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Wednesday, October 30, 2002
Have stuff to blog. Will blog later. Maybe.Have come to the conclusion that shorter blog entries make your blog easier to read, more inviting to visitors than large chunks of text do. I mean, when confronted with two blogs, one of which has nice, short entries, while the other has long, crowded entries, I know which one /I/ would prefer to read. I think. Anyway. Will blog later. Right now, am re-reading A Long Hard Road. Mmmm, FF7 goodness... Saturday, October 26, 2002
Blah. Aaron, feel better. Please?Blah. Why do I always feel blah on saturdays and fridays? This just isn't fair. I was /happy/ this morning, too. Thursday, October 24, 2002
"Then again, if I was with Chas, I'd be swooning all over my LJ. That's one attractive man." --AaronRanma/Sanzou. Man, that thing is funny. Can't be bothered searching for the link. Liz, you rock. That random story thing is really cool. And so, so wrong. Someone says that I have to blog. Watch me blog. Blog blog blog. This is not the blog entry you are looking for. Move along. Monday, October 21, 2002
"It's not like I can get five-year-olds just /anywhere/." --Rae
"Chas, pull your pants down." --Tom "I'm lost without Aaron." --Chas "Thou shalt not shave me with tweezers." --Chas Had an interesting conversation with Fall on saturday. Quick notes I jotted in my notebook include building slash, oranges, pyramids, sphinx/obelisks, freeze-dried, freezer - shrivel + chair, eyebrow. No, I really don't think I want to explain. ^_^; Hope you get net access back soon, Kouri. Finished Fool's Errand yesterday. No, saturday. The last few days are all blurred together in my mind. I've been pretty tired for the past few days, and still am, despite getting about 12 hours sleep last night. The game was okay. There were a couple of puzzles I needed Chas's help for, and the ending was the "...huh? Okay, what just happened?" kind of ending, but the game itself was pretty good. Pretty, pretty layout, Leareth. I have that image as my desktop image. I have nothing to say to anyone from uni, because you've posted practically nothing since the last time I read everyone's blogs. :P No, I lie. I have hugs to give to Aaron. Just because. ^_^ *Updates The Academy link* Like I said on Lilack's tag board: Leareth: 306 referrer hits. James was trying to see if he could refer more people to my blog from his bookmarks page than anyone else, but I still get more hits from your page. Lilack: Do you see Liz often? Because if you do, I can give them to her to give to you at UWAnime or JAFWA or something... ever since they scheduled a lab on during UWAnime time I haven't been able to go. :( Lilack/PerSeiD: I would /love/ a copy of Gaiden ^_^ Thursday, October 17, 2002
I hate everything. Especially stupid "engineering" units like Introduction to Professional Engineering 103. Which is all about technical writing and communication and risk assessment and stuff. Nothing else would explain why I have to write a 1000 word section of a 4000 word assignment by tomorrow. Argh. /And/ a one-page executive summary.Stupid stupid stupid... I hate this. Tuesday, October 15, 2002
Heh heh heh - thanks Kouri! Dave, it reads as "8-bit Theater" to me... *shrugs* So no, no name change. Monday, October 14, 2002
Do we get pictures of this shirt, Meia? Sounds pretty. *smiles**pouts* you got Naruto episode 1? I tried, but the Toriyama World download seemed to screw up, and so it didn't work. *whimpers* I want the Naruto goodness, I do... ne, Murasaki, how do they work out which number is each person? *is confused* Now that Kekkai is back up, I've read the Technomancy post I heard people talking about. Technomancy was a great site, and I always enjoyed reading the blog and all the other goodies the site possessed in fanfiction, fanart, humour, etc. Thanks for a great time, technomancy. See you later. *waves* Apart from the searches for nice armpit and Pregnant Anime Series, nothing interesting on referrer checking. Oh, and James? The combined totals of both addresses is 207, putting it in second place. Leareth still beats you with 306. *smirks* Sounds like you had fun at the Morrissey concert, Tom. I suppose if I ask who Morrissey is I'll get slapped, or yelled at, or ignored. Actually, you'll probably make some scathing remark about how stupid I am not knowing who this person is. So, I won't. I'll just say that I'm glad you enjoyed it, and you should have punched that git. Just because. Since when do I have to make sense, anyway? :P Nothing to comment on on uni people's livejournals, because people with LJs are boring and stuff. And Rae's not spamming so much. *grins* And, er, apologies for spamming my blog so much tonight, but a) it's my blog b) I feel so much /better/ now after reading Tomato Nation's "101 things to do when you've got a cold", no, I don't know where the link is go look for it yourself, and c) I'm procrastinating. Stupid IPE major assignment.. *grumble mutter* Added Yume, Kouri's sister. *waves* Took the Slash-fan quiz: How Much of a Slash Fan are You? brought to you by Quizilla You're a slash goddess; you know all the best sites, are on the best lists, have your own Live Journal with 50+ of the best Friends, and nobody ever flames you (or if they do, you laugh it off). You rule! Of course, the fun part was when Chas took the quiz. The question where it asked how many slash fics you've read, he picked the 'only one' option, admitting "the diaries count, don't they" *smirks*. Anyway, Chas gets: How Much of a Slash Fan are You? brought to you by Quizilla You're probably in the wrong fandom. Gen or *gasp* Het fic probably is more your thing. You may read slash, but you do it secretly, and deny it in company. *laughs* Nyah. Was feeling kind of blah earlier. Am feeling better now. Chas has Colm's hat on backwards, and that cheered me up. ^_^ Had a scare this morning - Fu-kun has a dodgy CPU, in that if it gets banged around too much, it gets a little loose, and so crashes. Fu-kun wouldn't start for me this morning; I put in my BIOS password, and then it crashed, with a click of death and the black screen of doom. After a few hours of taking it apart, and putting it back together, it still crashed. So James fiddled around with the CPU and then it worked. So, crisis averted, Fu-kun is okay and does not have to go into the shop. Luckily. Because I have a major group assignment to hand in on friday... having done none of my section, and having everyone else's sections saved on my hard disk. Sunday, October 13, 2002
To: My body
From: Me Make up your fucking mind. Thank you. Thursday, October 10, 2002
So I was driving to uni this morning, and at the Thomas St/Abedare Rd lights I happened to glance down at my legs. What I saw was a small spider crawling over them, About the size of a 5 cent/ 10 cent piece. It was light brown-ish, in that translucent way spiders are, and had a 2mm square patch of white on its body. My mind went "...there's a spider on my leg. It's got a patch of white. It's a white-tail! Ahhh!" And I proceeded to squash it with something flat. So now I have this little smear on my pants leg where the tissue didn't quite clean it off. But man... white-tail. Yuck. I'm just wondering how long I was carrying it around in my pants for, or if it just decided to hitch a ride today, or... *shudders* white-tails are /dangerous/, man.And then, of course, I was in maths with Ross and we had a conversation. I told him about the spider, and he turned it into a crab, and suddenly we were talking crab-maths. Rate of change of crabs with respect to x where x is displacement: δ(crabs) δx lim (crab) = Jen ? crab→∞ 2002 nobel prize for science: Ross Burton for his ground-breaking formulae with crabs. Probability distribution of crabs... If you have a crab in a box, there is a probability it can be outside the box by breaking through the "energy barrier" by use of "tunneling". Me: So what you're saying is that a crab in the box is worth two scuttling around somewhere unmentionable? Ross: AND... ∑Ecrab = Cf where C = crab constant and f = frequency of crabs. Me: I started off with a spider. How the hell did this turn into crabs the size of dinner plates? Ross: That's what you get when you accelerate spiders to the speed of light. Spider + Speed of light: (collide) Speed of Light: Are you okay? Sorry about that. Say, wanna be dinnerplate size? The moral of the story, ladies and gentlemen: Don't accelerate spiders to the speed of light, because it only leads to trouble. And crabs. "Come here and bend down so I can drool over your chest." --Rae "You need to start sending messages consisting of one word - bitch. He'd send them back too, of course. You know what you'd call that? A bitch fight!" (laughs) "I kill me." --Chas "I'm running around in my underpants looking for a guy." --Aaron Sensei at training yesterday: "higher grades take a tutoring role..." Me: (air quotes, silently) "tutoring role..." Troy: ... Ko has changed links. *goes to fix linksbar* Which Subaru are you? brought to you by Quizilla You're young Subaru: naive and caring, your purity set the events of Tokyo Babylon in motion. Stuff. Hot milk and honey was nice, but doesn't seem to be helping much. *sigh* I still feel like I'm swallowing gravel. I mean, slightly smaller pieces of gravel, maybe, but still... man, gravel. *sigh* Anyway. Mt Barker was nice. Chas' family have five Border Collie dogs, and they're all really cute. Mickey, the one with the all-black face, just comes up to you when you go outside, and sits down next to your feet and looks up at you with his big brown eyes, and if you don't pat him he nudges your hand. So you just /have/ to pat him. Also, the Porongarups are very steep. I know, because we climed one. And it was very steep. /Very/ steep. And up the top it was windy and cold. But we found a little nook out of the wind and watched the sun set. Well, mostly set. We had to leave some light to get down in. But it was pretty. ^_^ Also, Chas' dad is crazy. I mean, the 'hills' he drove up very really steep and titly, and the ute we were driving in was old and bouncy, and... argh! I thought we were going to tip over! At least I wasn't the only proverbial 'girl' in the car - Maryanne (Chas' little sister) was sqealing too. Heh. Anyway, I had lots of fun. And I can now check the oil and water in my car! Because Jason, another of Chas' brothers (he has three) showed me how. Thanks, JD! Although, the four and a half hour trip each way was a bit blah. On the way back, it was pouring with rain, cats and dogs style. And my car, which, coincidently, is a Subaru ^_^, doesn't accelerate well up hills. So I kept getting passed by these hoons who were driving far too fast for the weather we were driving in. Except this one guy, who stayed back far enough that his headlights didn't get in my eyes, and who tailed me about two and a half hours all the way back to Perth. We came up alongside each other at the Armadale Rd/Albany Hwy lights, and it was this old man with white glasses, with his grandkids. We waved to each other, and then the lights went green and we went on, him once again tailing me at an appropriate distance. And we were alongside each other again at the Fwy/Armadale Rd lights, and we waved again, and this time his grandkids waved too. And then he followed me down the freeway until I lost him when me and Chas took the Hay St exit and he continued along. It was kind of surreal, and kind of cool. Chas said we should have got his licence plate number, looked him up, and given him a card, or invited him round to tea, or something. And I said no, I'd been in front of him the whole way, so I couldn't possibly have seen the plates. And anyway, it was too late for that, as we'd already turned off, and couldn't catch up again. So old man, wherever you are, thank you for a nice drive, and may we meet again somewhere on the road between Albany and Perth. *bows* Anyway. I have too many things to do. Like do a UML lab. For tomorrow. And... update my webpage. Blah. Maybe that can wait until the summer holidays. And also, stuff. Blah. Like major assignments due in next friday. And a test sometime next week. And... *dies* Good luck with your mocks, Fall! *hugs and good luck* I'm sure you'll do just fine. And hey, I'm tutoring you this saturday, aren't I? I'll ring you to confirm, ne? *hugs again* Study hard! Kenshin kissing Kouri? Oh, that's just priceless. *laughs* Hugs to Kira Isa-chan's back too, I see... *changes linksbar again* Updated Mura-chan's link as well... Okay. 11pm, I'm outta here. Home, then lab, then sleep. sound good? Hopefully my throat will clear up in the morning too. Wednesday, October 09, 2002
Blergh.Thanks, Thorne. Feeling mildly better. Still feel like I'm swallowing gravel, though. And did I mention the asthma in my last post? I don't think I did. This thing has given me asthma. garuru, as Liz would say. Can't be stuffed putting in links. Going to go to karate. Not sure whether to actually train or just watch. Possibly will get ass kicked by Sensei anyway. Crap. Monday, October 07, 2002
I'm sick. This distresses me. I feel like utter crap; I have a pounding headache, a lumpy, sore throat, a blocked/runny nose, my neck hurts, my sides hurt - in fact, my whole body just aches. This is not fair.I just wanted you all to know. Sunday, October 06, 2002
I liiiiiiiiiive!!!I've just been in Mt Barker. Stories to follow. Er, later, when I don't have a week and a half of entries to catch up on. Tuesday, October 01, 2002
"I think I need to put my pants on" --Chas, in UCCEr. Kieron, in case you misunderstand, by "It's the thought that counts" I meant thank you for going to the effort of getting me a present even though you couldn't be there yourself. There was no insult intended. Otherwise it wouldn't be a [heart] list. er. Also, I [heart] Jesus!Dave because of the really, really cool birthday card he drew me. ^_^ I didn't mention that last post because I read my mail after posting. But it was really, really cool. And as to which pronoun to use... *shrugs* when I social blog I assume that people are going to read what I've written. So when I'm making a statement, like above, I use he. When I'm talking to you, like now, I use you. *shrugs* get it? Hmmm. *reads more of Dave's 'blog'* Should I be worried about this master plan of yours? :P Liz - it's okay. *hugs* don't stress. I forgive you. ^_^ Oh, speaking of birthdays, I should probably change my age two scrollbars to the right. I'm no longer 17. I'm 18! Whee! This makes me a legal adult. In Australia, anyway. So now I can go and get drunk! Legally, that is. Er, if I actually drank. Which I don't. So now I can... go and watch people get drunk! ...maybe I'll just stay home instead. Lilack, any hints for me for FF8? And FF7 if you've played it. From your recounting, I get the feeling that it's quite hard. Biology? Blah. I knew there was a reason I did Chem and Physics in school. *shudders* transference of extracellular materials, or whatever it was, sounds like great fun! :P That 3D model maker thing is just a front to pimp microsoft. My browser is not supported, it says. Well, screw you, virtual 3D model maker! I'll stick with Mozilla, thank you very much. *hmph* Mmmm, Tekken smut. Thanks for the pointer, Thorne. ^_^ Er... I think you deleted me at some point... *shrugs* dragonball z vegeta suicide- music video - perhaps you can help out here? x/1999 fic - try her site. If you like yaoi, that is. kata seiunchin - maybe someday, if I ever make a GKR site. *shrugs* Tekken fanfics - why, I came across some really nice ones just today, linked from her site. Why don't you go read them? *smirks* Strings of Fate - not mine. you've got the wrong Jen, friend. You want... *looks for the link*... to go here. A much more interesting read than my weblog, I'm sure. *grins* anyway. I think I'm done. Probably. In conclusion, I [heart] J!Dave. Because he is cool. And Chas, of course. But he knew that already. *swoons* |
Name: Vel'ithya Tevriel Age: 19 Starsign: Libra Chinese: Rat Status: Taken ^_^ Studying: Japanese (and Creative Writing) at UWA Fallen Angels Drifting Feathers* Paradise Lost Wishlist: X Vol 10 Angel Sanctuary manga Yami no Matsuei manga Yuu Yuu Hakusho (both) Saiyuki anime Captain Jack Sparrow Nano: Twig Tsaiko Ann Changeling Liz Falstaff Sonnlich Favourite...
Anime/Manga: X/99 Tokyo Babylon DN Angel DragonBall Z Blade of the Immortal Trigun Saiyuki Fullmetal Alchemist Characters: Captain Jack Sparrow Genjo Sanzo (Houshi) Sumeragi Subaru Sakurazuka Seishirou Monou Fuuma Duo Maxwell Briefs Trunks Edward Elric Roy Mustang Hobbies/Loves: Writing (mainly original) Reading Karate Archery Music/Singing Chas ^_~ Captain Jack Sparrow Pirates of the Carribean Links...
Reads: Asprosdrakos Catt Changeling Chaobell Fallimar Flamebyrd(LJ) The Great Conjunction House of Mews Ko Leareth Lunar Meia Metamia Mooncalf PenChaft Pirotess Snow Kitten Spooky Thorne Tsaiko Wind ff.net/fp.net Ann(fic) Catt(ff.net) House of Mirrors Lunar(fic) Thorne(ff.net) Twig(fic) Twig(ff.net) Twig(fp.net) LJ friends* Uni: UniSFA Unigames UWAnime UCC Aaron Goth!Chris James Jesus!Dave Max Rae (I) Rae (II) Tom Adam* Alex* Ben* Coman* Davyd* Goth!Chris* Liz* Maelkann* Pam* Rae* Stephie* Tom Tommo* Vegeta* Campaign: Valmar Kalika Evelyn Seigfried Aldo Lives: KnK's Fanfics Irrealistic.net The Academy RoodAwakenings Angel's Gate Disarming Smile Kaitou.net | Bob Tsaiko's World Laranica Firehorse Fantasy Arts Ephebian Paradise Mooncalf Just a Little Ecchi Ficbitches* CLAMPesque Questionable Reality The Very Secret Diaries A Life Like Any Other Juuhachi-gou's Place of Being Vejiita4eva Temple O' Trunks Daizenshuu Ex B-chan Makai Black Market Comics: 8-bit Theater Dominic Deegan Errant Story Utukki Penny Arcade Friendly Hostility Boy Meets Boy w00t_comic* Random...
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