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Monday, September 30, 2002
Much stuff has happened. Last week of uni before mid-semester break. Suprise birthday party. Birthday. Went clubbing. Was fun. Will be heading to Mt Barker sometime this week to meet Chas' family. Scary. Have lots to blog, but no time. [heart] list:I [heart]... Jesus!Dave - FF7, FF8, and a playstation. Tom - he gave me a hug. a hug! Aaron - he danced. and is cool. James - just because. Nicole - the flowers. Pam - you organised a party! Oliver - you hosted the party. Davyd+Stephie - you came. Kieron - it's the thought that counts. Golden!Chris - you weren't there, but you twisted your ankle, so I feel you're properly punished. Cameron+Sophie - the flip book was really cool ^_^ Adrian - also not there, but I now have a network card, so that's all okay. My family, because they're all so cool. And finally, I [heart] Chas. Because that was a present that'll never get old, or worn; I'll never get tired of it and want to throw it away. It'll be bright and shiny forever. Quotes, before I forget: "I'm not kissing Chas because it's your birthday." --Aaron "You'll punch me and I'll throw you and it'll look really cool!" --Aaron again "That's what they call him when they're not calling him El Presidente - Oliver "The Big Kahoona" Mailes." --Tom "I wanna be like Chas." --Olly "I'm not as good at it as Chas." --Olly, providing further proof the above statement. Okay. Will blog sometime in the future. Hopefully soon... Tuesday, September 24, 2002
This sucks. I can't get to any blogspot.com blogs. dammit. And so no-one will be able to see this. or, indeed, will have seen my latest post. *sighs* this sucketh mightily.
Monday, September 23, 2002
Blogger? Please post my stuff. *growls* "Hey, you got abs!" (blinks) "How'd you get them?" --Nicholas (Chas's brother) "Most mecha fanboys are retards" --aaron :P Tommo to Greg: "Don't unzip my pants." "Too many assholes, not enough faggots." --Rob Hepburn I'm not dead. Not yet, anyway. So stop telling the vultures circling ominously to rack off. Thank you. *grins* They say eyes are the windows to the soul. Her eyes are blank. Don't get me wrong, she's not comatose or anything. She just doesn't feel. Or care. They say they used to be pits into hell. I don't know what happened. But if I were you, I'd keep well clear. They say she doesn't care whether she lives or dies... or how many she takes with her. fic-snippet, possibly from the Dark!fic, maybe. *shrugs* Just something I thought of. Dammit, Sab, stop changing your blog every couple of weeks! *goes to wrestle with blogger/mozilla again... As to the ball, sounds like you had an okay time. Our yr 12 ball sounded a bit better, though. *shrugs* but that may have just been me. Twig? Your layout kicks ass. I know how that feels. Dear god do I know how that feels. Rae - Yomiko or Nancy, hmmm. *thinks* How about both? One of each, and you could use them alternatingly. Or even, both on the same pic! *grins* As to the Royal Show thing, I'm, well... kindaalreadygoingonfridaywithchas. yeah. *grins* So sorry. And my birthday is the sunday, so not then either. *grins* What's Your Love Style? ne, Leareth, I didn't say this before, but thank you. Just... thank you. ^_^ Kouri, yay! Another fic update! *sparkles* Sunday, September 15, 2002
Sign the Petition Saw Ring last night. Was freaky, but really, really good. Everyone should see it. It's a Japanese horror movie, about a video that puts a curse on anyone who watches it, that they'll die in one week. Very cool. Leareth - I first got the Nightrunners series last year, I think. Don't forget what Lyn Flewelling said at the beginning of the third book? This is not a trilogy. This is not a trilogy. This is not a trilogy. ^_^ Alec and Seregil are indeed, sweet. I want more! Thursday, September 12, 2002
"I have a magic clap!" --Stephie (blinks)"You have the clap?!" --Matthias tried to post yesterday but Cybium wouldn't let me. Stupid XP. Anyway. Have been depressed lately. Hugs to those who tried to cheer me up, Chas, Rae, Pam, etc. Thanks. I love you all. Meta-chan - *hugs* Being so far away from the tragedy last year means that I wasn't as badly affected as some of you guys on the North American continent in the USA and Canada. I made a point of not turning on the TV yesterday or reading the paper, I didn't want to know. *hugs more* As a side note to the 911 thing, my IPE103 lecturer mentioned yesterday that there were 3½ thousand casualties on that day, from people who died in the towers, and on the planes. He then mentioned that 3½ thousand people die on America's roads, every month. Every /month/. S what's next, the war on roads? or cars? That many people dying apparently only matters when it's something the America can fight, or make into something it can fight, like its War of Terror. But when it's something to do with America's comfort... god forbid, no matter how many deaths it causes. Just a thought. Linked Thorne *waves*. Ubercool again!! *grins* Rae is just handing them out this week... Uni people - Hugs to Stephie and Liz. Whip cracks to Rae. Get a move on, girl. *smirks* Kicks to that Ant guy; sweetheart, you're a git. Bugger off, no-one likes you. Cheers to Coman. Go the Student Party. Hugs to Aaron. If you need to talk, I'm only an email away. As for tomorrow's grading... well, I haven't done the SE lab yet. *winces* So... I'll be doing that 2 - 5pm. And I'm having lunch with Kath at 1pm, so... I'll tell you what. I'll come to your next one. Unless I'm out of the city/sick/dead/have something else really really really important on. Okay? *hugs again* Tom, /I/ read your weblog. Because /I/ don't have an LJ. Because /I'm/ not a pretentious LJ user. *smirks* post written during SE104, at 1pm this afternon. 15 minutes gone. Noisey ppl up in back corner. Student Party got a louder clap than STAR (Student Team About Results). Stefephanie spoke for STAR. Coman spoke for Student Party. Stefephanie repeated speech about students paying up to $100,000 for uni degrees. STAR seem to be mentioning this a lot. Are they basing one of their campaign points on this? I don't know why. I mean, obviposly /no-one/ wants to pay this much for a degree, so surely whichever party gets in will opppose this motion by the government. STAR shouldn't be basing their campaign around this point, because it's a weak argument. Don't they have any other policies? Got Rational Rose (a CASE tool we use to do UML in SE104) on my laptop. Matthias got a copy onto Cybium, and I networked in like usual and ripped it off. Well, ripped a copy over, anyway. Note to self: burn some of the manga I leeched from Liz onto CD. I don't want Fu-kun to burn all its memory. Half an hour gone. 15 minutes to go. At least I'm not asleep yet. "Let's take Internet Explorer as an example." --Lecturer "Do we have to?" (whinge) --me Okay. getting sleepy now. Got.. to.. stay.. awake..! 1:40. Almost there. *sighs* and then I've got work. And I bet Stevie will have done a bunch of ECGs and they'll all be on the bench for sending. On the plus side, work! mail! eeee! On the minus... I've got to get the mail up by 3pm. More work to do before then. *sighs* oh well, I suppose it doesn't /all/ need to go... as long as the tests all go... 1½ minutes. joy. Time to go. Bye! Sunday, September 08, 2002
*points to linksbar* I am Ubercool again! Go me!
Kouri - squee! You updated! *reads reads reads*Not much to blog about. Went to grading today, found out one of my old students at Mt Lawley that Mike (no, the other one) and Troy take now (I was only a Sempai then) has the same birthday as me. Interesting. Handed in training fees, went home. suprised a friend of mine, she's in my sister's year and has been having a rough couple of months. My sister and her friends invited her around for a movie. Well, my /sister/ invited her around. Lise didn't know the others were there. And she came in and we had party poppers there and we set them off and all the streamers inside flew in the air and she got a shock. Was good. She was very happy. The rest of the week that I haven't blogged about yet... mmm. Friday was a bad day. Let's not talk about that. Saturday was almost as bad. Wrote 8 pages of dark!fic. May post it, at some stage. Will be rated highly. Well, not /that/ highly. MA15+ at least. Two new links: Meia(fic) and Mooncalf(LJ). *adds* ...oO(fine)Oo... Wednesday, September 04, 2002
"I should give you a blowjob while you're writing code." --stephieNo basketball quotes because Tom is a bitch and didn't take any down. I didn't go because Chas wasn't going and I had to do work anyway. Apparently they lost something like 80-20, so no big loss on my part. *shrugs* Lilack - It's weird, I just seem to have more to blog about. *shrugs* Thanks for the welcome back, and your new layout is extreme!kawaii... And thank Sab for my layout, she made it. *grins* as much as I would /like/ to take credit for it... :P Tsukineko - ne, I didn't know it was your birthday! Happy Birthday! (belated, but I didn't know, so that's a valid excuse, right? Right?) Sounds like you had a wonderful time at the suprise party. Leareth - Hey, that is so not my fault. You /could/ have said no. /I/ think the /real/ reason is that you have a weakness for doing stuff. Maybe you secretly want to write plays. *thinks* Okay, I'm just talking crack. But I maintain that it's not my fault! ^_^ :P Meia - *grins* I went back to my junior school at the end of year 12. See, I went to a private girls school, and it had the junior school down one corner and the senior school in the back half, with the ovals etc in the last corner. And all the girls who'd been there since year 1 (there were 12 of us) went together and strolled through the buildings, taking photos of us on the play equipment. And then we invaded the year one classroom and sat on the tiny, tiny chairs that are only about 6 inches off the ground, and our knees came up to our chins, and we all crowded together and took a photo. And then all the little year ones came in from PE, and we oohd and aahd and left them with their teacher. But the teacher who taught me in year 1? Mrs Rhodes, her name was, and she was a grandmother then. She died when I was in about year 8/9, I don't remember the exact year. *shrugs* The thing with going back was that none of the year 7's came up to my shoulders. And when I was in year 7, I remember the year 12's being these huge, huge people. And I don't think I'm that tall now, and yet I am. ...it's just a matter of perspective, I guess. Mooncalf - *grins* that fic was so bad I almost clawed my eyes out. /Nice/ parody writing. Lecture soon. *leaves* Tuesday, September 03, 2002
Referrer links:tekken fanfics, like night and day --try here - I'm sure /he/ can redirect you to a suitable site. *smirks* rabbits and bunnies manga --Ri~ight... *scratches head* ...anyone? judy thackaberry --*blinks* ...Dave? Any relation? genesis x chapter 23 (by shell and kira) --Kira, Shell - this one's for you. And of course, the million and one referrers for angels deserve to die, and the four referrers for gundam wing/duo m-p-r-e-g. I refuse to spell that properly anymore, and take more hits for it. Bored now. Monday, September 02, 2002
Forgot to take in my training fees yesterday. When we teach a class, unless we're giving the money and class sheet to Sensei Nigel right away that night, we need to page in before 10pm and let him know the number of students and how much money we made etc. Then, if it's before wednesday and after sunday, we hand them to him at senior training; if it's after wednesday and before sunday, we hand them to him any way we can. I teach on thursdays, so it's good for me in that my class is the day after senior training and I can implement anything we've been told in my class. It's also bad because I need to hand in the training fees somehow. I used to hand them in on sundays, at sunday morning training with Margaret. But this sunday I didn't because, as you would have read a few posts below, I had to sing at a church service with the Chorale. So I do the church thing, organise myself, and go off to Uni to do work and gaming. So I'm at Uni today, just chilling and reading Strings of Fate, a very good online comic. And who should ring UCC but my little sister, calling to tell me that I need to ring Sensei Nigel. Now. And I remember that I didn't hand the fees in... ah, damn. I take the number and call Nigel. And he's okay, gives me his address and everything, I'm going to drive there and hand them in tonight. Nigel lives in Pearsall. Pearsall! That's, like... shit, an hour? north from where I live. ...And I need more petrol.Why couldn't I have /remembered/... I feel bad now. Okay, not bad. I think blah is the word. Yeah, blah. Just ignore me over here, blah blah blah... Sunday, September 01, 2002
Two massive posts in two days... I should feel exhausted.
Everytime I want to change my template, I have to have my layout up in notepad, and once I've finished adding in my new link(s), I have to go through and add in all the attributes that blogger has deleted. Blogger says that it's a problem with it and mozilla, and that there may be a patch, there may not be. *sigh* I dislike beating it into submission every week, so I hope there's a patch.Rae, I know I commented these on your LJ, but I'm going to repeat them here. Would like to receive email. Containing identity of person/people, any ...they fight crime! fic you've written or your ...they fight crime! pair that you're going to write about, and the ROD smut fic :P *is waiting*... Part 1: Surfacing. Good characterisation, from what I can remember. Nothing really stood out as incorrect or jarringly not!cannon. Same with Part 2: Falling. Again, nothing bad. Nancy's reaction seems okay. I mean, she's broken inside, in pieces and desperately looking for something to cling to, and she's got Yomiko right there, and so she's waiting for an answer. I think. *shrugs* I'm not too good at the constructive critisism, even though I know authors crave it. :/ I mean, I read something, I like it, I like it, there's no real "I liked it, but..." unless it's really jarring. Basically, I believe. And I don't pick holes in something unless a)I don't like it b)it's a Lit book and as b) can never happen ever, ever again because of the fact that I don't do Lit anymore /ever/, and a) isn't happening because I don't hate your fic, I liked it and so find it hard to detect flaws. *breathes* Like I commented, waiting for the next part. And the smut-fic :P I wish people wouldn't hit my site looking for m-p-r-e-g stuff. especially related to gundam wing. *shudders* Ew. Just... ew. Goth!Chris: we've got... carrot sandwiches for the guards. Kieron: is that a whole carrot? G!Chris: Yes! Kieron: It's a loaf of bread with a carrot pushed through it. It's a whole /lot/ of carrot sandwiches! later Kieron: you've run out of carrots. you've got potato sandwiches now. Session last night was good. Evelyn and Eliane met a Fey called Sureene, and we helped him to escape because he has information about the castle. Valmar and Kalika and Aldo were there too, of course, masquerading as servants, and they snuck us lockpicks so we could get out. When we got to the waste chute they'd snuck up to get us out, Evelyn remembered that she didn't have her hunting knife that she always carries. She was going to go back and get it, until Kalika kicked Valmar and he gave it over. He'd picked it up when they found a weapons storeroom and was going to keep it. Ev: did you find anything else? V: like what? Ev: a hunting knife. Bone handled hunting knife. V: no. Ev: I'm going back then. V: *shrugs* It's your life. El: I'll come with you. Ev: Thanks, Eliane. K: *kicks Valmar* Ev: huh? V: you mean this? *produces knife* Ev: yes. *takes knife* V: I didn't know it was a hunting knife. Ev: (thinks: blatant lie. bastard.) Evelyn is currently on -9 hitpoints, and still concious and pissbolting with the others towards Rutherbosk, the neutral bridge city. We've got about a day and a half, two days of travel to get there, and the guards from the castle "Fort Triumph", as they call it, have horses, and are probably faster than us. And as soon as the healing/not!healing thing they did to Eliane and Evelyn wears off, I am going to be unconcious. I mean, -9! At least I got my dagger back. Dagger count before capture: 20, plus hunting knife. Current dagger count: 8, plus hunting knife. ...need more daggers. I also lost my shortbow and arrows. and most of my gear. *grumbles* must change character sheet equipment list, now... *sighs* *snerks* Liz, waiwaiWAI! *grins* that is so cute! Okay, enough now. "You've got cold hands. you should warm them up. with Jen." --Nic Topics to talk about: 1. Sleepout 2. My trip to QC 3. Father's day 4. Social blogging Okay. Sleepout first. To start with, it shouldn't be called the sleepout, because that name belongs to Mission Australia, and we weren't raising money for mission australia this year. It was called the "Cameron Hall Charity Sleepover", and we were raising money for Youth Focus, which helps to prevent youth suicide. During the night, there were movies, games, tekken, and LAN, which helped people stay awake. Altogether we raised $1500+, which was really good. Amusing moments occured during the setting up of my laptop to see the other computers already connected to the LAN hub. Matthias was doing it, and he came to the screen where the name of the computer was. Matthias: "So /you're/ NewSharpNotebook37X!" me: "ummm, yeah?" Matthias: "Your computer needs a name." Liz: "Sei-chan!" me: "I think someone else's already done that..." me: *thinks* me: "How about Fu-kun?" So my laptop is now called Fu-kun. *breaks wine bottle* During the course of the LAN, I leeched stuff from Edith (Liz), Adeline (Rae), and some other random computer names who I didn't know. Philip, Liz's friend, had named his computer Killme, and had all the anime stuff on. However, I was taking stuff from Liz first, and by the time I'd finished getting the manga and music she had, Philip had already un-shared everything so his computer would speed up and he could play a game with five or so other people. I fell asleep at about 5am, because I had to go to work at 8:30am, as if he un-shared his computer I didn't get to get anything because when I woke up at about 7:30, I had to pack up Fu-kun and go home. :( At least I got Yami no Matsuei from Liz. *cheers* QC... I went in, and I got X Volume 8!!! In english!! ^____^ I know, I know, this may not be important to many of you, but I haven't read it in english, and reading translations just isn't the same. You get things like p.37 Kamui: AHHHHHHHH! p.38 Kamui: AHHHHHHHH! p.39 Kamui: AHHHHHHHH! which isn't terribly helpful on what, exactly, is going on, except that Kamui's screaming. Which he does a lot of anyway. So I was very glad to have it!! ...now if only they would bring out volume 9... Father's day... well, after me and my little sister sang with the Chorale in a church service (they baptised a little baby. And she was so cu~ute! and she didn't cry.), we had a father's day lunch with grandma (my mum's mum). And we had cream! which we don't have very often, because "cream's bad for you" (mum). Dad got some peanuts, some cashews, and some macadamia nuts. And probably ties and socks, but I don't know because me and ali were at the church thing. Fall, was your violin thing last friday or this friday? And if it's forecast for rain a lot this week, I may consider picking up my umbrella on wednesday night after karate. Maybe. Itheriel, now... I've got to think more about that. Give me a couple of weeks, okay? Chas and Golden!Chris are talking DnD in the background. I can just hear them over the music in my headphones. "What kind of unintelligent fireball is that?" --Chas "What? You mean it doesn't discriminate? But I've got 18 intelligence!" --Golden!Chris "I'll disarm you with my greataxe!" --Chas "Dire flail! Dire flail!" --Golden!Chris Ne, Meia, babies being baptised certainly rate up there in the scale of cute. She was dressed adorably in a little white cotton dress and little white lacy bonnet, and she had her eyes wide open and was looking around and she was so cu~ute! *ahem* And I maintain that I was /never/ that small. *grins* *pokes Sab* Banner... Please re-post my banner... or just send me the address... please? *looks pitiful* And if you've fixed what you changed in the older posts, well, they still all point to the same place. *frowns* have you considered emailing diaryland and finding out what's wrong? Lucky neko... I was going to leech Spirited Away from Liz or Philip, but didn't get around to it. Liz didn't share it, and Philip didn't un-share his stuff... *cries* must... get... a copy... linked Spooky. *waves* |
Name: Vel'ithya Tevriel Age: 19 Starsign: Libra Chinese: Rat Status: Taken ^_^ Studying: Japanese (and Creative Writing) at UWA Fallen Angels Drifting Feathers* Paradise Lost Wishlist: X Vol 10 Angel Sanctuary manga Yami no Matsuei manga Yuu Yuu Hakusho (both) Saiyuki anime Captain Jack Sparrow Nano: Twig Tsaiko Ann Changeling Liz Falstaff Sonnlich Favourite...
Anime/Manga: X/99 Tokyo Babylon DN Angel DragonBall Z Blade of the Immortal Trigun Saiyuki Fullmetal Alchemist Characters: Captain Jack Sparrow Genjo Sanzo (Houshi) Sumeragi Subaru Sakurazuka Seishirou Monou Fuuma Duo Maxwell Briefs Trunks Edward Elric Roy Mustang Hobbies/Loves: Writing (mainly original) Reading Karate Archery Music/Singing Chas ^_~ Captain Jack Sparrow Pirates of the Carribean Links...
Reads: Asprosdrakos Catt Changeling Chaobell Fallimar Flamebyrd(LJ) The Great Conjunction House of Mews Ko Leareth Lunar Meia Metamia Mooncalf PenChaft Pirotess Snow Kitten Spooky Thorne Tsaiko Wind ff.net/fp.net Ann(fic) Catt(ff.net) House of Mirrors Lunar(fic) Thorne(ff.net) Twig(fic) Twig(ff.net) Twig(fp.net) LJ friends* Uni: UniSFA Unigames UWAnime UCC Aaron Goth!Chris James Jesus!Dave Max Rae (I) Rae (II) Tom Adam* Alex* Ben* Coman* Davyd* Goth!Chris* Liz* Maelkann* Pam* Rae* Stephie* Tom Tommo* Vegeta* Campaign: Valmar Kalika Evelyn Seigfried Aldo Lives: KnK's Fanfics Irrealistic.net The Academy RoodAwakenings Angel's Gate Disarming Smile Kaitou.net | Bob Tsaiko's World Laranica Firehorse Fantasy Arts Ephebian Paradise Mooncalf Just a Little Ecchi Ficbitches* CLAMPesque Questionable Reality The Very Secret Diaries A Life Like Any Other Juuhachi-gou's Place of Being Vejiita4eva Temple O' Trunks Daizenshuu Ex B-chan Makai Black Market Comics: 8-bit Theater Dominic Deegan Errant Story Utukki Penny Arcade Friendly Hostility Boy Meets Boy w00t_comic* Random...
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