then. I was just checking that the post showed up okay, and then I realized what the date was.It's the 25th of April. Anzac day. To all the Australians out there, now is the time to remember the sacrifices made by our forefathers that let us live a peaceful life without danger. Many of our countrymen lost their lives in defense of their ideals. Take a moment today to reflect on their gift to us. Lest we forget. I liiiiiiiiiiive!!!!!!! *ahem* No, really. I've just realized that I'm insanely busy. This would be why I have hardly been near a computer in the past 2 weeks except to quickly check my email and delete the hundred or so from the UniSFA mailing list every few days. So... you'll just have to bear with me on the lateness of updates. I'll apologise right now, in advance. Sorry. So... when you last saw me, I was... stressing over the tournament?! That was... 20 days ago... *gulps* okay... lemme see... the tournament... I was in team kata, which we didn't place in, then in the Perth Cup, in the female team. North of the river in Perth is region 13. South is region 12 and region 28. So. I'm in 13. And we drew with the region 12 girls in our kumite bouts, with 6 points each. So then we see how our guys are doing. ...our guys lose. We lost the Perth Cup. This was depressing for, oh, about 30 seconds, until I realised that I had to go warm up for my individual events. I was first into the ring for kata, which was annoying, because the first person is always the most nervous and sets the standard, so to speak. I was doing Kata Saifa, and did it quite well, but not as well as I knew I could. It was a little rushed here and there, and some of my stances weren't perfect. I got... 7.1, 7.1 and 7.2 I think. Anyway. When everyone had completed their kata, there was a tie for first place. Me and this other chick who was doing second kata, and had done it quite badly, in fact. So when I got into the ring again I slowed the kata down just a touch, made it stronger and cleaner. And I get 7.4, 7.4, 7.3. The scoring is weird, but when I was watching the higher grades do their kata, the best guy got straight x.5's across the board. And I'd racked up 7.4, 7.4, 7.3. I watched the other girl do her kata and knew I'd done mine better. She got 7-1's, 7-2's. Then we went on to kumite. I got decked out in my gear - fist mitts, shin pads, mouthguard, 'chest protector' - just a curvy plastic breastplate, really - and bounced around to loosen up. My first bout was with this girl who looked slightly younger than me, was slightly shorter, and was only an orange tip - I was a full orange belt. I had the most points, and then we clashed again. As soon as I punched I connected, and pulled back straight away. The referee, Sensei Nigel suspended the bout while she got taken to the medics in the corner, and she came back 5 minutes later with a black eye. While I was waiting the other two girls fought, and then me and her got back in the ring. Nigel said that it was neither of us's fault - we'd both been moving forward and I'd pulled it as soon as I contacted. There turned out to be only 10 seconds left on the clock, in which she scored a half-point, but it wasn't enough - I won the fight. Then she and the loser of the second fight went for 3rd place, which she won, then me and the winner of the second fight sparred for 1st. This girl was also smaller, and I had the longer reach. She also had practically no low guard, so I just kept kicking, and kept scoring. I won the fight easily. After that we all lined up on the edge of the ring and Nigel presented our medals. I got both Kata and Kumite medals - Sensei Nigel called it a "total domination" of the division. The other thing that happened at the tournament that I want to mention was that my little sister was also competing, in the 14 - 15yr old section of my grade level. She also had to 'kata-off' for a place, but she was competing for 3rd. She had to perform her kata 4 times, all in all, but finally she lost, and they started the kumite rounds. Now, Ali's not the competitive sort. She doesn't like kumite all that much, by which I mean she doesn't like being hurt. This is why I was suprised when she won the silver medal in it. Once again, my little sister made me proud of her. Despite her slacking off in training, she went through and won silver. Now if only she would /train/ more than once a fortnight, she might win gold next time... So. That was the tournament. What else has happened since then... hmm. I... went to Uni. Wrote a bit more of LPPstory - the story that is Eating my Brain, but not quite so much now - then had to stop when the main character asked a question of one of her soon-to-be-minions that not even I knew the answer to. Good one Liria. Make me invent plot, why don't you. Oh! I had my first roleplaying session last friday! (See? I /knew/ there was something interesting!) I have never - correction, /had/ never - roleplayed before. I had, the best time. We were playing AD&D 3rd Ed, for those who know what I'm talking about. Since then I've drawn all the PC's, except for Jason's character, because I don't know anything about Jason's character because he wasn't there. Also, I've drawn the main NPC. 2 hours sitting with the DM while he made annoying comments like "her neck's too long" when I'd drawn the head /and/ the body, adn the only way to fix it was to redraw the head, or redraw the body. As I'd just /fixed/ the head, I decided to redraw the body. So anyway, since I'm having so much fun, I'm going to make a page for the campaign and put up the pictures, and also type up our sessions. I'll do it in Reality first, that being the players and the GM talking and the dice rolls and everything. When I have time, I'll also do the other side, writing from the Campaign perspective of things. So... a website update in the near future. If I can get on the computer soon. We'll see. The final eventful thing that happened happened tonight. Last night. Argh. Anyway, I was at Senior Training. And because of a mix-up with the dojo's last week, when I was /meant/ to grade, Sensei Nigel graded me this week. It was a hard session. I'm still sore. But I am now a 6th Kyu green belt. Technically, that is. Because he also awarded me with my Sensei belt. For those who know nothing about GKR style, which I assume is all of you, a Sensei wears and black and white belt (black with a central horizontal stip of white), and has the rank of 3rd Kyu and above. So when I'm wearing my Sensei belt, I'm the equal of a brown belt. After the class, after Nigel had given me the belt and I put it on, all the other guys came up and congratulated me. It was the best feeling. And I have to teach tomor- tonight, and now I can teach /properly/... as a full Sensei. So anyway, now I have to finish my Mallard assignment... it was due at 11:59pm tonight. Last night, dammit. So I'm about 2 hrs over deadline. Of course, it would help if I could understand the questions... So anyway. I live. I'm insanely busy. Roleplaying is lots of fun, and when combined with large blocks of chocolate can lead to hyperactivity for several days. Believe me. I'm a living example. Whenever I think of the session, I start laughing again. And when I think we're doing it again on friday - tomorrow, yay! - and then again /every week/... my eyes light up. Anyway. Mallard. Right. I've already lost 5%... let me not lose anymore. Take it easy. And if I don't blog for a while... it won't be my fault! Friday, April 05, 2002
...so I lied.What bishounen type is your favourite? By ShoSen of Totally Kawaii! Your favourite bishounen are loud, and usually both rude and insulting. Rarely silent, they inflame any given situation with their barbs. They're also very determined, and give up even less often than they stop talking. So much for silence being golden. Examples are Dark Schneider and Duo. YAY! Really going now. A post that's not on a Sunday! yahoo! Tournament tomorrow... I'm confident of winning, but still nervous. I mean, I /know/ that my division is a pushover, since I'm grading out of it next week, but... I don't know. Anything can happen, really. I might twist my ankle walking into the ring and have my chance end then and there. Of course, that shouldn't happen. *crosses fingers* Commonly known as SexGod!Draco, you are usually bisexual. You are horny as hell, and gorgeous as heaven, and you take advantage of both of these things to have sex with ten different people in one chapter of one fic. You are cheerful and very open about your lust. It is rare that a threatening Voldemort-type plotline will come into your story. And...did I say you were horny? Find out which Draco you are. ...eheheheheh.. ^_^;;; Going now. Need a good nights sleep before tomorrow. |
Name: Vel'ithya Tevriel Age: 19 Starsign: Libra Chinese: Rat Status: Taken ^_^ Studying: Japanese (and Creative Writing) at UWA Fallen Angels Drifting Feathers* Paradise Lost Wishlist: X Vol 10 Angel Sanctuary manga Yami no Matsuei manga Yuu Yuu Hakusho (both) Saiyuki anime Captain Jack Sparrow Nano: Twig Tsaiko Ann Changeling Liz Falstaff Sonnlich Favourite...
Anime/Manga: X/99 Tokyo Babylon DN Angel DragonBall Z Blade of the Immortal Trigun Saiyuki Fullmetal Alchemist Characters: Captain Jack Sparrow Genjo Sanzo (Houshi) Sumeragi Subaru Sakurazuka Seishirou Monou Fuuma Duo Maxwell Briefs Trunks Edward Elric Roy Mustang Hobbies/Loves: Writing (mainly original) Reading Karate Archery Music/Singing Chas ^_~ Captain Jack Sparrow Pirates of the Carribean Links...
Reads: Asprosdrakos Catt Changeling Chaobell Fallimar Flamebyrd(LJ) The Great Conjunction House of Mews Ko Leareth Lunar Meia Metamia Mooncalf PenChaft Pirotess Snow Kitten Spooky Thorne Tsaiko Wind ff.net/fp.net Ann(fic) Catt(ff.net) House of Mirrors Lunar(fic) Thorne(ff.net) Twig(fic) Twig(ff.net) Twig(fp.net) LJ friends* Uni: UniSFA Unigames UWAnime UCC Aaron Goth!Chris James Jesus!Dave Max Rae (I) Rae (II) Tom Adam* Alex* Ben* Coman* Davyd* Goth!Chris* Liz* Maelkann* Pam* Rae* Stephie* Tom Tommo* Vegeta* Campaign: Valmar Kalika Evelyn Seigfried Aldo Lives: KnK's Fanfics Irrealistic.net The Academy RoodAwakenings Angel's Gate Disarming Smile Kaitou.net | Bob Tsaiko's World Laranica Firehorse Fantasy Arts Ephebian Paradise Mooncalf Just a Little Ecchi Ficbitches* CLAMPesque Questionable Reality The Very Secret Diaries A Life Like Any Other Juuhachi-gou's Place of Being Vejiita4eva Temple O' Trunks Daizenshuu Ex B-chan Makai Black Market Comics: 8-bit Theater Dominic Deegan Errant Story Utukki Penny Arcade Friendly Hostility Boy Meets Boy w00t_comic* Random...
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