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Tuesday, December 31, 2002
So, having just come off a one and a half hour long distance phone conversation with Chas, I am a happy little Vel. ^_^
Happy new year, everyone. ^_^ My little sister and her little friends were over, and they counted down to midnight and then jumped in our swimming pool, making a lot of noise, while I was trying to talk to Chas. This was inconsiderate of them. Of course, it was also probably damn cold in that pool, so I suppose they were technically /entitled/ to make a lot of noise, but... eh. Whatever. *shrugs* Monday, December 30, 2002
5 days... I have to live one day at a time. One day at a time. *nods*
In case any of you are wondering 'what the hell is she going on about?' I'm going to go down to Mt Barker, which is towards the bottom of Western Australia (about 50k north of Albany, to be precise) this saturday to spend a month with the family of my boyfriend, Chas. And I've been away from him for about a week and a half, and it feels like a month and I hate it. >.< Of course, being down there and having to call long distance if I want to dial up will not be fun, which means that I won't be able to blog much, or watch other people's blogs much. That said, if you do want to grab a hold of me, do email me, as I'll be able to check that fairly regularly, although I don't promise an /immediate/ reply. ^_^;; So... 5 days left. I can't wait. ^_^ Saturday, December 28, 2002
really going now. goodnight, all.
you know, I lied. Icecream for lunch... icecream for midnight snack when hungry... all good. ^__^
and in case you were wondering, I was spamming the livejournal too. But not as much. ^_^ (I'm a blog-user at heart...)
no, I lied. He /is/ on. Right now.
...I feel better already. ^_^ ...and it looks like a) Chas isn't going to log in tonight, and b) I'm starting to get quite tired, despite only waking up 12 hours ago. *sigh* Oh well, better log off and go to bed, then. One last thing before I go - Lunar, I had icecream for lunch today. Lunch being at about 5:30pm, seeing at breakfast was at about 12:30pm. Was really quite tasty, if not very filling. Wouldn't make it a /regular/ habit, though. Especially when all I seem to be doing these holidays is sit in front of my computer, and I haven't started getting back into karate yet after my back went bust. ...of course, I'm only spamming blogger because I'm stalling, hoping that Chas will log on soon... *crosses fingers* 7 days... 7 days... Oh! Almost forgot! Fall came over today. We went to the city, to QC, and got each other Christmas presents. Fall bought me volume 2 of Kia Asamiya's Dark Angel, which is /very/ good... must buy volume 3 must buy volume 3... only because Blade of the Immortal volume 8 wasn't on the shelves... don't know the mangaka for that one, can't remember. But it's all really good. And then we went home and chatted and caught up on what she's been doing for the past two months - yeah, it really /has/ been that long since I've seen her - and how she went on her TEE (well enough to get into her course, yatta!) and how much she enjoyed Leavers (lots), and other stuff. I showed her the Vagrant Story intro, and we squealed like the fangirls we are over Ashley and Sydney, more specifically, Ashley's shorts and Sydney's pants. Yes, I'm going on about VS a lot. How could I /not/? And then we discussed how we could change VFstory to be an original fic, namely, by removing everything linking it to DBZ, and changing the names of all the DBZ characters. Of course, then, we kind of have a lack of plot. And, you know, safeguards, since without senzu beans and the dragonballs, we'll have to invent other things to heal characters and bring them back from the dead. *shrugs* no matter. We'll manage, I'm sure. And then, she had to go home. *sighs*Enjoy Denmark, Fall, and have a happy new year! soooo... while I'm in a talkative mood... Hey. You. Yeah, you. When I said 'update' a little while ago, I didn't just mean once. *smiles sweetly* The point of a page like the one you've got, is not only for yourself, but to let others, who don't see you for many months, know how you are. And being that I consider you one of my good RL friends, I like to know what's going on with you. So, unless you're stranded somewhere with no internet access, can you post? Please? Pretty please? ^_____^ Thanks! love Vel. ps. are you playing Vagrant Story? if not, then do! :P Thorne, you could have /warned/ me, man. I read Precious Gift, yes, all the way through, and I thought it was quite neat and well written. And amusing. And I didn't even need to rinse out my eyes! But I didn't need the image of Elijah Wood, Sean Austin and Gollum doing what they were doing in this fic. ...of course, this means that I'm going to dump it on everyone I can find... *evil laugh* Thank you so~o much... ...everyone I can find being, by definition, persons who won't claw my eyes out when they next see me. *hides from UWA people* Oh, and Lunar, if you want to borrow a pencil, that's no problem. All I have to do is find an appropriate pencil, tie a little ribbon around it, somehow locate your address, then waltz down to the post office and send it off with a couple of stamps decorating the nice Airmail envelope. Sure, your pencil won't arrive for about a week, but you'll still get a pencil. ^_^ Stayed up til five this morning, first talking to Chas, and then reading HunterXHunter manga that she gave me. Of course, the scanlations just /had/ to run out in the middle of Vol 12... >.< grrr. Now I really want to know what happens next. And Hisoka is weird and scary, but very cool. Finally finished my Les'na Christmas fic - posted here for your reading pleasure. It doesn't have a title yet, if you have any suggestions, please tell me. The characters are mine, they're from a story called The Mark of Les'na currently, or just Les'na when I'm feeling lazy. Of course, the fact that my sister, who reads all my stories, doesn't appear to want to read it yet is a little depressing. So, er, it hasn't been beta'd or anything. if you see any mistakes or anything, do tell me about them, kay? Thanks. ^_^ Had a bit of trouble trying to get the thing online - apparently Filezilla, which I use to transfer my files from my harddrive to my UCC directory, is configured for use when I'm plugged into the UCC network, not when I'm dialling up on a direct internet connection. >.< So, I had to log into Hotmail, send my UCC email my html file, then check my UCC email and save the fic to my UCC directory that way. *breathes* It took me a little longer, but I did it. ^_^ What Weird Quote Are You? brought to you by Quizilla Thursday, December 26, 2002
finally dialled up on my laptop. Ahh, the goodness of using Mozilla once more. Tabs, how I love thee.
In accordance with my post about fixing stuff, stuff hath been fixed. Well, links added, etc. blah blah blah. *yawns* and, keeping with my tradition of reading Conjunction fic until the early hours of the morning, I am now going through Thorne's fic. Mmmm, FF7. ^__^ I wonder if I'll get kicked off by my dad anytime soon? probably not... Oh yeah, the Two Towers is great. Really, utterly, fucking great. Go see it, now. If you've slready seen it... well, get off your ass and see it again! /I'm/ going to... ^_^ Wednesday, December 25, 2002
updated livejournal. Too lazy and full to copy paste everything. Just click on the link.
Yeah. 'night... Tuesday, December 24, 2002
Merry Christmas! Or, you know, festive holiday of your choice. To everyone I know on the internet, I hope that you have a great day, and that it's filled with joy and love. I've greatly enjoyed reading your weblogs/LJs/etc over the past year, and I hope that I in turn have amused you somewhat with mine. So, enjoy your day. ^_^
Monday, December 23, 2002
Thanks for the links, Lunar! ^_^ Er, but when it says "WA" it doesn't mean Washington... it means Western Australia... you know, that hick upside-down country? :P Yeah. I'm halfway across the world. *waves*
Will reply to your email later - dad gets stroppy if we stay on his net connection past 10am when he needs it for work. *grins* And the time is... 10:17am!! ...I am so screwed. Things to do when I'm on my laptop and can update my blog layout... *add RoodAwakenings to my "Lives" section *add my livejournal to my "Me" section *change "X Vol 9" to "X Vol 10" in my Wishlist I know there was something else... dammit... oh yeah. *add Tsaiko's LJ to my "Reads" section *add Lunar's LJ to my "Reads" section *fix Wishlist - the spacing is a little screwed think that's all. I'm going to mt barker for a month on the 4th January. I'm going to stay with Chas' family. Of course, due to my diet, I'm going to have to lug an entire giant esky (how do you spell esky anyway?) of food down there, so I don't starve. ...sometimes this Coeliac Disease stuff is a real hassle. *sigh* But on the upside, I get to see Chas again. ^_^ 12 more days... 12 more days... In other news, my sister cleaned my room. I didn't do much of the work, just sat around and watched her do stuff, and sorted through various piles of junk when ordered. ...my room is actually /clean/. You can see most of the floor! ...this is really, really weird. And now... I'm done. *yawns* Tomorrow, I have to go to uni and get a Railways card so I can travel on buses and trains halfway across WA for half price. Blargh. I just hope the office is still open... Sunday, December 22, 2002
Oh, and Aaron? ...happy birthday. ^_^
oh, I should probably let everyone know... I also got a livejournal, courtesy of maelkann, purely so I can comment on people's posts and vote in his polls. Everything I post there will probably be mainly repeats of stuff here, but... *shrugs* you never know. Yeah.
In other news, I'm still bouncy. Mainly from the fic thankyouthankyouthankyou but also given a pep-up by the fact that we actually roleplayed last night, after not roleplaying the last two sessions because not enough people were there. It was great! And I got criticalled with a crossbow bolt, and will get a scar across my cheek. Kieron, our DM, said I could have it anyway I wanted it. So... should I have a Kenshin-esque scar down the side of my cheek... hmmm. *thinks* I'm going to have to think about this one. Of course, the main disadvantage of a critical face-wound is that my hitpoints get halved until it's fully healed... *sigh* So instead of 27, I've got 14 (I get to round up. ^_^) And I went up a level. Yay! Although Kieron said I couldn't put any more points in throwing. *niko* just because Evelyn can have +6 to attack and +2 to damage, down to +4 to attack and +4 to damage... I love this character. So yeah. ...and now, I have breakfast and get dressed, and then clean my room with my nee-chan. But maybe I'll blog-check a bit first... ^_^ I am on crack... ...crack otherwise known as Lunar's Vagrant Story fics. mmmm. I am high. Really good fic does this to me. Thank you. ^___^ Wednesday, December 18, 2002
Have to fill out insurance forms. Blargh.
Enrolled today. Lucky Liz gets to pick and choose her units. Me? They just say "You're doing what course? Right. You get to do these units, and have the choice of these electives." Which means, of course, that I and the rest of the students doing Software Engineering are doing exactly the same units. *sigh* Twig posted LHR35. I love it I love it iloveitiloveitiloveitiloveitiloveit! ^________^ I have to keep reminding myself of Birthday Graces, I think that is what the story is called, to remember that everything turns out okay in the end. Kouri, I like your Reversal conversation, think Before I Wake is a nifty idea, and that new story *checks name* From the Shadows, is really, really neat. ^_^ I really like the interaction that Jason and Spencer have with all the others around them. I was reading bits out to Chas, like the bit where Jason sneaks pasta back into the serving bowl. I found that really funny, for some reason. ^_^ And Asher is weird, but really, really cool. As for Seperate Selves, gimme a week or two. I'm going to need to read it through again from the beginning to give you proper comments, but from what I read yesterday, it does seem awfully anticlimatic. I mean, Teki had very good plans, and it took effort for the others to defeat them. The ending seems... well, to me, Teki wouldn't be that stupid. He'd have a better plan for getting the book, or another failsafe hidden up his sleeve. Either Aiden-Honou was helping him in all his plotting in the earlier parts, or the author just gave up and said "I want this story to /end/, dammitall!" and did just that. ^_^;; *hides* Yeah. And now... I go somewhere else. Maybe I'll read more fic. Or something... Sunday, December 15, 2002
So. Got my results back today. They weren't meant to be up on the net until 9pm tomorrow night, but... *shrugs* I checked today, because some other people's had also come out early, and here they were. So. I passed all of my four units, which was good. Credited IPE103 and SE104 with 67% and 65% repectively, Distinctioned CE102 with 72%, and passed Maths 132 with 50%. So... Maths would have scraped in because of the special consideration form I put in earlier in the year, probably. *wipes brow* phew. M132 is a pre-req for about half of next year's units, so I'm real lucky. ^_^
"A princess bride personality test!" brought to you by Quizilla according to the "how high is your self esteem?" test, i have... PRETTY LOW self-esteem. on the esteem-o-meter, you're not quite in the red. there are those who are worse. fortunately, you're not one of them. i bet you even liked what you saw in the mirror once or twice. Friday, December 13, 2002
I have a purple balloon tied on a purple piece of shiny party string attatched to my ponytail.
...I believe this means that I should soon attend a housewarming. ...maybe. In other news, I shall attempt to fix my archives again later. Because I realy can't be bothered now. Thanks, Ko. However, I only use the layout. You should direct your praise towards Saelle instead. ^_^ I'm horrible at that kind of thing. On a side note, I had 10 hits from your site in 12 hours, which maxed out my referred hits box. ^_^; Oops. Chas is watching some sort of animation thing which looks quite nifty, in a shiny, metallic, black and white and grey kind of way. Neat. Thursday, December 12, 2002
I lied. They still don't work. Umm...
Also, I think I just fixed my archives. I think. Damn you, Mozilla, for eating the [a href] links in the first place. But I love you anyway. You have tabs. ^_^
So, to christen my new blog layout (thanks Saelle!) I present much, much social blogging...
Alison, thanks for posting those pictures. While they look quite nice, I agree with you and Kira. They don't look anything like I thought Yami no Matsuei looked like. *blinks* What happened? I could hardly even tell that the Tsuzuki picture was of Tsuzuki! Looks like my check of everyone on my reads list was timely... can't wait til she starts doing the Two Towers diaries. ^_^ Good luck, Catt! Fall, I /still/ can't see your blog. Email me, please? I want to know what's going on with you. ^_^ Liz, what's wrong with reading a lot of Eddings? As long as you don't take it to /heart/... or, you know, start running after small blue glowy things. Then I'll get worried. Incidently, almost linked your other, real address. *slaps hand* Bad Vel. ^_^ I never had a care bear. Cabbage patch kids, yes, but not a care bear. ...I feel deprived. In other news, Cloud is a short, depressed, blond kid with a penchant for large swords and angst. Sephiroth is a tall, withdrawn, silver-haired SOLDIER with a piercing Mako stare who needs to get laid... They're Not Gay! *shrugs* or not. It doesn't really roll off the tongue. Anyway. Good luck for the essay, Kouri. Pikachu/Vincent yaoi doujinshi. *blinks* Oh, I /want/. *sighs wistfully* Happy Birthday Mura-chan! Changes Natalie's link... One of my uni friends, Stephie to be precise, was wondering what colour the Slytherin scarf was. *looks at Shell as the most Slytherin-obsessed person that I know of* Is it green and white, green and grey, or green and silver? Sab, nice layout. And check your email, btw. ^_^ I like those stats on the "benefits of sex"... I should show them to someone I know... ~_^ I would love to be cold. Cold means I can sit inside wrapped in many layers of clothing and blankets and cuddle up lots to Chas. Unfortunately, it hit 39 degrees yesterday. That's 39 degrees celcius. blaaargh. While you're sitting there turning into a pile of ice, I'm down here melting into a pile of sweat. Thank god for USB fans for laptops, is all I can say. If it weren't for that little thing, I think I might've passed out from the heat. ^_^ New layout. Neat. Out of interest, what kind of bird is that? Wheee! You updated! ^_^ So, /when/ are you updating ADAHN? ^_^ No, don't ask when I'm going to update mine. I don't know. And Seltyin and Anami went on holiday somewhere, and didn't let me know where they went or when they'd be back. So... *shrugs* I'm helpless, really. One advantage to burning the tartarus proxy meant that I could read Lunar's blog without changing proxies... stupid underscore rules. *mutters* Leareth, I may want Two Towers tickets. Can I say one for now, and possibly more later? I think that's all. *breathes* Now, to beat my layout into submission. Thursday, December 05, 2002
So. My other news. I had a car accident. For those Perthites, who know the shenton park area, it was on the corner of Herbet St and Onslow Rd, just outside the Shenton Park Community Centre, and down the road from Shenton Park Village with all those little shops. Just down from the lake. You know the one. Anyway, me and Chas were returning from UCC basketball at Perry Lakes stadium, were going down Herbet St, and had just passed down the lake over those annoying speed bumps, and stopped at the stop sign, looking both ways.
Now, at this particular intersection, cars park on the side of Onslow rd that we were on, and make it hard to you to see any oncoming traffic. Traffic coming from the left is downright impossible to see; traffic coming from the right less so, but still difficult. But it was nighttime, which makes things a little easier, since you can see the glow of headlights on the road. Anyway, seeing no traffic, I started forward, when this red car came racing past. Well, it came racing past slow enough that when I started forward, my car (a white subaru, with a heavy black bullbar on the front, yes, called Subaru-kun) bounced off the front of their car. Subaru-kun started hissing from under the bonnet, steam coming up and fogging the windscreen a little, and something started clattering under the hood. But it kept going, and I drove it across Onslow road and stopped on the other side. The other car, though... a red car, was spun a little when we hit it, and turned enough so that it rammed right into the back right corner of one of those parked cars I mentioned earlier. (remember, we drive on the left side of the road in Australia.) The front of the car, when me and Chas raced over, asking frantically if they were okay, was crumpled up in a V-shape, and had pushed the parked car (gold) into the car in front. We found out later the gold car had impaled its radiator on the tow bar ball of the car in front. Anyway. My bullbar was lying on the side of the road next to the red car, which also had a dent in its side where we'd hit it. And the two girls inside were okay, they had burns from the seatbelts where they'd jerked after hitting the gold car, which was only a little dented from the collision at the rear. And their necks were a little sore, and one of them had chipped a tooth and the other had bit her tongue, but they were okay. The officious bint who owned the gold car was busy bustling around, getting as many names and addresses and phone numbers and license numbers as she could. When she asked me what happened, and I told her, she said "Well, I think you were probably in the wrong here." After I called my sisters, and they came, and then called mum and dad, who were at a restaurant not a hundred metres from the crash, and they came, and the lady bustled over to my dad, asking him about the insurance on Subaru-kun. And he told her, and she said "Well, I think it'll be your insurance which pays for it." And my dad said "I don't think I can make any comment about that right now," and she bustled off. And later when my dad borrowed a broom from one of the four towtruck vultures which arrived, and started sweeping up the broken plastic and glass and suchlike from the broken headlights etc, which was lying in the middle of the intersection, the officious bint said "are you sure you should be removing the evidence?" like this was a crime scene and the broken glass and plastic was the only thing to show that there'd been a car accident. And my dad pointed out that there was quite enough evidence already to show that there'd been a car accident, like the smashed cars. And the bint bustled off again. When she tried to get the name and address of the man who lived a few houses down, who brought the two girls tea and chocolate, he said "John Smith," and then said "I'm not going to tell you my name, I was not a witness, and I am not going to talk to the police." Later, when she pressed him, he said "The only way you will get me to tell you anything is to subpoena me, and even if you did subpoena me I'm going overseas soon and you would have to pay my expenses for coming back," and that shut her up. For a little while, anyway. And then the police showed up, after they told us they wouldn't, and the crash report was filled out, and they took our statements, and inspected the cars, and I got breathtested, as was compulsary, and it turned out 000, as I don't drink. And then dad and Chas borrowed the torch from one of the police officers, and had a look at Subaru-kun, and decided that it was driveable. So when we could leave me and Chas got in, with the bullbar in the boot, and drove slowly home. My sisters and mum followed in my big sister's car, and my dad walked home. And in the morning dad took Subaru-kun to the shop and things, to get a quote for the insurance. And it turned out that the damage was worse that him and Chas had thought, because the heavy bullbar hadn't been ripped off forwards, it had been ripped off sideways, and there was apparently a split in the chassis because of this. And the little shop we took it too was apparently not able to handle this, because it needed a special machine, so they told dad to take it to another shop, which he did. And they are pretty busy, so they said if they can fit it in soon, it'll be fixed and ready before christmas, when they close down for 2 weeks. Either that, or mid-January. Which is going to suck, as I was going to drive down to Mt Barker to stay with Chas' family for January. Which means I may have to take a bus or something. *sigh* Being without a car sucks. I meant to post this yesterday, but apparently I didn't press the "publish" button properly. *shrugs* In any case, I'd like to thank Max for her kind words, and tell a certain person that they are an insensitive, stupid git, and if all they care about is upseting people in public just to get attention, well, they're really sad. I pity them. That's all. So. Where to start? I guess I should start with all my social blogging first, to get that out of the way, and then with my "exciting" news. So. Without further ado... Hey Tsaiko! I was reading your blog a while ago (read: about 6 months... 7 months... beginning of the year?) but lost track of you for a while. Good work on the space heater, and your link to the article about the careless scientist with a laptop was very amusing. As to the gremlins... hmmm. A tricky problem indeed. I'll ask Fall what she thinks, she knows about that kind of thing. That is, if I can ever /see/ her blog... *sighs* Speaking of Fall, are you back from Leavers yet? Hope you are having/had a great time! Nothing's come in for you at QC yet, although I have picked up the Magic Knight Rayearth artbooks volumes 1 and 2, if you want to take a look. The pictures are /pretty/. ^_^ Also, how's the pic of Vel going? *grins* Looks to the The Conjunction - so, what the hell is this Iron Chef stuff you guys go on about? I mean, I don't watch much TV, don't have cable, and don't live in America, so I must have missed it somewhere... Liz, I tried to comment on your blog post like you said, so I commented on your LJ instead... Monday is fine for me, but if any other Perthites want to watch stuff, you might want to wait until they are also free, unless they reply soon and are also free for monday, in which case everyone's happy. So what do you think? It's all up to you... ^_^ Oh, except for the part where I have no car. Er. In that case, there will be train catching involved, and you will have to pick me up at a station somewhere. *shrugs* I keep forgetting that I don't have a car for a while and stuff. *sighs* Goddammit! ...Anyway, get back to me on that, kay? Lilack, nice layout! *hearts* mmm, Star Ocean. *can't wait for you to scan... ^____^ I wish I knew what snow was. The last time I saw snow, I was three years old, in Melbourne (that's in one of the eastern states of Australia, by the way), and my family had driven to the top of Mt Bulla, which was near the city. I had just turned 3 - I had my birthday over there, and I have the photographs of me with my bowl haircut, complete with fringe, sitting next to a heart-shaped cake with candles. I don't remember it at all. I mean, I get told stories... my one year old sister was left in the car, and was crying because it was cold. I only had little gum boots on, and so the snow, at least ankle deep on an adult, in some places deeper, was falling in the tops and making my feet wet and cold. My dad dropped the camera, and it made a hole in the snow. But I don't remember. I can read about it too, how you wake up and the world is silent, and you rush to the window and see the flakes of snow softly drifting down, the outside world covered in a soft white blanket... but it's just not the same. ...one day I'm going to see snow. *sighs* Dave, update, you lazy boy. And for crying out loud, please please /please/ update adahn! *flutters eyelashes* Got a few referrers from my post about my back, stuff like painful sneezes and "cracked rib" treatment and suchlike. Sorry guys, the only treatment for a cracked rib is to wait until it goes away. *shrugs* That's life. But luckily, not mine. Okay, I think that's all the blogging I need to do... I think. Sab, your tagboard isn't working for me so I can't see if you've left any messages for me. Email me if you want to get through to me urgently - I try and check my uni mail at least once a day. Failing that, call me. You know my mobile number. Okay, going to post this now and then write up my stuff. Blargh. Monday, December 02, 2002
Thanks, Thorne. ^_^ The movie was good, despite being filled with small children, and when we stayed through the whole credits to watch the little bit at the end, there were only about 10 other people there *grins* I guess they'd been warned to stay back, like we had. ^_^Borrowed CCS eps 59 - 70 from Liz, specifically so I can watch the Touya/Yuki goodness. Mmmm, shounen ai. ^_^
I am ... to others... by Umi To others, you are one ray of hope and a great buddy to have, but you really can get stubborn at times. |
Name: Vel'ithya Tevriel Age: 19 Starsign: Libra Chinese: Rat Status: Taken ^_^ Studying: Japanese (and Creative Writing) at UWA Fallen Angels Drifting Feathers* Paradise Lost Wishlist: X Vol 10 Angel Sanctuary manga Yami no Matsuei manga Yuu Yuu Hakusho (both) Saiyuki anime Captain Jack Sparrow Nano: Twig Tsaiko Ann Changeling Liz Falstaff Sonnlich Favourite...
Anime/Manga: X/99 Tokyo Babylon DN Angel DragonBall Z Blade of the Immortal Trigun Saiyuki Fullmetal Alchemist Characters: Captain Jack Sparrow Genjo Sanzo (Houshi) Sumeragi Subaru Sakurazuka Seishirou Monou Fuuma Duo Maxwell Briefs Trunks Edward Elric Roy Mustang Hobbies/Loves: Writing (mainly original) Reading Karate Archery Music/Singing Chas ^_~ Captain Jack Sparrow Pirates of the Carribean Links...
Reads: Asprosdrakos Catt Changeling Chaobell Fallimar Flamebyrd(LJ) The Great Conjunction House of Mews Ko Leareth Lunar Meia Metamia Mooncalf PenChaft Pirotess Snow Kitten Spooky Thorne Tsaiko Wind ff.net/fp.net Ann(fic) Catt(ff.net) House of Mirrors Lunar(fic) Thorne(ff.net) Twig(fic) Twig(ff.net) Twig(fp.net) LJ friends* Uni: UniSFA Unigames UWAnime UCC Aaron Goth!Chris James Jesus!Dave Max Rae (I) Rae (II) Tom Adam* Alex* Ben* Coman* Davyd* Goth!Chris* Liz* Maelkann* Pam* Rae* Stephie* Tom Tommo* Vegeta* Campaign: Valmar Kalika Evelyn Seigfried Aldo Lives: KnK's Fanfics Irrealistic.net The Academy RoodAwakenings Angel's Gate Disarming Smile Kaitou.net | Bob Tsaiko's World Laranica Firehorse Fantasy Arts Ephebian Paradise Mooncalf Just a Little Ecchi Ficbitches* CLAMPesque Questionable Reality The Very Secret Diaries A Life Like Any Other Juuhachi-gou's Place of Being Vejiita4eva Temple O' Trunks Daizenshuu Ex B-chan Makai Black Market Comics: 8-bit Theater Dominic Deegan Errant Story Utukki Penny Arcade Friendly Hostility Boy Meets Boy w00t_comic* Random...
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