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Tuesday, July 30, 2002
I would write a more detailed entry, except that I have an IPE103 assignent due at 3pm, and I only have an hour and a half to do it before I have more lectures. Suffice to say that I am alive and well, well, not well, per say, as I'm still getting over a cold and mum fears I have a bacterial infection, but living and breathing is a start, right?Very happy with my new shiny laptop. Pam, you suck. Get a blog, not an LJ. Too many people are playing games in UCC. At least the network connection to the laptop seems to be working now. Took 3 different cables yesterday before James found one that worked. Anyway. Off to do IPE103... *sigh*... Friday, July 19, 2002
stupid blogger. please work?
well, due to no proper net connection all the way through vienna, because we were too busy competing, no net connection in llangollen, because it's a small welsh country town, and no time in london (or money), there was no blogging for a while. oops.however, I'm now back in Perth after another horrendously long flight, and my thoughts will continue to be posted up, when I have time to type them all up. And have the notebook I was writing them in with me. (notebook is currently at home). For those of you who don't yet know, the MLC Chorale competed in two festivals, the Vienna International Youth and Music Festival, and the Llangollen International Music Eisteddford. In Vienna, we came equal first with the Bel Canto choir from New Zealand in the Treble Choir section. In Llangollen, we came fourth in the Senior Childrens Choir section. (the previous best an australian choir has come in that section was 7th). We were in the children's choir section, because our choir was 13yr olds to 18yr olds, and the youth choirs must be 16 - 25 yrs old. so, expect blogging to resume as normal. after I catch up on everyone's blogs... (has three weeks worth of blogs to read...) Monday, July 01, 2002
and the thoughts continue...
no caps. sorry. 31/06/02 ### am sitting in jugendherberge in cologne, waiting for my turn in the shower. am rooming with fellow yr 13s annie and judy and small yr 8s (kidlywinks) claire, sarah and haz (annie´s sister harriet). small drama as we were settling in - sarah´s lock wouldn´t open (she locked her case with a padlock). we trekked down to reception, where a very nice german man who spoke ´a little´ english took a few minutes to find us boltcutters fior sarah´s lock. luckily, her key works. i mean, her spare lock. dammit, this interface sucks. i can´t see shit. anyway. amon bottom bunk because sarah claims she´ll get asthmaif she sleeps on the bottom. she´d better have worse asthma than me or i´m going to kick her in her sleep. stupid asthma. room full of germans downstairs, all intently watching soccer. ...brazil had better win, or i´m going to be so annopying. annoyed. damn, this sucks. ...kidlywinks worried about how they look. are amusing. they look just fine. ### brazil won! is all good. germns very depressed. all left quietly from room. cute bunny rabbits i bushes and eating grass. took photo. feel like suck a gurl. girl. say this to annie, who replies, but you /are/ a girl. i clarify - i meant a /girly/ girl. rehearsal at 4pm. ### 1/07/02 rehearsal yesterday long and involved. late people got told to return to their rooms and very apparently on the verge of tears. silly peoplew.. they should have set their watches correctly in the aeroplane for those of us at the rehearsal, a lot of us were dizzy and headspinny, anbd sonme felt like they were still moving, even though they were sitting down. mmm, bus moving makes writing all bad. anyway. my tuning forks are all out of tune. the g and the d are vaguely in tune, as in, /almost/ exactly on pitch, but the a and f are flat. i have to sing them up a semitone, although the a is flatter than the f. after the rehearsal wqe had dinner. zthe jugendherberge staff had cooked me a large potatoe in foil. so with this i had some grated carrot and a piece of meatr. i think it was pork, but it could have been turkey. the general consensus is splkit. we decicded top call it uim, or unidentifiable meat. after that bbshop was called for a rehearsal. we were all completely wasted by this point, as our bodies were telling us that it was 1:30 in the morning. despite tiredness, rehearsal was okay. fixed and learnt moves, fixed pitch of basses when out. after this, we crashed. ah, the goodness of sleep. ...morning. the sun rises at 4am. stupid sun. dozed until 6, when decided was pointless and as breakfast was ar 7, might as well get up and have shopwer. (just made discovery. bus apparently has seatbelts. fat chance of them getting used /ever/) breakfast was the typical german affair of cereal, bread rolls and cold meat and cheese. although they did have boiled eggs in a little basket. camein 10minutes late due to packing, with poacket of corn thins in tow. had corn thins with nutella dna glass of milk, then ate egg and hade more corn thins with butter and a glass of milk. ...maybe shuld eat less corn thins, as almost half packet gone. ...i didn´t weat that many!! only about 6 or 7. so annoying. anyway. after packing the rest of my stuf away, (note to mum: snap lock bags are very useful. should have brought spares.) lugged everytrhing doenstairs to foyer and handed in keys. started to rain. dragged raincoat out of suitcase to drape over uniform, currently on hangers in bus, as uniform must stay dry at all cost nd need to wear it this afternoon for performance. that is, if it stops raining. outdoor performance + rain = cancelled performance. ran down to bus shielding exposed uniform with own body. bbshop clothes that i´m cureently wearing got wet... oh well. have dried now, so no big loss. numbered off in bus - sound deadened by uniforms hanging off overhead shelf everywhere, so was hard to hear numbers from people in front of bus. waved goodbye to jugendherberhge cologne: off to heidelberg! ...bus trip takes 3 and a half hours, plus lunch stop. mmm, more fu nsitting around doing nopthing. mr gallo pointed out my braid to everybody as an example of what it should look like and why chorale should do braids. and by ´pointed oiut´ i mean had me parade up and down the bus s. ...some obscure form of revenge? ### yesterday in the hours between brazil winning and the rehearsal starting, had nice chat with annie. (this is where we saw the cute bunnies). after hat, was walking back to hostel building when ran into mr galklo and group of girls. recalling how much he hates photos, wind camera on and hold to eye. call ´mr gallo´ when turns around, take photo then duck behind annie. rteplace camera in pocket. mr gallo demands camera. i back away. annie blocks him. mr gallo demands photo. i back away some more. mnr gallo feints to one side, spins around and sprints in my direction. i run, kicking off my shoes. stupid slip-ons. mr gallo abandons chase, stealing my shoes instead. bastard. trekk through garden to jugendherberge door, avoiding path with mr gallo on it. anne, gets shoes back for me. nice annie. mr gallo evil. as walking to rehearsal, he comes down with large chunky tuning fork, claims is b flat, to be used for the start of ´walztzing matilda´ and ´o bone jesu´ and others because they start on b flat. i tell him that if i use large clunky tuning fork, it will break my knees and elbows, andb that i can sing up from an a. i thenprove this with the a tuning fork. heh. revenge denied. mr gallo looks mildly disappointed. ### hve run out of top deck. jess baroin apparently has 4 blocks of chocolate, one of which is top deack. will try and get her to give me chocolate if i buy her equivalent sized blpock of german chocolate. ### rang home last night. parents hiome! ()finally). ppam out watchjing soccer with crazy uinisfans. dave elsewhere, at work i think. have nice (short) chat, as ruinning down phonecard. ### i am the connect-four champoin! i have thrashed elois gibson, annie /and/ julia lee in quick succession. next up... mr gallo. ### chocolate success! jess had agreed to swap chocolate if she likes german chiocolate, or just give me some if she doesn´t. excellent. :) ### mr gallo got owned! i remain the connect-four champion of the tour! ### zou have to pay 30 cents tpo use the toilets over here. apparently on the way out, not the way in. ... if the services aren´t up to scratch, can we not pay? ### lunch was kartoffeln (potatoes) and pomme frites (hot cxhips), and an icecream - chocolate chocolate chip. tasty. i also got a fork (little and plastic) - only 2 incgess wide i mean liong, and about half an inch wide. quarter inch. damn the stupid interface. very cute. currently its n my bag. ...i wonder, culd i take it on a plane? we´re listening to spice girls all the way to the lunch stop. thankfully, difrerent cd playing npow. ...spice girls almost as bad as britney spears. ### have spüent most of the bus trip braiding har. annie is runner up connect-four, me beating her 8-5b(current score) ### ´as much as i love strange men seeing me in my bra, i think i´ll pass.´ - annie ´i like to flash my ass!´ - amaya ´look at my breasts!` - amaya again. ´you´re a hot girl... i check people out.` - mimi ´i am a girl.` - mimi again ´i´m fallinf out!´ -deb ´what are?´ - julia ´my boobies.` deb. ´i fully intend to pop a button.` - julia, tlking about the chorale waistcoats. ´you may now insert the ´oxygen mask´.´-annie ´is that what you call it?´-.julia `there were no finger invoolved!`-annie. ### ´great pair of undies.´-mrs may ´there´s a great quote.´-annie (i take out book) ´i was kidding!´ -annie. mrs may repeats her statement to mrs gibson, explaining how annie was flashing everyone. ´giving them a free show.´-mrs gibson ´are you saying i´m cheap?´-annie ### ### okay. no more credit. must post before runs out. chris, don´t be so angsty. postcards on the way to unisfa and home. see you all later. 10:26 in heidelberg. and the thoughts continue... no caps. sorry. 31/06/02 ### am sitting in jugendherberge in cologne, waiting for my turn in the shower. am rooming with fellow yr 13s annie and judy and small yr 8s (kidlywinks) claire, sarah and haz (annie´s sister harriet). small drama as we were settling in - sarah´s lock wouldn´t open (she locked her case with a padlock). we trekked down to reception, where a very nice german man who spoke ´a little´ english took a few minutes to find us boltcutters fior sarah´s lock. luckily, her key works. i mean, her spare lock. dammit, this interface sucks. i can´t see shit. anyway. amon bottom bunk because sarah claims she´ll get asthmaif she sleeps on the bottom. she´d better have worse asthma than me or i´m going to kick her in her sleep. stupid asthma. room full of germans downstairs, all intently watching soccer. ...brazil had better win, or i´m going to be so annopying. annoyed. damn, this sucks. ...kidlywinks worried about how they look. are amusing. they look just fine. ### brazil won! is all good. germns very depressed. all left quietly from room. cute bunny rabbits i bushes and eating grass. took photo. feel like suck a gurl. girl. say this to annie, who replies, but you /are/ a girl. i clarify - i meant a /girly/ girl. rehearsal at 4pm. ### 1/07/02 rehearsal yesterday long and involved. late people got told to return to their rooms and very apparently on the verge of tears. silly peoplew.. they should have set their watches correctly in the aeroplane for those of us at the rehearsal, a lot of us were dizzy and headspinny, anbd sonme felt like they were still moving, even though they were sitting down. mmm, bus moving makes writing all bad. anyway. my tuning forks are all out of tune. the g and the d are vaguely in tune, as in, /almost/ exactly on pitch, but the a and f are flat. i have to sing them up a semitone, although the a is flatter than the f. after the rehearsal wqe had dinner. zthe jugendherberge staff had cooked me a large potatoe in foil. so with this i had some grated carrot and a piece of meatr. i think it was pork, but it could have been turkey. the general consensus is splkit. we decicded top call it uim, or unidentifiable meat. after that bbshop was called for a rehearsal. we were all completely wasted by this point, as our bodies were telling us that it was 1:30 in the morning. despite tiredness, rehearsal was okay. fixed and learnt moves, fixed pitch of basses when out. after this, we crashed. ah, the goodness of sleep. ...morning. the sun rises at 4am. stupid sun. dozed until 6, when decided was pointless and as breakfast was ar 7, might as well get up and have shopwer. (just made discovery. bus apparently has seatbelts. fat chance of them getting used /ever/) breakfast was the typical german affair of cereal, bread rolls and cold meat and cheese. although they did have boiled eggs in a little basket. camein 10minutes late due to packing, with poacket of corn thins in tow. had corn thins with nutella dna glass of milk, then ate egg and hade more corn thins with butter and a glass of milk. ...maybe shuld eat less corn thins, as almost half packet gone. ...i didn´t weat that many!! only about 6 or 7. so annoying. anyway. after packing the rest of my stuf away, (note to mum: snap lock bags are very useful. should have brought spares.) lugged everytrhing doenstairs to foyer and handed in keys. started to rain. dragged raincoat out of suitcase to drape over uniform, currently on hangers in bus, as uniform must stay dry at all cost nd need to wear it this afternoon for performance. that is, if it stops raining. outdoor performance + rain = cancelled performance. ran down to bus shielding exposed uniform with own body. bbshop clothes that i´m cureently wearing got wet... oh well. have dried now, so no big loss. numbered off in bus - sound deadened by uniforms hanging off overhead shelf everywhere, so was hard to hear numbers from people in front of bus. waved goodbye to jugendherberhge cologne: off to heidelberg! ...bus trip takes 3 and a half hours, plus lunch stop. mmm, more fu nsitting around doing nopthing. mr gallo pointed out my braid to everybody as an example of what it should look like and why chorale should do braids. and by ´pointed oiut´ i mean had me parade up and down the bus s. ...some obscure form of revenge? ### yesterday in the hours between brazil winning and the rehearsal starting, had nice chat with annie. (this is where we saw the cute bunnies). after hat, was walking back to hostel building when ran into mr galklo and group of girls. recalling how much he hates photos, wind camera on and hold to eye. call ´mr gallo´ when turns around, take photo then duck behind annie. rteplace camera in pocket. mr gallo demands camera. i back away. annie blocks him. mr gallo demands photo. i back away some more. mnr gallo feints to one side, spins around and sprints in my direction. i run, kicking off my shoes. stupid slip-ons. mr gallo abandons chase, stealing my shoes instead. bastard. trekk through garden to jugendherberge door, avoiding path with mr gallo on it. anne, gets shoes back for me. nice annie. mr gallo evil. as walking to rehearsal, he comes down with large chunky tuning fork, claims is b flat, to be used for the start of ´walztzing matilda´ and ´o bone jesu´ and others because they start on b flat. i tell him that if i use large clunky tuning fork, it will break my knees and elbows, andb that i can sing up from an a. i thenprove this with the a tuning fork. heh. revenge denied. mr gallo looks mildly disappointed. ### hve run out of top deck. jess baroin apparently has 4 blocks of chocolate, one of which is top deack. will try and get her to give me chocolate if i buy her equivalent sized blpock of german chocolate. ### rang home last night. parents hiome! ()finally). ppam out watchjing soccer with crazy uinisfans. dave elsewhere, at work i think. have nice (short) chat, as ruinning down phonecard. ### i am the connect-four champoin! i have thrashed elois gibson, annie /and/ julia lee in quick succession. next up... mr gallo. ### chocolate success! jess had agreed to swap chocolate if she likes german chiocolate, or just give me some if she doesn´t. excellent. :) ### mr gallo got owned! i remain the connect-four champion of the tour! ### zou have to pay 30 cents tpo use the toilets over here. apparently on the way out, not the way in. ... if the services aren´t up to scratch, can we not pay? ### lunch was kartoffeln (potatoes) and pomme frites (hot cxhips), and an icecream - chocolate chocolate chip. tasty. i also got a fork (little and plastic) - only 2 incgess wide i mean liong, and about half an inch wide. quarter inch. damn the stupid interface. very cute. currently its n my bag. ...i wonder, culd i take it on a plane? we´re listening to spice girls all the way to the lunch stop. thankfully, difrerent cd playing npow. ...spice girls almost as bad as britney spears. ### have spüent most of the bus trip braiding har. annie is runner up connect-four, me beating her 8-5b(current score) ### ´as much as i love strange men seeing me in my bra, i think i´ll pass.´ - annie ´i like to flash my ass!´ - amaya ´look at my breasts!` - amaya again. ´you´re a hot girl... i check people out.` - mimi ´i am a girl.` - mimi again ´i´m fallinf out!´ -deb ´what are?´ - julia ´my boobies.` deb. ´i fully intend to pop a button.` - julia, tlking about the chorale waistcoats. ´you may now insert the ´oxygen mask´.´-annie ´is that what you call it?´-.julia `there were no finger invoolved!`-annie. ### ´great pair of undies.´-mrs may ´there´s a great quote.´-annie (i take out book) ´i was kidding!´ -annie. mrs may repeats her statement to mrs gibson, explaining how annie was flashing everyone. ´giving them a free show.´-mrs gibson ´are you saying i´m cheap?´-annie ### ### okay. no more credit. must post before runs out. chris, don´t be so angsty. postcards on the way to unisfa and home. see you all later. 10:26 in heidelberg. |
Name: Vel'ithya Tevriel Age: 19 Starsign: Libra Chinese: Rat Status: Taken ^_^ Studying: Japanese (and Creative Writing) at UWA Fallen Angels Drifting Feathers* Paradise Lost Wishlist: X Vol 10 Angel Sanctuary manga Yami no Matsuei manga Yuu Yuu Hakusho (both) Saiyuki anime Captain Jack Sparrow Nano: Twig Tsaiko Ann Changeling Liz Falstaff Sonnlich Favourite...
Anime/Manga: X/99 Tokyo Babylon DN Angel DragonBall Z Blade of the Immortal Trigun Saiyuki Fullmetal Alchemist Characters: Captain Jack Sparrow Genjo Sanzo (Houshi) Sumeragi Subaru Sakurazuka Seishirou Monou Fuuma Duo Maxwell Briefs Trunks Edward Elric Roy Mustang Hobbies/Loves: Writing (mainly original) Reading Karate Archery Music/Singing Chas ^_~ Captain Jack Sparrow Pirates of the Carribean Links...
Reads: Asprosdrakos Catt Changeling Chaobell Fallimar Flamebyrd(LJ) The Great Conjunction House of Mews Ko Leareth Lunar Meia Metamia Mooncalf PenChaft Pirotess Snow Kitten Spooky Thorne Tsaiko Wind ff.net/fp.net Ann(fic) Catt(ff.net) House of Mirrors Lunar(fic) Thorne(ff.net) Twig(fic) Twig(ff.net) Twig(fp.net) LJ friends* Uni: UniSFA Unigames UWAnime UCC Aaron Goth!Chris James Jesus!Dave Max Rae (I) Rae (II) Tom Adam* Alex* Ben* Coman* Davyd* Goth!Chris* Liz* Maelkann* Pam* Rae* Stephie* Tom Tommo* Vegeta* Campaign: Valmar Kalika Evelyn Seigfried Aldo Lives: KnK's Fanfics Irrealistic.net The Academy RoodAwakenings Angel's Gate Disarming Smile Kaitou.net | Bob Tsaiko's World Laranica Firehorse Fantasy Arts Ephebian Paradise Mooncalf Just a Little Ecchi Ficbitches* CLAMPesque Questionable Reality The Very Secret Diaries A Life Like Any Other Juuhachi-gou's Place of Being Vejiita4eva Temple O' Trunks Daizenshuu Ex B-chan Makai Black Market Comics: 8-bit Theater Dominic Deegan Errant Story Utukki Penny Arcade Friendly Hostility Boy Meets Boy w00t_comic* Random...
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