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Saturday, November 30, 2002
Thanks, Twig, I don't think I'm in any danger of dying. ^_^ My back is getting a lot better, and although it was feeling a little painful last night, it's actually feeling better this morning, although that could just be because of what day it is.
It's my six month anniversary today, being the last day of the month. Six months of going out with my wonderful boyfriend, Chas. We're going to see a movie later on this evening, HP:CoS, and for now we're just relaxing in UCC. He's doing his Hattrick team and I'm blogchecking, and we're happy just being together. Chas, I love you. ^_^ Friday, November 29, 2002
Quoth the physio: "Because of the shape of your spine, you'll get stiff there whenever you don't exercise, or get sick and don't move much. You shouldn't get too sedentary." Quoth me: "Oh, Okay." Thinketh me: "Bugger. Stupid NaNo." Figures that NaNo would give me back problems rather than carpel tunnel or RSI or something. *sighs* Anyway, basically it should be fine by next week, and if it's not, I should call again and get another treatment. So, here's hoping for the best. ^_^ I did it!!!!!!!!! *stretches* ...50,339 words. I finished today, at 12:01pm, two and a half hours before him. *pokes tongue out* Nyah. :P So anyway, the main plot has only just begun to surface! ...this story is going to /eat/ me. Yes, I finished NaNo, but... aargh! It's going to be /huge/... *cries* wah. Maybe I can finish it next year... yes, sir, you know last years NaNo story that I submitted? yeah, well, this is that, part two. ...whaddaya mean that's not acceptable? How am I going to write this thing without a deadline to write my little fingers off to? *cries* *ahem* Anyway. It will probably join the ranks of stories that I have started, written much of, and then got writers' block for. blaargh. Thursday, November 28, 2002
Hey all. My physio appointment wednesday was pretty good - the lady had a look and a poke and decided that the what was cracking was the joint where my ribs join my spine, you know how some people crack their knuckles? Yeah, like that. Anyway, she proved this by pressing on a few ribs, two of them hurting quite badly, and the two on the edges of those hurting a little. The good news was that this kind of injury hurts lots, but heals fast, and I would only need one or two more appointments. My next one is tomorrow, after the choir rehearsal in the morning.Of course, when I sneezed again that night and cracked something /else/, I wasn't happy. >.< So anyway. Been NaNo-ing my little fingers off, and this means that with the 6000+ words I wrote yesteday and the 3000 or so words so far today, I've got less than 5000 words to go. This makes me a happy Vel. ^_^ Ko, thanks for the link. ^_^ I've been reading your site for a while, and I must say your artwork is very good. I am always impressed by the pictures you draw, and comics never fail to amuse me. In short, I think you are a great artist, and I look forward to your future works. ^_^ For everyone who hits my blog looking for "DN Angel manga translations" or something similar, sorry. If you'll scroll down, you'll see the reason you hit /my/ site for that is that they're on my wish list... sucks having tanks 1,2,4,5 and not being able to read past the first half of the first chapter because that was all the scans you were able to find, and you can't read Japanese. At all. :( Am linking Catt, because... *shrugs* Just because, okay? Hi! *waves* I like your layout, is that really a picture of Cloud? If so, it's really, really pretty. Hell, it's pretty anyway. ^_^ In other news, I'm looking forward to Saturday. Very much so. I have plans... *evil laugh* Tuesday, November 26, 2002
So. I was having a pretty good day. I'd talked to my dad last night about the problems I was having with my back, namely that it was hurting whenever I took a really big breath, hiccoughed (or however you spell it), sneezed, or moved the wrong way. He suggested that I had a cracked rib, or something. I thought "Oh great. Cracked rib. Can't do much about that."So today at work, I'm franking the mail I've just folded and put into envelopes. And I work my way up into a sneeze. Now this sneeze is a big sneeze, as far as sneezes go. And accordingly, when I went a-choo!, something went crack in my back. In a /bad/ way. It was hurting everytime I breathed. I had to breathe really shallowly, and the effort of having to breathe shallowly was also causing it to hurt slightly. It hurt to push open the doors between me and the main area of the practice where I work, to ask someone to get a doctor to write me out a referral to get myself X-rayed. One of the doctors did, and I walked down to SKG through the hospital corridors. The people at the desk told me it would be a half hour wait, and to take a seat. I sat down. I attempted to slouch and lean back at first, however the stab of pain that followed convinced me that sitting bolt upright, while painful, was the least painful option available to me. About half an hour later I got taken in and told to change into an X-ray gown. You know, the ones with 3 arm holes that you have to wrap around you to put on? Yeah. those ones. Anyway, after putting that on, the tech took me into the X-ray room and took some photos. And then I got taken out again, and had to sign a medicare form, and then told that my X-rays would take about 20 minutes. So I sat and waited again. I took a stroll around the waiting room at one point, just to see if that was any better, but for some reason it wasn't. Maybe I was slouching while I was walking, or something. In any case, I returned to sitting, and then when they called my name, collected my X-rays and left. The report said I didn't have fractured ribs, or any problem with my lungs. It said I had a bi-convex shallow scoliosis, or something, that should be followed up if it was clinically significant, but nothing else. "Yay," I thought, "No rib fracture. So what the hell is hurting so bad?" Apparently, muscles and ligaments can crack the way I felt/heard my back crack earlier that day. So consequently, tomorrow I have a physio appointment. At 8:30, no less. That means that I have to get up early, if I can sleep at all. In other news, I'm behind on my NaNo word count. Due to fangirling yesterday with Liz and Rae over Gravitation and Methos from Highlander, yesterday was a total write-off for NaNo, which I didn't take into consideration when I was counting days. So now I have 4 and a half days to write about 17,000 words. Which is something between 3000 and 4000 words per day, if I finish on the 30th. I feel miserable, in pain, and uninspired. I don't know that I'm going to make it. Monday, November 25, 2002
If anyone's looking for Read or Die fanfiction *looks in the direction of the Great Conjunction*, Liz and Rae have determined that there is no RoD fanfiction anywhere. So Rae wrote some, and you can find it here. Just thought you'd like to know. ^_^
Sunday, November 24, 2002
Haven't had quotes for a while!
"my groin has dermal armour!!!" --Rob "I don't think you'll get molested by a cat anymore." --Anon "you guys mind if I watch?" --Tom I'd Walk a Mile for a Jen. What's your sexual appeal? brought to you by Quizilla
I've only done Tarot once or twice, with my friend Fall. And in /every/ reading, I got the Queen of Swords. /Every, single reading./ So this really doesn't surprise me. And the description is pretty much dead-on. Of course, then I just /had/ to make Chas take it...
And this one is pretty good at describing Chas, too. Maybe they should have called /him/ Jason instead of his brother. [Jason = healer] Dave, how does wesley have a journal if the second infusion makes you blind? who wrote it for him? alice or alex? Just a thought. ^_^ Fall, I know you've gone to Leaver's already, but I hope that you have a good time. Also, where's my new pic of Vel? *pouts* It looked so co~ol when you drew it...^_____^ Also, your blog works on and off for me. It wasn't working, it worked fine in time for me to catch the post about you going away for Leavers, and now it doesn't work again. *sulks* Dammit! Sab, I know I tag-boarded this, but Chobits volume 1 has arrived for you! How do you want to collect it? Shall I... I don't know, give it to your sister on tuesday or something? That seems to be the best solution from my point of view. What do you think? In other news, I have written 2000 words today, and to keep on schedule, because I have fallen behind a little bit, I need to write another 2000. ...this depresses me, for some reason. *sighs* Oh... oh well. Back to it, I guess... And just because I can, a quote from Seltyin to finish off!! Seltyin shakes his head. "I can counter that spell, given enough time," he says. "And even if it did hit me, I am not sure that it would kill me. I have too many hitpoints. And you wouldn't /believe/ my fortitude save!" You can blame me for the hitpoint crack, but you have to blame Dave for the saving throw one. *sighs* Dave, hapy writing tonight! Go to sleep knowing that I have a higher wordcount than you! Oh wait, I can make wordcount two words! That'd be longer! ^_^ :P Wednesday, November 20, 2002
Talking to wintal, conversation in #unisfa just then...
[wintal] beanbags! [Velithya] oh, /yeah/!! [Velithya] ^_________^ [wintal] though, the problem with beanbags in cameron hall is you'd be close enough to the floor to focus on how filthy it is. [Velithya] hmmm, true. * Velithya thinks... [Velithya] tarpaulin, /then/ beanbags? [wintal] perhaps some sort of hammocky arrangement. [Velithya] either that, or a heavy duty, high pressure fire hose... :P [wintal] I'll lend you some of the steriliser I use for brewing ;) Sanitise the room. * wintal ponders cleansing by fire. [Velithya] although we'd have to cover the computers... wouldn't want them to get damaged. I like the idea of beanbags. Or at least decent couches. Anyone else in UCC agree? no, wait, it's working again now. nevermind. ^_^ In other news... 27,790! ...I bet you're all getting /real/ bored of my constant nanoing... *shrugs* oh well, 9 days to go... What's YOUR Writing Style? brought to you by Quizilla You are a freeform writer. Individualistic with a sense for the different and challenging, Walt Whitman and his poetry lacking meter and rhyme is just what the doctor ordered. You're quick to write something that the rest of the world doesn't accept as poetry, quick to separate yourself from the average joe. An author with a true sense of self, you have confidence in your abilities and aren't afraid to show it. :) GO YOU! I am /trying/ to take the Seme test as well... but no luck, keeps screwing up. *sigh* oh well... no wait, there it goes... (stupid test): How seme are you? brought to you by Quizilla 's all for now. Tuesday, November 19, 2002
Fall, your blog isn't working for me... hope your Chem exam went fine and everything. How's the piccy of Vel going? And your dragon? Remind me to send that email to Sauroman some time...
Chas has invented Stealth Kissing (TM). I find this very cool.I keep having this urge to describe Anami's eyes as emerald orbs, or pools of deep green, or something to that effect. *shudders* If I actually /do/ that, someone hit me. Please. Thank you. ^_^ Rae, are you using mozilla? because if you are, there's your problem right there. I use mozilla, and if you go to the 'help' page, you'll see that mozilla randomly strips attributes from all of your tags - watch the (a href) tags as well, they disappear real fast. What I do, is keep a version of my blog saved under notepad on my desktop. Whenever I want to update my template, I change whatever I want in the notepad version, adding in links or whatever, then go to blogger and delete whatever crud they have in the window, and then copy paste in the correct version. This is why I don't update my template very often. *shrugs* If you're not using mozilla, then the above will be merely an amusing story. Also, I thought my title was fine. ^_^ :P Also, thanks for the link to the Advertising Slogan Generator. Was amusing. Tries include: The appliance of Chas. Wait till we get our Chas on you. Kids will do anything for Chas. You can't get quicker than a Chas fitter. Spreads straight from the Chas. Then I thought, maybe using Chas' name was a little cruel. So I tried mine: Good to the last Jen. Unzip a Jen [^_^;;; er...] Smart. Beautiful. Jen. And stopped with one I liked. ^_^ Also, at some point, I will explain bits of my NaNo story to people on here. Because I can, and because Anami and Seltyin are fun. ^_^ I signed up on the 11th, and wrote 1000 words. I started writing properly on the 13th, after all my exams finished, and today being the 19th, that means I have written approximately 25,000 words in 7 days. I'm halfway!!!! Word count: 25,251. ^_________^ Monday, November 18, 2002
I was showing my sheet music to Liz, and I had with me the Ave Maria (the Schubert version), Deck the Halls, a 4 part version, and the choir music to Duel of the Fates, because my old school choir is singing it for their Speech Night, and I'm singing it with them. ^_^ Of course, I then had to pull out the CD for Liz to listen to, which I've been carrying around in my laptop case for a while, purely for the purpose of branding the song into my brain, of course, and to find out what the correct pronounciation of the (made up) words is, because they're, well, made up. And the CD won't play in my computer. Not in Winamp, or in Windows Media Player. And I get worried that maybe my CD drive is broken, and Fu-kun will have to go to the shop and get fixed. And so Liz suggests playing it on the UniSFA CD player, so I take the CD out and start to walk over there, absently flipping the thing over in my hands.
I notice then, of course, the scratches. They're not really /scratches/, per se, more on the scale of /cracks/, two of them, placed so as to make most of the tracks unreadable. I've definately lost the first 3 or 4, and the last 5 or 6. Probably more. I love this CD. I got it for christmas, or my birthday, the same year that episode 1 came out, whenever it was. 1999? something like that. And I especially love track 2, which is Duel of the Fates. The track which is, of course, dead. Winamp played the first 4 bars for me, which is the choral acapella section, and then a little of the next bar, where the orchestra comes in, and then died, almost killing my computer. This makes me depressed. I want my CD. hey, Dave, hurry up and update your word co~ount!! of course, i'm only doing this to further my drive to write today. I seem to be lacking motivation somehow... oh look, a shiny butterfly! bet I have a higher word count than you. :P no, wait, there it goes... apparently, my scores were: vampire 5 werewolf 6 mage 8 wraith -2 changeling 10 interesting. How Emotional Are You? brought to you by Quizilla Hmmm. Why does this not surprise me? Rae, I wantd to post this comment in your livejournal, but it wouldn't let me. :( Grr.-.-x. anyway, here's the comment: (it's from your story post) "So, you want a title, huh? *thinks* hmmm... how about... WAIWAIWAIWAIWAIWAIWAIWAIWAIWAIWAI ^_________________^ WAIWAIWAIWAIWAIWAIWAIWAIWAIWAIWAI!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! ... ... *ahem*" anyway. Wanted to take the world of darkness quiz from her blog, but it's still thinking about the results 5 minutes after I pressed the enter button. *sigh* I think it's broken. Anway. Back to NaNo... 23,131!! Whee!! Gee, I wish I didn't have to leave UCC now because of the stupid curfew... I was on a roll, dammit!!! Saturday, November 16, 2002
I posted some thoughts here. If you're in Unisfa committee, or even just unisfa, go read. Please. ^_^
13,718!! Yes, sorry. I'll shut up now.
Friday, November 15, 2002
10, 825!Time to take a break. More writing tomorrow, hopefully. ^_^ Hey, Dave. Welcome to the insanity. Good luck, ne? ^_^ Later, all. Addendum: The 10,825 word count means that I've written about 3,000 words today. Not too bad. 7564!! ^_^ Wasn't able to write much during last night and this morning, mainly due to the fact that Chas made me study for my last exam (Software Engineering 104). Despite feeling shitty because of this, and all depressed and stuff, after doing the exam I can safely say that it was the right decision. Thanks, Chas. I [heart] you. ^_^ Tuesday, November 12, 2002
This is me. See? I even get a little icon thing:...NaNoWordCount: 1716. I'm sooo going to make this... I hope. Also, Troy promised to tapdance for me tonight. Ehehhehheh. Sucker. ^_^ Sunday, November 10, 2002
What's your inner fangirl? Take the test! Amusing. Somewhat. Haven't blogged lately because I've been playing Final Fantasy V, on my laptop. I've got a super nintendo emulator, and so it works just fine, although the rom translation leaves a little to be desired, with things like "(fill in later)" appearing in the speech bubbles some times. *shrugs* Anyway, that's what I've been doing. Kouri, I'll join her in lynching you if you don't post the next chapter soon. *flutters eyelashes* Please? ^_^ Off to read Flidget's fic recs. And then play some FFV, and then completely ignore the exam I've got tomorrow at 9am. Sounds like a plan. Tuesday, November 05, 2002
people keep nagging me to get the wireless network card working. And when I reply, "it's not working," they say "what's the problem?". I say "my computer runs ME." And they say "So install Win98!" or "So install XP!" or "So install Linux!"It makes me annoyed. I mean, I don't /care/ that ME is apparently crap. I do care that people keep calling it crap /in my hearing/, after being told that that's the OS Fu-kun runs. To me, it feels like they're insulting Fu-kun, and so insulting me. I just want everyone to stop hassling me. Just... just stop. No, really. Stop hassling me. Maybe I'll get XP eventually. Maybe I'll get something else. But just stop hassling me. I get really tired of it. I wasn't going to post the above, until someone brought the topic up again yesterday. I believe they called ME "a piece of fucking crap", or something to that effect. I'm feeling very silly right now. This might have something to do with the fact that my hair is up in pigtails right now. Or with the fact that I took over Chas' IRC nick for a little while while sitting on his lap. Incidently, Chas, you're sleeping on the couch. For those of you wondering why, he was attempting to eat my arm, thus making it hard to type at all, let alone type as him. *hmph*. Also, I have a duck. His name is Frederick. And here is a picture of the duck: Of course, Frederick is sitting on Chas' head. But still. *grins* Heh heh heh... Sunday, November 03, 2002
*snerks* oh, my. *grins* I don't want to know.I have come to the conclusion that I want to play every Square game ever. Well, at least all the ones everyone keeps squee-ing about, anyway. I mean, I think I'm missing out. *sulks* At least I've got a PS, now (I [heart] J!Dave) so all I need to find are the games... *hugs to Alex* I was never that close to any of my grandparents, to when my (paternal) grandmother died, about 6 or 7 years ago, I didn't really feel much at all. I guess... I guess that's kind of sad, in its own way. All I really knew her from was the letters me and my sisters would get, on beautiful butterfly writing paper, and the crotcheted bookmark she gave me, angels and christmas trees with a bell on the bottom. And although she loved us very much, and I'm /sure/ I loved her, I just... well, couldn't cry. It was like it wasn't real. you were right - he is singing! *grins* It's very cute, too. *hugs also to Kira* Not really sure what I can say to /that/, having not had a major problem like that in my life. At least... well, at least they found it out now, rather than later. And now that they know what the problem is, they can fix it. *nods* er. That doesn't sound like I meant it to sound. *sighs* Whee! Fic update! *squee-s off to read* *laughs* sounds like you had fun at Halloween, Shell. *grins* Like Liz said, Halloween isn't really a big celebration in Australia, well, in Perth, anyway, so no Halloween stories here. Well, except that being the last day of the month, it was me and Chas' five month anniversary. But that's another story. *grins* Better than me, Sab, I've done /no/ study at all. None. Nada. Zip. *grins* But somehow, I don't care. Oh, I know I'll care the day before exams, but now... I just don't. Because they're not close enough for me to care, and I'm very good at not thinking about things. And procrastination. ^_^ Also, I ordered Chobits 1 for you, they had 2 and 3 on the shelves, but none of 1, so I had to order it. And they had the next Sakura in PREVIEWS, I assume you want it? *winces* Thorne... that's just cruel. *laughs* But fun, yes, I can see your point. :P *pokes Tom* Update, you slacker. And you're a liar. Nyah. :P Eh... Shuddup. *sulks* Just because /you/ have less exams than the rest of us... No-one really goes here anymore, do they? Pity, really. It used to be so /alive/.
Got Chaos, but wanted to get
*sigh* At least I didn't cheat and /claim/ I was Sephiroth. *grin* Someday, when I get a credit card and can buy things online, I am going to buy a shirt from Whitney. And wear it /all the time/. Seeing as I read them anyway, it's about time I linked the rest of the Conjunction... Flidget, Ann, Wind, and Lunar. There. I think I got them all... Get well soon, Leareth! err, and good luck Lilack ^_^ Saw the add for The Ring while watching Red Dragon tonight. Looked sucky. I mean, whoever's playing the reporter chick - I just can't imagine her blonde. I keep seeing the Japanese actress in my head and thinking that she did a much better job. *sigh* I'll probably end up seeing it anyway, eventually. Red Dragon was pretty good. Leads nicely into Silence of the Lambs. A bit scary, probably not for the faint hearted. Also saw The Two Towers trailers, finally. Looked very cool. Can't wait. ^_^
"If you give me enough cakes I could probably get the breasts." --Aaron A joke from Aaron: Q: How many fangirls does it take to screw a lightbulb into a socket? A: None. They'll just pair it up with another lightbulb and sit around in the dark dreaming about it. Fall? Here's my title: Far Romakhti Veliithia Tehvriel, kuramarestum tirus karatori. For those of you who are wondering what the hell I'm going on about, Fall is creating a language. Dragonish, to be precise. And in Dragonish, everyone has a rank, a name, and a title. So my title is Golden Mountain Vel'ithya Tevriel, one who creates worlds. Mountain is the highest rank you can get without being a dragon, and as I'm not a dragon - yet - I can't be Sun or Moon rank yet. *sulk* As it is, however, I'm pretty high. ^_^ Also, Fall is getting married. My congratulations must go to the bride and groom. And I think that you are addicted too much to achaea. I mean, you're getting married on it!! Ahhh!! |
Name: Vel'ithya Tevriel Age: 19 Starsign: Libra Chinese: Rat Status: Taken ^_^ Studying: Japanese (and Creative Writing) at UWA Fallen Angels Drifting Feathers* Paradise Lost Wishlist: X Vol 10 Angel Sanctuary manga Yami no Matsuei manga Yuu Yuu Hakusho (both) Saiyuki anime Captain Jack Sparrow Nano: Twig Tsaiko Ann Changeling Liz Falstaff Sonnlich Favourite...
Anime/Manga: X/99 Tokyo Babylon DN Angel DragonBall Z Blade of the Immortal Trigun Saiyuki Fullmetal Alchemist Characters: Captain Jack Sparrow Genjo Sanzo (Houshi) Sumeragi Subaru Sakurazuka Seishirou Monou Fuuma Duo Maxwell Briefs Trunks Edward Elric Roy Mustang Hobbies/Loves: Writing (mainly original) Reading Karate Archery Music/Singing Chas ^_~ Captain Jack Sparrow Pirates of the Carribean Links...
Reads: Asprosdrakos Catt Changeling Chaobell Fallimar Flamebyrd(LJ) The Great Conjunction House of Mews Ko Leareth Lunar Meia Metamia Mooncalf PenChaft Pirotess Snow Kitten Spooky Thorne Tsaiko Wind ff.net/fp.net Ann(fic) Catt(ff.net) House of Mirrors Lunar(fic) Thorne(ff.net) Twig(fic) Twig(ff.net) Twig(fp.net) LJ friends* Uni: UniSFA Unigames UWAnime UCC Aaron Goth!Chris James Jesus!Dave Max Rae (I) Rae (II) Tom Adam* Alex* Ben* Coman* Davyd* Goth!Chris* Liz* Maelkann* Pam* Rae* Stephie* Tom Tommo* Vegeta* Campaign: Valmar Kalika Evelyn Seigfried Aldo Lives: KnK's Fanfics Irrealistic.net The Academy RoodAwakenings Angel's Gate Disarming Smile Kaitou.net | Bob Tsaiko's World Laranica Firehorse Fantasy Arts Ephebian Paradise Mooncalf Just a Little Ecchi Ficbitches* CLAMPesque Questionable Reality The Very Secret Diaries A Life Like Any Other Juuhachi-gou's Place of Being Vejiita4eva Temple O' Trunks Daizenshuu Ex B-chan Makai Black Market Comics: 8-bit Theater Dominic Deegan Errant Story Utukki Penny Arcade Friendly Hostility Boy Meets Boy w00t_comic* Random...
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