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Thursday, August 29, 2002
added Max... finally. *grins* Sorry I took so long.
"what moron did that?" --Chas
"probably stephie." --Maelkann Fall, how can you /not/ know about fanfiction.net? It's the pit of voles. *smirks* What are you going to be posting there? *hugs Meta-chan* It's perfectly normal for one to be up in the wee hours... I used too, all the time. Until I started falling asleep during the day and realised that I just couldn't handle it /every night/... *grins* And don't worry about updating your blog... you're just busy. And you'll come back in a while, and start updating every day, just like you used to. ^_^ Tom... you /know/ what I'm going to say. *grins* lack of inspiration. Yep. *nods* And hey, you too, ne? ^_^ Orfeo was pretty good. I saw the article in the paper about it, and we definately got jipped - our lead was the ugly one. (sorry Tom :P) Okay, not ugly... just less good-looking than the /other/ lead... now /he/ was nice looking. Much better then our Orfeo. *sigh* ...nothing else now. maybe later. Tuesday, August 27, 2002
hugs to Coman. Although I'm not sure that you'll feel better. I mean, you said that you're not sure yourself that you were feeling depressed, and- argh. If you feel like you're a void, then you need to fill that void. Preferrably with good things. Eh. I don't know what I'm saying. hugs anyway.
Quotes from UCC basketball to follow: Max, Tom, and myself discuss liquid basketball, the tanky players on the other team, number 13 of the opposition with pants problems, smelly players, the sky-high scores of the teams one court over... and, of course, the love everyone has for Chas. Read on..."Can you best the crap out of him? I'll pay you $4 and a ticket." --me "/My/ $4 and /my/ ticket." --Aaron "Can you give them to him in advance? That way when I beat him I can take them off him." --Tom "I told Tommo if he got a 3 I'd yell 'liquid basketball!'." --Tom (in posh voice)"Soooo... your sister's too busy with her o~opera to support the te~eam." --Tom "Some of them are pretty big guys, but you know, the bigger they are... the easier it is for them to put the ball in the basket." --Tom "Pull up your pants, 13! ...Aargh, did you /see/ that?" --Tom "Better do up the Ninja shoelaces now..." --Aaron "That was solid basketball." --Tom, when Tommo scored a 2-pointer. "Sorry fellas!" --Golden!Chris to our team after passing to the opposition. "Don't let me say something like 'I'm going to keep coming until they win one'." --Tom "Why, cos then they'll win one?" --me "No, I'll have to come to all their matches for the rest of the fucking year!" --Tom "I'd like to stand over there, but they're all too smelly." --Max "I've got Oliver's keys... We should go steal his car and take it for a drive." --me "We could go to UniSFA, get into the room, steal the money out of the cashbox, and as long as we were back before the end of the game, no-one would know... if none of us said anything." --Max (Oliver, being UniSFA president, has the cashbox keys and room keys on his keyring) (Max and me look at Tom) "As long as you split it three ways..." --Tom "Guys, I'm back with the money. There was... (pause) $20. You guys can have $7 each, and I'll have $6, how about it?" --me "And you walk away with your pants jingling at every step..." --Tom "Let's just steal the money out of his wallet, there'd probably be more in there." --me "Nice armpit action there." --Max "I wasn't looking at his armpit." --me "Did you get a smell?" --Max "He shoots like a seal! ...don't put that down..." --Tom "Travel and a half! ...so true and you know it, number 48." --Tom "A non-seal-like shot." --Tom "Thwat! That was Liquid Basketball!" --Tom. Finally. "You know how the score was 40-18? Now the score is 53-18." --me, on the court next to us. "I'd laugh if his pants fell down." --Tom "Would they call a foul?" --me "Call a foul? They'd red-card him!" --Tom "We love you Chas!" --me "I love you Chas!" --Max (Max and me look at Tom) "I'm not going to say... Alright. I adore him from afar, okay?" --Tom "Is it okay for me to say I love Chas?" --Max (pause)"...you can say you love the way he plays basketlball." --me (Max is silent) "Hey!" --me "It's funnier this way!" --Max "Well, 40-22 isn't as bad as 40-18, I suppose." --me "Chas, we love you!" --me "/They/ love you Chas." --Tom (in Tommo voice)"Wahhh!" --Tom Final scoreline 44-23, not as bad as 85-30something on the next court or 60-20something on the court beyond them. Which means that their defence wasn't that bad. They just can't shoot for shit. *grins* Leareth, if you're burning stuff... remember the five CDs I gave you a while ago to burn X TV for me? ...just reminding you about them. :P Which X/1999 characters are you? Quiz made by Chesa Which X/1999 characters are you? Quiz made by Chesa Fall, there'll be no problem in me helping you with Itheriel. Email me all the details and what you want help with and I'll see what I can do. Good luck for the violin solo - you'll be fine. Just think, you haven't spent years and years learning violin to fail now. You /can/ do it. *hugs* As for the raffle tickets... umm... *thinks* I'll see if I can drop them around at some point. I might have a few spare minutes one night. Yeah, that's it. I'll drop them off on wednesday night. Around... 9:45? Because I'll be coming back from karate on the freeway, and I can just detour to your house when I hit Thomas/Loftus street. *nods* Is that okay? ^_^ More UCC basketball goodness tonight. I have almost a full page of quotes to type in. ...but not right now; for now I must do a Mallard assignment that is due at 11:59pm. *checks watch* that's... in 2 hours 25 minutes. crap. *sighs* off to do Mallard then... Thursday, August 22, 2002
see Aaron's post for details. I also get really annoyed with people who tell me that "it's just java" when I don't understand. Does that give me the right to bitch about people who say that now, Chris? It does? good.
Wednesday, August 21, 2002
Mozilla died again. Argh.Well, I'm feeling better today, karate last night helped a lot, it actually dried up my nose. The fact that I was grading might have had something to do with it. So I am now a belt higher than I was. My Sensei jacket came in, along with everyone else's Sensei jacket, so after training at the meeting everyone was rugged up in them. My canvas gi, however, did come in but Sensei thought for some reason that he'd already given it to me, so he didn't bring it. So I have to wait til next week to get it. But oh well *shrugs* Next week! Wai! ...And I finally worked out how to do Sepai! The moves, at least. I'm still not sure about some of the stances, whether they're sanshindachi or nekowasadachi. But at least I've got the pattern down. *nodsnods* Okay, third time lucky. Let's see if I can type up the UCC quotes and have to post /this/ time without mozilla dying on me. "Light it up!" --Tom says this every game. Usually during the first 5 or 10 minutes, when we're winning. "The Ninja pauses to do up his shoe... 'Silent Shadow! ...oh bugger, my shoelace.'" --Tom, on Aaron. (in childish whiney voice)"Mum, where are my throwing stars?" --Tom again. "Grubb's turnover man... passing to the opposition." --Tom "Did they just call out UCC? They did, didn't they." --me "No, they called out fuck. Fuck, we're doomed..." --Tom "You know, they should spell UCC U-C-K..." --Tom "I haven't played with Chas in the field yet. ...I want to play with Chas." --Aaron "Someone break number 11's legs. The guy can /jump/ for God's sake. He doesn't belong in this division." --Tom, on the opposition. "You fucking tool! Nooo..." (pauses) "No, don't write that down." --Tom, on our own side... the person he was commenting on shall, of course, remain anonymous. "I've discovered my new secret weapon." --Coman "Yeah, you just fold your arms and they bounce off you." --me. comment explained below. "He's a complete asshole!" --Tommo, on the opposition. Specifically, number 7, who kept pushing him in the back. Explanation for Coman's comment: about halfway through the second half, number 11 was haring down the court with the ball, for the n millionth time. Coman got in his way and folded his arms. Number 11 slammed into him, ending up on the floor in a tangle of flailing limbs. Coman didn't move an inch. All in all they didn't play too badly. They lost 30-65, mainly due to the fact that number 11 was really, really good, and scored about 40 points all by himself. That guy really shouldn't be in div 14. Sab, I checked out the banner. It looks really, really cool. Now I just have to work out where I'm going to put it... Okay. time to post this, and go to a lecture. Tuesday, August 20, 2002
Mozilla died on me, so I have to type the entire post over again. Biatch.I had a bunch of quotes in here from the basketball, and a small whine about me being sick again, and how much I /hate/ being sick. Again. And as it's really late and I promised Chas I'd go to bed early, I'm going to post said quotes tomorrow when it's not really late and when I'm not (quite so) tired, and go to sleep. Right now. Monday, August 19, 2002
Aaron, I don't have a blah list. I'm perfectly interested to hear about your tekken prowess, or lack thereof. Except when I'm not. But you'll know when I'm not, because I'll be sniping at people and probably be ensconsed in a corner of UCC or on the couch with my laptop, playing Spider Solitaire.
I now have to beat you up. You called Chas a bitch. :P Of /course/ he's going to win everything. He's Chas. ^_^ Good luck with the story and tran hard for your grading. I'm probably grading this week, so we'll see how I go too. Well, Sensei said either this week or next month, so... *shrugs* we'll see. I really like Linkin Park. They always have a song for every mood I happen to be in. Well, any mood except my happy or silly moods, anyway. Take In The End for example. It sums up my apathy perfectly. For that matter, One Step Closer is also fairly appropriate right now too. "It doesn't even matter how hard you try..." Why can't everything just go right? Rae, thank you for your comments on my new layout. My friend Sab worked hard on that layout, she put her time and effort in to it. I'm sure that she'd appreciate your comments too. Myself, I like this layout. It's Dante, for a start, who I liked from the first picture advertising Devil May Cry I saw, and it's in blue and black, which would have to be my two favourite colours. I certainly don't think that it's sucky. I'm sorry that your browser is having problems displaying it, it does look best in Mozilla, and if the text is too small, well, I'm sorry that your browser doesn't have a text zoom function. I'll see about changing that next time I decide to go into the template and replace all the attributes of my tags. Maybe. After all, it's /my/ blog layout. Fall... hurry up and blog. "Yeah, Chas, because I can't keep my eyes off you" --Aaron "New life. New life. The Abyss. I'll take the Abyss, thanks!" --Golden!Chris, with a smile Fall, yes? Who? ...and where? *blinks* Sunday, August 18, 2002
"we've got to organise the sleep together" --Nic
Evelyn's LJ entry for the last half of this session: Ow. Damn. Ow. Damn! Remember the bow from LotR? That the Uruk-Hai leader was using to shoot Boromir full of holes? Yeah. /That/ bow. I got shot twice, once in the torso and once in the right leg. The second shot gave me 11 points of damage. ...Grrr. And I /like/ Evelyn. ...I really don't want her to die. Kieron, incidently, I did finish that game of Spider Solitaire that I was playing when you left, and I won, too. ^_^ I've been on Sensei Camp for the past couple of days, which is why I haven't blogged. Highlights of the camp were: 1. Meeting Shihan (the second highest ranked person in our club after our founder, Kancho Sullivan) and Sensei Gavin (the Senior Instructor of the southern part of Australia). The bow in, instead of bowing to Kancho, Sensei and then everyone, became "Kancho Sullivan. Rei. Shihan. Rei. Senior Sensei. Rei. Sensei Autegani. Rei." 2. Flogging the Regional instructors (Sensei's Nigel, Bill, Ken and Grant), Sensei Gavin and Shihan raffle tickets. Yes, Fall, /your/ raffle tickets. ...Shihan expects to win, you know. He wanted me to promise that you'd join GKR, but I said that I didn't know. So then he said that he'd be expecting the phone call. :P By the way, I've sold 26 of the 30 tickets I got from you (in 1 week, no less!!), and what? I can't guess. Go on and tell me. No, tell me. 3. The training. So much fun. So much hard work. So many Sensei's cramped into a little room. Sardines in a can. I learnt so much from the training we did on Saturday, and it made me realise just how far I have to go before I'll be as good as someone like Sensei Gavin, or Shihan, even. 4. Almost learning Kata Sepai, when we split into Kata groups. We were in the group that didn't know Sanseru and/or Sepai, and since Sanseru comes before Sepai we learnt that one first, and then ran out of time. I already knew Sanseru, so I'm going to learn Sepai in my own time. 5. Watching Shihan spar with Sensei Bill and Grant, and watching them end up on the ground at least once. Funny. 6. The grading. It was four hours long. We started with strikes, blocks and kicks, then stances, and then did a few quick combinations. Because of the size of the room, we had to do Kata and Kumite half the room at a time, so we went through Taikyoku Sho-dan, Taikyoku Ni-dan, Saifa, Bassai-Dai, Seiunchin, Empi, Sanseru, and then I bowed out because I didn't know Sepai. After all the people hoping to grade had done their grade-level katas to the count and in their own timing, we got our mitts and pads on for sparring. /That/ was fun. After a few bouts on each side, Shihan got everyone who wasn't grading to move to the side and all the people who were to spar, black belts first, then the Shodan-Ho candidates. After that (more on the sparring later) we bowed out and watched Shihan presenting the new Shodan-Ho's with their black belts, the new Shodan's with their certificates, and the new Nidan's and Sandan with their certificates. /Big/ certificates. ...three more years, tops, and that'll be me. ^_^ 7. The sparring. Shihan sparred with the people he was looking at to grade to Nidan (2nd Dan black belt) and Sandan (3rd Dan black belt). Shihan himself is a Yondan or Godan. I'm not quite sure which. But anyway, the two for Nidan were Nick and Hong, and the Sandan was Sensei Nigel. Yeah, my regional instructor. Nick was first, and Shihan worked him really hard. As in, caught him in the stomach quite a few times, so eventually whenever his fists moved Nick would just block stomach, leaving his head more open, because he was getting so winded. He was sparring half bent over, and the bout lasted for about 5 minutes, maybe longer. Probably longer. After the bout he just went over to the wall and 'sat down' - kind of folded at the knees - into seiza position. (kneeling. how we sit for the bow in and out). Shihan nicely got the Shodan-Ho candidates to spar in between, maybe to give Nick a rest. Who knows. Then he sparred Hong. This was the same, caught him early with a few stomach punches, so he was blocking low all of the time. At one point Shihan had his hands up high next to his ears, and was getting Hong to punch him. (Hong was, at this stage, exhausted. Just like Nick had been). He kept telling Hong to punch him. Hong did this a few times, and then said he had a sore knuckle. Shihan said "Sore knuckle? So is it my turn now?" Hong also ended up on the floor at one point. Sensei Gavin had spoken earlier about mental toughness during the kick workout of the grading. He'd said that mental toughness/fitness was the ability to keep going when the going got tough. And I think what Shihan was testing with the two Nidan candidates was their mental fitness. 8. The sparring, part two. After everyone sparred, Shihan got Sensei Nigel up and sparred with him. Because Nigel was already a Nidan (and a year and a half overdue for Sandan) the sparring was about as fierce. Except that Nigel held his own much more. He didn't get as worked. Now Shihan is a small Italian (I think) man, slightly smaller than me. The top of his head came up to Nigel's shoulder. And his guard is quite high, so his left hand and Nigel's right hand were fairly close in the air. This meant that quite often both hands would be locked with their opposing hand, in a grip contest, while they both tried to get a hand free to punch or bring a leg up for a kick. At one point they were pressed fairly close together. And Shihan pretended to bite Nigel's arm, as his face was about an inch from the gi. And so Nigel pretended to kiss the top of Shihan's head. Was funny. 9. The sparring, part three. Shihan looked as though he had springs in his feet. I mean, he was bouncing around all over the place, which is understandable since he's short. But... wow. When I get that high... /if/ I get that high *crosses fingers* I hope that I'll be that good. 10. three years, tops. Will work on Evelyn's journal. Right no- ...okay. Real soon now, anyway. Thursday, August 15, 2002
I should really be doing my SE104 lab... or my M132 assignment... but really, I can't be bothered. And I'm not even playing spider solitaire! I'm... just apathetic, I guess. I left Uni early today because I was feeling sick, walking out of one of my SE104 UML lectures that I don't really understand. Aaron, I don't get it as well. I mean, I remember stuff fairly well, and I look stuff up out of the notes, but I don't actually /learn/ it at all. I mean, if I had to take a test on java right now, I wouldn't do very well at all. And as to me hiding stuff well... yeah, I did that all through school. I've had 12 years of practice. *shrugs*Tom, I don't really hate you. You said some hurtful things and I really am more sensitive than I appear and even though these things don't /seem/ to affect me, comments like that hurt. And I laugh and brush them off outside, but they still hurt. And then they stack, and - yeah. Just lighten up on the hurtful comments okay? I hate the way every time I go to edit my template in blogger, it deletes the insides of certain tags. Specifically, the CLASS="*" inside one of my div tags, the SRC="" WIDTH="" HEIGHT="" ALT="" out of the img tag for the ubercool picture, and the http:// reference for the ubercool blog posts that are linked. And my archives just /won't work/, and I don't know how to get them to work. Does anyone know /why/ blogger keeps deleting them? If I forget to add them in, I get broken links, and everything in the 'about me' section loads up on the left hand side of the page, completely obliterating everything I post in the post window. *growls* And it's starting to piss me off. Rae, I know exactly how you feel with the repressing of stress and stuff. Been there, done that. Although probably not quite to your extent. Keep wanting to do stuff and then not. I get an idea and I think hey, that's cool, why don't I do that, and then I just can't be bothered. Examples? /all/ my stories are currently unfinished, and I haven't worked on any of them for about 6 months; I /still/ haven't gotten around to posting actual content on Evelyn's journal, and I've been meaning to do that for 2 weeks; Also for Evelyn, haven't written out the description for Kieron or the story of the first session in her words; Am still not doing java lab or maths assignment; ...etc. It's depressing. All the stuff I really, really want to do... and then just can't be bothered. Am I lazy? Stephie, like I posted on your LJ, I can't come to the Housewarming of Pain. I would be there, in bitchboots and "boybeater" singlet, but unfortunately, Sensei Camp intervenes. ...I'll dress up for you some other time, ne? :P Leareth, this is karma for speeding on the way to the airport. Consider the fine if you'd been caught then doing 40ks over the speed limit, so your $50 fine now, and be glad that they caught you now and not then. And be glad you're not me - if my fine comes through I'm looking at $150 and 3 demerit points. Add double demerits for P-platers into that and that eats up half my points. ...this is somewhat annoying, as you might imagine. Sympathies for your plight, anyhow. Twig!!! LHR Chapter 33!!!! *worships at the feet of Twiggins the Great* Thank you thankyou thankyou!! ^_^ ...okay, enough gushing. I know that I'm supposed to give you feedback and comments and stuff, but right now all my brain is saying is mmmm, LHR, and not much else. *shrugs* And, of course, hoping Cloud isn't too badly hurt. And wondering what the hell Jenova is doing? Sab, Fall... *pokes* update, people! *grins* although, I suppose I can't talk since I went for long periods of time when I didn't update at all... but still! *pokes* Fall, I am flogging your tickets... am about to flog them right now, as a matter of fact. Someone's a little anxious... been checking my blog every 15 minutes/ half an hour... *smirks* To the people who keep hitting my blog for DNangel manga translations... I don't have any. If you'll notice, they're on my wishlist. Because I have the manga, but /not the translations/. So if any of you nice, nice people who happen to have stumbled across my site looking for said translations happen to find them somewhere else, could you please point me in their direction? Thanks. ^_^ Does anyone know if the Handpuppet Theatre is /ever/ going to update? X Vol 7 has been 'coming soon' for... well, months. *shrugs* just wondering. ...also wondering how many people on my "Reads" list actually read my blog... I mean, I know Leareth does, and I get referrers from Meta-chan (smooch! hey Meta, how're you doin'? :P), but who else actually reads it? ...just curious. And yes, Chas, I /know/ my new layout isn't perfect yet. I'm still tweaking it. You too, James. Either help me, or quit whinging. :P Don't think I can drag this post out any longer. Plus it's almost 11pm, which means we'll get kicked out soon. Guess it's time to post this and then head on home. At least mojarra is up and working again, so I don't have to use my tartarus account. Stupid tartarus and their netusage limits. *sigh* Maybe I'll be feeling better tomorrow. Wednesday, August 14, 2002
Still tweaking layout. Should work now.
Off to CE102 *yawns* Tom? ...you suck. New layout... thanks Snow kitten! testing... testing... Tuesday, August 13, 2002
"there are too many freshers in here."--Nic
"so you want me to up and leave?" --me "no, just the rest of them" --Nic "scarf!" --liz "that's right, it is." --me "it's blue!" --liz "yes, it is." --me "I'm allowed to be weird!" --liz Finished an IPE103 assignment - an oral presentation this time. Have to give a 3 minute talk on the topic of "My future in professional engineering". *yawns* Was hard at first, so I ignored it and coloured in my manilla folder. Then when I went back it was really easy, and it only took me about 20 minutes to write it down on a sheet of paper, write it out neater on another sheet of paper, give my talk to the wall while getting strange looks from the repairmen outside doing things to the windows, to check that it is, in fact, 3 minutes long, then realise I had to have an overhead as well, and wrote up one, with the talk outline on it, in purple and blue pen. Is a bit squished, will try and re-write it in the tute if I can scam another overhead off the tutor. M132 test this morning was pretty good, did the integration/Riemann sums thing well, did the Laplace Transforms question easily, but forgot how to do difference equations. *shrugs* oh well, I'm looking at 75% at least, so I'm not too fussed. Repairmen outside this room are really annoying. I'm going to go into UCC and post this. Maybe they'll shut up soon... Random quotes from UCC Basketball: "Go Chas!" --Tom, squealing like a girl. "Chas has the best arse on the team." --Tom once again. "Oliver looks good in a suit." --Tom "Where are my pants?!" --Furry Can't remember the others. Pam and Max had the sheet of paper, and they kept it, saying that they were going to put the quotes on /their/ respective blogs/livejournals. So nyah to them. I was first. :P Monday, August 12, 2002
"cutting oliver out has always been a goal of mine." --Rae"was that ryan batchelor?" --steph *shrug* --me and liz "because I was just talking about 'stuff' in the loft" --steph " 'stuff'?" --me "About how I was spying on all my STAR friends.. I have to go home and tell Coman about this minor problem" --Steph Quotes from yesterday. Today... finished two Mallard assignments, got 100% in both. The next one is apparently due to be posted up today or tomorrow, and I'm going to try and do it before the day it's due in. Today's Mallard is due 11:59pm tonight. If I get into the habit of doing them before they're due, then everything will be good, and I won't lose marks for lateness. The 'song' today has many, many verses. And interruptions. And requires different fonts. Anything in normal text is me. Anything in italics is Ross, and anything in bold is Ben. Anything in [square brackets] is an interruption to the song. Giudici is our maths lecturer. To the tune of I know a song that'll get on your nerves, The long song that spanned not only M132 but CE102 as well... Giudici's work is interesting, interesting, interesting Giudici's work is interesting and that is how it goes. Laplace transforms get up my nose, get up my nose, get up my nose Laplace transforms get up my nose, but they're quite useful. Ben's hair is flying away, flying away, flying away Ben's hair is flying away, he should get some gel. [Ben interrupts the song to state that he's glad he can be a source of constant entertainment. Now...] Ben's inner child is wanting to cry, wanting to cry, wanting to cry Ben's inner child is wanting to cry, because we mock him. Maybe we shouldn't mock him so much, mock him so much, mock him so much, Maybe we shouldn't mock him so much, because it's quite mean. But I'm just an evil bastard, evil bastard, evil bastard, But I'm just an evil bastard, and I'm quite mean. [I interrupt to state that that was Ross's verse, not mine. Now...] [sure it was...] [Anyway... *ahem* ...back to the original topic...] [sexually frustrated??] (::referring to Ben::) [No idea. You're certainly not.] Giudici writes very fast, writes very fast, writes very fast, Giudici writes very fast, but everything is clear. [Now a quick word from Ben's sponsor: when it comes to beautiful hair... pears compare.] [Ben interrupts the song to state that he would like to retaliate in any way shape or form. But he can't.] [Bwahahahaha!] [* = optional of] There's been a whole heap of integrals, * integrals, *integrals, There's been a whole heap of integrals and they're not scary. [Ben interrupts the song to ask if I always get my own way.] [yes.] [Not fair.] The last example was really weird, was really weird, was really weird, The last example was really weird, how did he get that? I'm just scrawling everything down, everything down, everything down, I'm just scrawling everything down, but I'll get it later. [Ben includes head percussion accompaniment] [To be continued in CE102...] [Ben interrupts the song to state oh god, it's continuing. And the madness ensues...] [with head percussion once again.] I am neither hungry nor sleepy, hungry nor sleepy, hungry nor sleepy, I am neither hungry nor sleepy but I will be really soon. [Ross and I interrupt the song to discuss the facts that we both play the cello, and I whooped him in TEE music, and then sing the cello parts of various pieces to each other. Ross can't pick mine.] [Ross introduces the fact that his class music teacher was absolutely incompetent and hence, most of his TEE score came from performance!] [I nyah at Ross: /he/ can't pick my piece... *thbt* :P] [I interrupt the song to point out that it is, in fact, Ross's verse. *poke*] I can't think of much 2 write, much 2 write, much 2 write, I can't think of much 2 write so now it's Jen's turn! [cop out.] [oh yeah!] Ross can't write between the lines, between the lines, between the lines, Ross can't write between the lines because he is messy. [Nyah. You still haven't got my song.] [I've given up.] [Sibelius. Fantasia.] [I haven't heard a word he's said.] [that's because your ears are full of wax.] [must pay attention.] [sure. lying bitch.] [Ben says we should both be shot. Chlorination of the gene pool is not a bad thing.] [he then supplies me with paper. mmmm, nummy.] [Quick mock him more... err... I mean...] [write more clearly, okay? :) biatch.] [my paper, I can make a cameo appearance... biatch] [yes dear.] [on a side note, that's what my father says when my mother goes MEDIEVAL... biatch] [do you tack biatch on the end of every sentence?... biatch] [not always, only when I am talking to a... biatch] [rowr ks ks *makes appropriate claw gesture*] [*twitch*] [Now it all makes sense... biatch... hey that felt good... biatch] [I hate you both. Die, scum.] [no you don't, you are only trying to pathetically emulate your betters... failing miserably... biatch] [you know you secretly love Ben... did I say that out loud? ...biatch] [yes, yes you did. And no, no I don't. I /have/ a boyfriend already. not shopping for another one. Biatch.] [Pax gentlemen, pax] [Sorry... just a lighthearted response to Jen's 'I hate you both' response. No malicious intent meant!] [...biatch] [Apology accepted... Captain Needa.] [We'd better pause for a few minutes... wouldn't want to be kick/banned.][Biatch] [Forsooth! The maiden speaks truely. All men must know that she speaks thruth, so heed her dreadful warning.] Now I'm really hungry and sleepy, hungry and sleepy, hungry and sleepy, Now I'm really hungry and sleepy cos he's going overtime. [Thank you and goodnight.] And on that note... see you all later. I should really go and do stuff to the layout Sab made for me to see if it will work in mozilla, but just can't be bothered. maybe I'll do it later. I should do mallard too. Eh. It's due 11:59pm tomorrow. Blah. Maybe later. Who's teddy bear are YOU? Take the quiz and find out!
You'll have to cook me something sometime then, Fall. With rice, of course, not noodles. But something. ^_^ The $3 extra was a finders fee, sweetheart. I /refuse/ to pay you. Nyah. :P I just got poked in the eye with Chas's eyelash. Ow. Sunday, August 11, 2002
tarantula hawk pics ...the hell?Anyway. Beat me to it, Aaron, with Kieron's quote. *pouts* Hmph. Oh well. And yeah, I wasn't having a great time, but I'm okay now. And James /did/ kiss Pam on the cheek! Right before we left. So he did, in fact, get that drunk. Great to hear that about the blog, Rae. So this thing'll be getting back into action? Excellent. As to the excerpts from Eliane's diary... no mention of Evelyn yet? *pouts* Aww... *shakes self* Right. Re: Evelyn's Livejournal, debating whether to do it in days, as it happened, as opposed to just putting the big chunk in every two weeks or so. Because that would be really annoying for people when they clicked on their friends lists. And is Eliane getting a blog or a livejournal? Eliane as a username is taken, but Eliane_ isn't, so you could use that. I had to use Evelyn_ like you saw. *thinks*... hmm. Will download nifty update clients for livejournal and blogger later, when I'm actually on /my/ computer. Speaking of computers, the two computers at home, the upstairs one which is dad's, and the downstairs one with no memory, are networked. When dad discovered a virus on his computer, he found it on the downstairs one as well. This is probably the reason that the downstairs computer has a) been slow b) had no memory for the past year or so. Wasn't that nice? Both computers are now off limits to everyone until dad gets rid of the virus. My laptop, which was dad's, has been networked to the downstairs computer in the past, when he was transferring files. He scanned it yesterday, with his new, clean copy of a viruschecker thing. And it came out clean. I was so relieved. So /I'm/ free and clear. This was worrying me a few nights ago, because I'd networked to UCC quite a lot, but now everything's fine. People on my M132 lectures were passing around a complaint petition about the mon/thurs lecturer. They were saying that he mumbles his sentences, and can't present correct worked examples. They had a full page of signatures too, and I was in the second row back. I didn't sign it, just handed it on. Because the lecturer /does/ mumble, yes, but he's said that when there's talk in the lecture theatre he talks softer. And if the stupid gits are going to sit in the back three rows and talk through the entire 45 minutes then the lecturer, as promised, is going to talk softer. there is a reason I sit in the first two rows all the time. And everyone will make mistakes. Especially if the same stupid gits are heckling him and talking all the time he's trying to do an example on the board. If everyone would shut up during the lecture, there would be no problems. Why don't the stupid gits understand that? Maybe it's because they're stupid gits. Pretty layout, Leareth. ***SPOILERS for HIKARU NO GO VOLUME 15***(highlight) Why did Sai leave anyway? Because Hikaru didn't need him anymore? Because he'd fulfilled his purpose? I don't get it. ***END SPOILERS*** Two more hours to kill before my IPE103 lecture... maybe I'll do some work. Yeah. And Sab? The layout looks really, really nice. When I showed it to the people at Uni (I had to switch computers and load it in IE) they were very complimentary. Had an okay day yesterday; went paintballing in the morning, which was very fun, then raced home (the paintballing was further north than Upper Swan, so 45 minutes in a car either way) to fill in my PREVIEWS order form and got my sister to take me into the city so I could take it in, then raced over to Fall's place to do a bit of tutoring, then raced back home to have a shower, wash my hair completely free of paint, and get ready for the cocktail party. Now, my sister and her boyfriend were getting a lift in my car along with my boyfriend, because they were planning to drink and we weren't, and Chas doesn't have a car. So Pam goes into Uni while I'm having my shower to pick Oliver and Chas up. Previously in the day, Pam had been nagging Olly to wear a suit. Oliver had said that he would wear a suit if she got another guy to wear a suit, or two girls to wear cocktail dresses. So Pam tried to get Chas to wear a suit. Chas said that /he/ would wear a suit if /I/ wore a cocktail dress. Pam said okay to this, bearing in mind that while she owns dresses, I own one, and it's not a cocktail dress, and I don't fit most of her clothes because she is thin and I have more muscle. Pam then nags me to wear a cocktail dress. I settle on a skirt, singlet and heels, as long as Pam drives me into the city. Which she did. All conditions thereby fulfilled, Chas and Oliver were in suits. "It was fun! I shot people!" - me when asked how paintballing was. "Hey Oliver. Let's go look in Pam's underwear drawer." - Chas. Sab, I know I said this in your shout box thing, but I'm not quite sure how to apply this to blogger. And do you know why it doesn't work in mozilla? Help! Are you free after maths tomorrow morning? Because I have a three hour break to do a) nothing b) fix this c) laze around in unisfa/unigames/UCC etc. *yawns* Off to bed now. Sleepy.........zzzzzzzzzzzzzz Friday, August 09, 2002
CE102 is a boring, boring subject. Because of this fact, myself and one of the classmates who I sit with made up songs in the last two lectures we attended.The Hungry Song (to the tune of I'm a Little Teapot) I'm so very hungry feed me now I am so hungry, there is a cow We can cut it all up it'll say ow Beefy goodness, I'm full - wow! The Sleepy Song (to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star) I'm quite sleepy yawn yawn yawn Want to sleep until the dawn Sliding into comfy bed How I want to rest my head Farone's lectures make be bored I hope that I didn't just snore(d) And we're so talented, that we learnt all about Karnough maps and NAND and NOR gates. Except, apparently, how to spell them. Karnaugh. Karnaugh. Grrr... Had a fight with Bernard today. He threw a stanley knife at me, so I kept it. Then he came over and attacked me to try and take it back. So I unplugged the power of his computer without him noticing. Then I left to get my SE104 lab marked. When I came back about 20 minutes later, the power cord was plugged in again. He took out his stanley knife again, so I took it off him. Then he took out a thick black permanent marker and tried to draw on me, so I took /that/ off him as well. Eventually he got it back off me, due to intervention from one of the pre-freshers. Stupid pre-freshers. Now we're friends again. He apologised, so everything's fine. :P Thursday, August 08, 2002
Was looking at my webpage the other day, and deciding that it looked really crap. The design was old, the content was practically non-existant, and it just looks... well, shabby, really. Thinking about doing an overhaul. Just not sure when I'll have time.Intro campaign tonight... trying to see the king to warn him about the danger. Will be fun ^_^ Rae, I'll be in and out all day; just catch me sometime when I've got at least half an hour free, and we'll do the RPG livejournal stuff for Evelyn... and Eliane? XD that would be cool. For the record, Evelyn... likes Aldo, thinks Valmar's a git (attitude problem), but a git with money, likes Maloniel, doesn't mind Kalika, except when she gets in her way, and Eliane... hmmm. This one's the hardest to think about. ...She doesn't dislike you. In our training, you kept your head and thought well and fought well, and in our journey you're doing a lot of important stuff and doing it well, so she definately doesn't think you're useless. But then, neither she nor Eliane is the type to make friends easily. You didn't have friends on the street, only tempory alliances. She gets along with you, I'm thinking. But she thinks you should practice throwing things more. :P *toddles off to do SE104 java lab...* Tuesday, August 06, 2002
Tired and sleepy, so this will be short:Rae? I love you too. *hugs* Gundam comics pregnant Duo - the hell? *blinks* mpreg is /all bad/. No, really. ubercool - Rae, someone's searching for you... *grins* Leareth, In My Line of Work II was good - I enjoyed it. Good luck for your assignments and everything. Liz - *hugs* Cheer up. It's not as bad as it seems. And it can only get better from here. Anyone else, either a) I can't remember what you said on your blog b) I haven't had time to read your blog c) you didn't have anything interesting to say on your blog d) you did, I just don't remember it e) you suck, I hate you and I'm snubbing you by not talking to you. Take your pick. Tom, you're a bad, bad man. You're going to hell. Sab, I can't remember your other address off by heart, so I just stuck your old link in. *shrugs* Oh well. Thanks again for the layout stuff, don't neglect uni work to get it finished. You're insane to go to the 8am maths lectures, and hope your legs recover soon. You must defeat DDR! Okay, really going now. Lilack, I'm trying to watch the CDs, I'm trying... I just haven't had time to watch them all yet. Please bear with me, I'll have them back to you as soon as I can. Okay, so I'm a lying bitch. I knew that. Finally... Pam? *hugs* Everything will get better. You'll see. Outgrow your past conditioning and grow into the person you want to be, not the person your past conditioning wants you to be. Those other people, who left, and cheated, they're not here anymore. They're gone. And now you're a better person, in a better place, with a better person, and do I have to /beat some sense into you/? :) *hugs* Sunday, August 04, 2002
Had my first session of Kieron's spinoff campaign today. See, Kieron runs a campaign on sundays, and he had some spare adventures that he couldn't fit into his plan for his current players. So, he decided to have a spinoff campaign, in the same world, in the same organisation, but different players. Enter Kieron's spinoff campaign. I'm going to get a separate page for campaign reports, but let me summarise: it rocked. It was really, really fun and I enjoyed it immensely. I wish that it was running more often than every fortnight, and I can't wait till next time.Cold is still here, although much diminished. I still have to blow my nose at fairly regular intervals, and I have a nasty cough that just won't go away, but other than that, everything's fine. Pam? Whinge whinge whinge. I'm sick too, and I had to sing when I was sicker. And I /always/ turn up to choir rehearsals, Alive, sick, or dead. Well, not dead. Deathbed, maybe. *shrugs* ...yes, I /do/ still love you. *hug* Rae? *hugs* Cheer up. I was quite pleased with the result of the fight, apart from Maloniel's eye, and I always thought that it would come to a fight. *shrugs* Valmar can pay for the medical fee we need to treat her properly. But for Uriel's sake, can /you/ please negotiate for the fee? Otherwise we'll be paying bucketloads. *hugs more* Don't get down. It was roleplaying, and if, like you said, that was is your description, then it really wasn't your fault. Blame the dice. It was the dice's fault. If you hadn't critically failed your willpower check, then you (probably) wouldn't have thrown that dagger. And it was that /same die/ that made you fail your called shot. *nods* Therefore, it was not your fault, it was the d20's fault, and we still love you. *hugs* Okay? Leareth, sorry to hear about your dog. I have a vague memory of meeting him when we had that anime night thing at your house. I've never had a pet, so I can't really understand your grief. But I'm sorry. *hugs* "It's all fun and games til someone loses an eye. Then it's character development." - Dave Thackaberry. Lunch time now. Then off to IPE103. *yawn* |
Name: Vel'ithya Tevriel Age: 19 Starsign: Libra Chinese: Rat Status: Taken ^_^ Studying: Japanese (and Creative Writing) at UWA Fallen Angels Drifting Feathers* Paradise Lost Wishlist: X Vol 10 Angel Sanctuary manga Yami no Matsuei manga Yuu Yuu Hakusho (both) Saiyuki anime Captain Jack Sparrow Nano: Twig Tsaiko Ann Changeling Liz Falstaff Sonnlich Favourite...
Anime/Manga: X/99 Tokyo Babylon DN Angel DragonBall Z Blade of the Immortal Trigun Saiyuki Fullmetal Alchemist Characters: Captain Jack Sparrow Genjo Sanzo (Houshi) Sumeragi Subaru Sakurazuka Seishirou Monou Fuuma Duo Maxwell Briefs Trunks Edward Elric Roy Mustang Hobbies/Loves: Writing (mainly original) Reading Karate Archery Music/Singing Chas ^_~ Captain Jack Sparrow Pirates of the Carribean Links...
Reads: Asprosdrakos Catt Changeling Chaobell Fallimar Flamebyrd(LJ) The Great Conjunction House of Mews Ko Leareth Lunar Meia Metamia Mooncalf PenChaft Pirotess Snow Kitten Spooky Thorne Tsaiko Wind ff.net/fp.net Ann(fic) Catt(ff.net) House of Mirrors Lunar(fic) Thorne(ff.net) Twig(fic) Twig(ff.net) Twig(fp.net) LJ friends* Uni: UniSFA Unigames UWAnime UCC Aaron Goth!Chris James Jesus!Dave Max Rae (I) Rae (II) Tom Adam* Alex* Ben* Coman* Davyd* Goth!Chris* Liz* Maelkann* Pam* Rae* Stephie* Tom Tommo* Vegeta* Campaign: Valmar Kalika Evelyn Seigfried Aldo Lives: KnK's Fanfics Irrealistic.net The Academy RoodAwakenings Angel's Gate Disarming Smile Kaitou.net | Bob Tsaiko's World Laranica Firehorse Fantasy Arts Ephebian Paradise Mooncalf Just a Little Ecchi Ficbitches* CLAMPesque Questionable Reality The Very Secret Diaries A Life Like Any Other Juuhachi-gou's Place of Being Vejiita4eva Temple O' Trunks Daizenshuu Ex B-chan Makai Black Market Comics: 8-bit Theater Dominic Deegan Errant Story Utukki Penny Arcade Friendly Hostility Boy Meets Boy w00t_comic* Random...
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