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Wednesday, April 30, 2003
To:Sensei Ken
From: me Re: karate senior training, wednesday nights Look. I know you have all these other students. I know that you have to look at them. I know that I've just come back from months away with several consecutive injuries, and that my ankle still isn't completely healed. Despite this, I'm participating in the class as much as I can. So I can't move in combinations. So I can't do any stance but heikadachi and hanzenkutsudachi. So I can't do Kata or Kumite. The least you could do is tell me how my techniques are. I'm a Sensei; this means that at some point in the next couple of months, I /will/ have to stand in front of a class and teach. And I want my techniques to be /right/, dammit. I had to check with Troy today, while you guys were doing kumite, until you pulled us off to supervise while you sparred with some of the students who might be up for grading in two weeks. And my techniques, while okay, aren't perfect, according to him, and I can tell he's telling the truth. They just don't feel /right/. You're my Sensei. I'd appreciate a word here and there about how I'm doing. Thanks. Monday, April 28, 2003
My CD is smart.
My CD looks the same on each side. My CD now says: "This is the top, stupid." My CD was burnt this evening with DN Angel 3 and 4. Naruto 1 through 7 are sitting on Grahame's computer, waiting for me to rip them. I must, of course, wait for more blank CDs before pulling anything else onto my harddrive. Today was okay. Let's hope tomorrow is as well. Sunday, April 27, 2003
I saw the pics, Aspros. The costumes looked very pretty. ^_^ I'm assuming you're the one in the blue tunic and shorts with the long red sash and the long black plait. You have long hair. ^_^
The snippet of THoD was interesting, Catt. I'm not quite sure how it all fits into the modern world yet, but it's only a teaser. ^_^ And I think you were talking about a cool cape thing that the main guy wanted to wear but couldn't because it was in the modern world now, or something? Remember Kamui's vampire cape from the first scene/episode of X, and that's a modern setting. Cloaks are cool. ^_^ Fall, I think you're dead.*poke* Made progress on my site yesterday, while wrapped in my doona in my room bemoaning my horrible fate. Only section left to do apart from gathering some interesting links is the Original Fiction section. *sigh* I got the cute bunny at the Unisfa Easter Picnic today. Froggie won the actual prize, but all he wanted was the egg in the basket the bunny was carrying. So I got the bunny. ^__^ It's very soft and cute. Twig, new Grasshopper chapter neat. I like Squall's description of Seifer at the very end. ^_^ Off to... do stuff. Saturday, April 26, 2003
Er, I forgot to post this the other day, but there's stuff on Fallen Angels.
If I could remove a certain part of my anatomy right now, I would. Though probably not with a rusty spoon. Ouch. *winces* UWAnime session disks are great, cos they give me Naruto. Everything I need to check stuff is on Fu-kun. Of course, this means that Fu-kun is at home and I'm at UCC on Cybium, shortly to go home again. Except that Fu-kun is in my room, and not plugged in to the net. *grumbles* Going now. Tuesday, April 22, 2003
I'm back.
I'm tired. There's stuff on Fallen Angels. Website is coming along. Details of stories typed, htmld and posted: Complete: Liria; NaNo; To finish: Les'na (halfway through Part 2 typing); Lissalya (typed/htmld up to end chap 1); Rhyliann (htmld up to end chap 1); VRstory (htmld up to end chap 1); TwigFic (typed NOT htmld); Rite of Passage (typed NOT htmld); Not done at all: Saskia's; Ank'iara; Amberwing; Child of Fire; Angel Story; Dragon Story; Kiara; Ice Dancer; Dragon/Serpent; Ashley; Boy do I need sleep. *dies* Thursday, April 17, 2003
If y'all can see this, it means that Blogger has published. Eventually. If you can't... well then. You can't. *sigh* I'm reloading and all /I/ can see is my social blogging post. >.<
Dammit, blogger, publish. *kicks*
And, after submitting the stupid thing to DATlab 10 times... full marks!
The complete summary goes: 1. Vel submits. DATlab has a fit. 2. Vel submits. DATlab has a fit. 3. Vel submits. DATlab has a fit. 4. Vel deletes out a System.out.println statement. Vel submits. DATlab has a fit. 5. Vel submits. DATlab has a fit. 6. Vel re-formats her code with proper tabs. Vel submits. DATlab has a fit. 7. Vel deletes another System.out.println statement. Vel submits. DATlab has a fit. 8. Vel deletes a third System.out.println statement. Vel submits. DATlab has a fit. Code has 'ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsError'. 9. Vel fixes ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsError. Vel submits. DATlab has a fit. Code has 'incorrect output'. 10. Vel replaces a single number with the correct variable. Vel submits. DATlab smiles upon Vel, and gives Vel her marks. (okay, so the System.out.printlns were there so that when I tested the code, it would tell me the value of the variables etc so that I could see if the methods were working. They were only for testing, and I forgot to take them out. Silly me. ^_^;; Of course, Forte had a fit when I tried to test the code /anyway/ as it implemented an interface called QueueChar, which, even when I downloaded it and stuck it in the same file, Forte refused to believe existed. Among other things. >.<) Anyway. To do list: *Get better ...guess I'd better get working on that last one, then. Have a safe and happy Easter (or non-denominational holiday of your choice, blah, blah blah), and I'll see you when I get back. ^_^ Ann, hope you make it through customs okay. Sounds nasty - I hate head colds, and with the current situation... yeah. Get well soon. Have fun at Anime Boston, Aspros. *wishes she was in America and could therefore attend cons* You'd better make good on those photos! ^_^ Good luck with that Japanese foo, Catt. Hope it works out for you. ^_^ Apparently, it's Spooky's birthday today. Happy Birthday! ^_^ Note to self: stop ending sentences with ^_^. Thank you. *snerk* I'll buy your albums, Twig. Even if you can't rap. *grins* *snerks again* Oh dear. *grins* Frogs? ...man, you'd need really /heavy duty/ windscreen wipers. As for miracles... Er. I have no idea. Lemme get back to you on that one. Like I said in your tag box, Sab, I've read CCS (read it today while in bed, actually) and I'll get it back to you... oh, week after next? Seeing as next week is swot vac and all. Yeah. Have a nice Easter, won't you? Tsaiko, that sounds horrible. My condolances. Condolences. Er. Good luck with the coping and everything... just remind yourself of the money you're earning and how you can tell them exactly what you think of them... after you leave and you've got a glowing reference, of course. ^_^ Yay Twig-fic *does a Twig-fic dance* I look forward to reading your shtuff. ^_^ And now... to read Luny's fic and then do my DSA lab. EDIT: Blogger is being a bitch and won't publish. Argh. Of course, you probably won't be able to see this anyway. >.< Called in sick to work; slept for three hours. Woke up, had panadol and demezin, and dinner, and feeling quite a lot better. Although still have temperature. Blegh. Might not be going down south tomorrow; depends on how I feel. Don't want to be driving if I'm really really sick. So. We'll see how I am tomorrow. Watched first episode of Wolf's Rain at home. Is really quite neat. I agree with Liz, now that I've actually /seen/ an episode I think they are actually just plain wolves, and the human is an illusion. I also tried to watch DN Angel 2 and Loki 1 but Windows Media Player didn't have the right codec >.< *grumbles* Ah well. There was something else... Um. Troy is a bitch? Nah, couldn't be that. Umm... The freeway was a carpark yesterday, so I was late to the meeting, and because I was sick I didn't do karate? Man, I swear I will start next week. Really. I mean it. *sigh* Social blogging, next update. (ie, in about ten minutes.) Stay tuned. Wednesday, April 16, 2003
*ahem* Not only do I have Chas' cold, but I managed to partially understand Eiffel and do moderate testing /and/ finish, tar(zip) and submit the files! ^__^ And now for lunch. The rest of the day proceeds as follows: 1. lunch. Skip Maths217 in celebration. 2. get picked up at 1.45 3. speed change; get dropped at work at 2.15 4. work until 4.45 5. go home; have dinner; go back to uni. 6. give Chas his dinner; do DSA lab that's due tomorrow. 7. sleep Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. 8. Wake up; pack; get petrol; get Chas; drive to Mt Barker. Don't know how much I'll be able to dial up on STD to get on the net; probably at least once because man, 4 days without email? /not/ gonna happen. But yeah - scarce for a while. Happy Easter to all. Tuesday, April 15, 2003
See Fallen Angels for why my lecturer is a fuckwit *fumes*. If anyone wants me, I'll be over here. Fuming. *stomps off*
Decided to write project in Java, then convert to Eiffel. Have written Java. Except that I'm not sure that it'll do what I want it to do anyway. *sigh* I don't understand Eiffel. Am giving up for the night.
Monday, April 14, 2003
html-ed some more stuff tonight. No more typing, though - nothing to type from. All my notebooks are at home.
...this is going to take so much work. Whinge whinge whinge. *sigh* Eiffel's due in three days. *screams and runs* Glad to see you're recovering, Changeling. Hope you continue having a speedy recovery. ^_^ Flidget, that's why I'm trying to do like Tsaiko and have both. LJ is fine, but I'm not earning enough to support a paid account, and I like the pretty layouts Snow Kitten makes me. I have to admit, it does make checking my links a lot quicker... Shell I liked the chapter of your vampire story, it had some very neat ideas. Hope you continue this one. ^_^ I don't really mind the wonky, Twig, as long as they work. Which they seem to be doing, so all good. I was able to type up all of what I've written of Rhyliann, so that's one story down... only about 15 to go... ^_^;; I'll get there eventually... Have fun at the circus, Lunar. And now... I go avoid the Eiffel *shudder* project that's due this thursday. *hides* Saturday, April 12, 2003
Happy Birthday, Ann. ^_^
Friday, April 11, 2003
Feeling better today, although somewhat weird. Do you know why?
...I have /glasses/. So my nose feels a bit weird, because it has glasses sitting on it. Although I think my ears are at different heights, because everyone says they're wonky. Well, okay, one person says they're wonky. But when I tried the frames on they looked a bit wonky, so... eh. Can't do anything about my ears, short of hacking one off and sewing it on again a little higher. *shrugs* In other news, it's pissing down over here. Did the DSA lab, though, so all good. Apparently, in Java constructors can't have a return of void. So the header has to go "public StackCharBlock" as opposed to "public void StackCharBlock" which is what I had as it doesn't actually return anything. *shrugs* The error was fixed and I submitted and got full marks, so no problems there. Mech lectures are actually fun. Prof Stone is a nice person when you actually, ah, go to his lectures. I apologised for not going last year, and guess what? He agrees with me that Software Eng students shouldn't have to do Mech! ^_^ Hee. When he was doing examples in class, he wrote little comments next to them, eg when there was an example about a cyclist, and they worked out how fast he was going at the top of a hill, and it was something like 23764km/h, he wrote (should go in Olympics!). His theory is that if the examiner has to mark 480 papers, and yours is 423rd, you should cheer him up, and you might get extra marks. ^_^ Jpop party tonight. I can't believe what I'm planning to wear. If I make it out of the front door without dying from embarrassment, that is. Pictures later. Probably. See previous statement about dying from embarrassment. ^_^ And I bought a book today to use as my Mech101 logbook, so I can now complete the tutes. Mmmm, long post. Thanks to people who give me good wishes - I hope things get better soon too. ^_^ Cross fingers that my headaches will cease to appear. And now, since this couch is giving me a numb ass, I shall go and... probably go home, actually. And have dinner. And then see about that outfit. Thursday, April 10, 2003
Still feeling spacey. Skipped all my lectures today - I was late for the first one, because it was raining - well, pissing down, more like - and there was a thunderstorm going on, and because my bike was at uni I had to drive, which meant that I drove around for ten minutes until I found a (lucky) parking spot. And then I was all wet and once I'd got to UCC and shucked my raincoat I just didn't want to walk out in the rain again. And I never go to the DSA lab because I'm about three weeks behind, and I just couldn't force myself to go to OOP.
So. Yeah. Had to miss Rae's nutrimetics thing, because I don't trust myself to drive long distance while I'm spaced. Because I'd probably miss a car or something and then crash and die. This is why I missed karate yesterday. I had to call Sensei and let him know that I wasn't coming. Anyway. I'll try and stop being down, but please appreciate that that's a bit hard when everything seems to be going wrong at once. Wednesday, April 09, 2003
Feeling somewhat better today, having finally watched DN Angel thanks to Chris's CD and Davyd's computer. Of course, the reasons that I'm only feeling somewhat better as opposed to all better are the following:
1) I woke up this morning with yesterday's headache, which has somehow gotten inexplicably worse between this morning and now; 2) I worked for four hours this morning; 3) My lunch exploded in the microwave, and I had to spend a few minutes wiping tuna off the interior; 4) My Maths217 tutor fainted in the lecture today, unfortunately at 1:40; the lecture was horrible and incomprehensible; I am going to fail; [edit: lecture goes from 1 to 1.45, if that made no sense.] 5) I have to go to karate tonight, and actually do karate. And I am once again all spacy - this /is/ headache related, because I just can't concentrate on anything when my head is stuffed with cotton wool in a vise; Yeah. Tuesday, April 08, 2003
Scratch that. Am in horrible mood. Synching all wrong. Time synching at start all out - sound is about 10 seconds before picture. Clicking along the time-bar /does/ re-synch - for a little while - but the resynch is still about 2 seconds behind, and then it lags again.
I don't ask for much, but I do ask for properly-synched anime. I can't watch it like this. Feeling much better, mood-wise, than earlier. DN Angel has 25 minutes to go, and Chas bullied me into ringing home to get Dad to put the tape on for Buffy, so all good there. I have horrible mood swings, don't I? And on the heels of that post, James came over and is going to download the .torrent file for me, because I am a dumb hick who knows nothing about php protocol, or whatever it is, and he is UCC President, and UCC 2003 Bachelor of the Year. Better, a little. My eyes hurt. My eyes hurt because I spent at least an hour this morning trying on different pairs of glasses to find frames that looked decent on me. My head hurts. My head hurts because those glasses were not all adjusted for a perfect fit on me, and so pressed against my head really quite hard and gave me said headache. Not to mention the strain I got from my eyes, even though the frames were fitted with normal glass, not lenses. The Manics people pissed me off today. Maybe I'll blog about that later. OOP was crap. Eiffel sucks. We're on to Java in our lectures, thank god, but still. Our first project is still in Eiffel, and due next week. Thursday, I believe, or something like that. Eiffel is twisted and evil, and I don't understand it. Hopefully I can flub my way through it enough to pass the damn project. I had to get up at 7:45am this morning. This is obviously not a sane hour to be awake. But I had to do /last/ weeks Eiffel lab, didn't I? I am tired and cranky. I have run out of fic. James kindly sent me this one, which was all well and good for this afternoon, but did nothing for my headache, and can do nothing now when I'm already pissed off at the world at large. Perhaps I mis-phrased that last paragraph. I have run out of /good/ fic. I am not desperate enough to trawl FF.net yet, even if it /were/ working. I forgot to put the tape on for Buffy before I came back to Uni. This means that either a) I will forget to record it or b) I will go home early and put the tape in. One of these is likely to happen, and it's not the one that's good for my sleep. Of course, I could always ring, but I'm comfy here in the couch - yes, I do mean to type in, not on; the UCC couches are like that, although the Unisfa couches are worse - and I'll probably forget to do it. What I want to do is put my headphones in and listen to loud, minor music with a strong beat and a nice melody. But I've got a headache, so that's out. I want to do something, like write some more, or watch Babylon 5, or play FF7, but I can't think of anything I want to do that doesn't involve straining my eyes more. ... I want to fly through the air with the wind, high above the clouds, but I don't have wings. I'll never have wings. Why can I not find a place to download DN Angel anime episode 1 on the net? Why? /WHY/?? I tried here, but it's a .torrent file and I have no idea what the hell it is. And when I right-clicked and saved link target, it was only 18kB. And 18 kB for an anime episode is not right. I want DN Angel. *cries* (no, this is not my ranty bitchy annoyed post. that comes later.) Monday, April 07, 2003
Spent an hour trying on glasses this morning. My eyes hurt. OOP lab hard and annoying. I hate Eiffel. Going to maths now.
In other news, Chas is a twerp because he kept trying to stealth attack me to see what I was reading.
Twerp. ^_^ <3 And no, I didn't 'catch' Zell. I nicked the picture from the aforesaid Bishink girls. Sorry. Only using it for explainatory purposes, I swear. ^_^ Ann, although I haven't read/seen Detective Conan or Magical Kaitou Kid, or whatever it's called, I can't really comment on characterisation or anything. But I did like the chapter. ^_^ In other news, reading all the FF8 fic the Bishounenink guys have on their page really, /really/ makes me want to play FF8. Even though I haven't finished FF7, in fact, I haven't played it much at all since uni started. *sigh* And I have to finish last week's OOP lab by tomorrow at 2pm, and two week's ago DSA lab for this friday. *sigh* Oh well. Tonight, I am going to procrastinate. And then I'll get up early so I can get into uni and try to do the OOP lab before I meet Chas to go and pick out frames for my glasses. Maybe I'll go read some more FF8 fic. Somewhere. And does anyone else think that Zell Dincht looks like Sting? Okay, so I couldn't find an appropriately Zell-like picture of Sting. But he does. *nodsnods* Having switched the network cable to another slot in the little hub-thing it was in, I can now actually access the network. Stupid cable. It's been going wonky for about two days, now, and I'm still not sure if I should be swearing at the cable or at the slot it was in. >.< *grumbles* And now, to blog-check. Saturday, April 05, 2003
LAN crap. Am tired and have headache. Fu-kun refusing to connect to anyone when a few hours ago I could see everyone fine. Am very annoyed.
On plus side, wrote next section of NaNo. I suppose I should post it over at Fallen Angels. Only a small section, though. No editing etc. I'm probably going to go home and sleep. I mean, there's no point staying here when all that's going to happen is that I'm going to get depressed because my computer isn't working the way I want it to. Wah. And thanks also to you for your good wishes. I read Twig's blog first. ^_^ Chas-"Where's John Doe when you want him?" G!Chris-"Where you wish he was most of the time." At LAN. Have headache, because I decided to read for a few hours this afternoon, and I don't get glasses until Tuesday. Well, I don't go to pick out glasses until Tuesday, anyway. Thanks for your good wishes. ^_^ I'm sure I'll be okay. I've got Sakura's catchphrase, remember? Everything will turn out okay, or something. *nodsnods* And now... I blogcheck. Friday, April 04, 2003
I re-edited my NaNo snip of what comes next, and you can find it on Fallen Angels. Mainly just a bit of description here and there, nothing major.
So. My eyes. I'm getting glasses. My eyes aren't bad - my left eye is -0.25 x 90something, and my right eye is slightly worse at -0.50 x 100something. Like 102, 105. Something like that. So anyway, a slight astigmatism, if I spelt that correctly. Which is what was making me dizzy when I went to copy-type my stories - turning my head and making my eyes refocus from page to screen really screwed them up. So. Glasses. According to the guy who did my prescription, only for reading, computer, and studying. I won't have to wear them all the time (presumably unless I want to). Now the only question is making sure that I get the lightest frames possible so that the /frames/ won't give me the headaches that these glasses are meant to prevent. *sigh* As to my ankle... well. It's not a stress fracture. In fact, nothing much is wrong at all, according to the bone scan. So. I'm going to start getting back into karate from next week, just really light training, using only haikadachi and short fighting stance, and then gradually introduce the other stances. Only stationary, mind you. And /then/ after a few weeks, I'll try moving. Slowly. So this means no kata for a few weeks. Maybe a month or two. So I guess I won't be grading anytime soon. *sigh* Yeah. Anyway. I'm going to check to see that this CD burned right, and then I'm going to go to bed. I've got a LAN tomorrow night, and I want to be able to stay up for a while. Oh, and since I can't see Changeling's blog right now (it's doing that same 'can't find the file /' thing that it was doing to you and you before), I don't know exactly what's happening, but best wishes. Hope everything turns out okay. *hugs* Thursday, April 03, 2003
I have stuff to blog about my eyes and my ankle, but I'm tired, have a headache, and have a maths test tomorrow that I'm not going to study for.
On the plus side, I tidied the manga/entertainment corner of my room tonight. I have a bookshelf with my manga, CDs and tapes on it (just a small one; two shelves only) with my CDplayer/stereo/CassettePlayer on top of it. And now all my comics are in their box, although it was a tight squeeze - I'm going to have to get another box on saturday; all my manga is stacked on the shelves, although I could do with more shelf space because I hate stacking things on top of other things; and you can see the floor. Amazing. Anyway. Reckon I'll look (as :P) cute in glasses? Wednesday, April 02, 2003
Okay. Currently on Fallen Angels is
1. Many Quizilla quizzes. This is what the LJ-cut tag is for. 2. Photos from my little sister's year 12 ball. 3. Photos from my second trip to Mt Barker. PUPPIES!!! *ahem* I am getting my eyes tested tomorrow. Pray that they find something wrong. No, I have justification for this. See, I get these headaches. And if they're due to my eyes, well, then, probem solved. But if they're not, if my eyes are fine and there's nothing wrong... /Then/ I've got a problem. >.< I also get my bone scan results back then. So. Fingers crossed for tomorrow. ^_^ Not published yesterday because publishing was down. Tuesday, April 01, 2003
Had my bone scan today. Am radioactive. Go me.
First appointment was at 7:45am; second appointment was at 1:30pm. Am dead tired. 6:45 is not a sane time to wake up. Ugh. My brain is jelly and my eyelids are lead. The scan is being sent to me, but the radiographer let me have a squizzy at the screen, and there are dark areas in my left ankle and my left knee. ...My knee? >.< Great. Well, I'll just have to see what the report says. *grumbles* Eyes tested on thursday. Not a day too soon, either. Finished book 3 of the Wheel of Time. Not too bad. Still don't like Mat much. Perrin is cool. Nynaeve is cool. *yawns* Maybe I'll go home early... |
Name: Vel'ithya Tevriel Age: 19 Starsign: Libra Chinese: Rat Status: Taken ^_^ Studying: Japanese (and Creative Writing) at UWA Fallen Angels Drifting Feathers* Paradise Lost Wishlist: X Vol 10 Angel Sanctuary manga Yami no Matsuei manga Yuu Yuu Hakusho (both) Saiyuki anime Captain Jack Sparrow Nano: Twig Tsaiko Ann Changeling Liz Falstaff Sonnlich Favourite...
Anime/Manga: X/99 Tokyo Babylon DN Angel DragonBall Z Blade of the Immortal Trigun Saiyuki Fullmetal Alchemist Characters: Captain Jack Sparrow Genjo Sanzo (Houshi) Sumeragi Subaru Sakurazuka Seishirou Monou Fuuma Duo Maxwell Briefs Trunks Edward Elric Roy Mustang Hobbies/Loves: Writing (mainly original) Reading Karate Archery Music/Singing Chas ^_~ Captain Jack Sparrow Pirates of the Carribean Links...
Reads: Asprosdrakos Catt Changeling Chaobell Fallimar Flamebyrd(LJ) The Great Conjunction House of Mews Ko Leareth Lunar Meia Metamia Mooncalf PenChaft Pirotess Snow Kitten Spooky Thorne Tsaiko Wind ff.net/fp.net Ann(fic) Catt(ff.net) House of Mirrors Lunar(fic) Thorne(ff.net) Twig(fic) Twig(ff.net) Twig(fp.net) LJ friends* Uni: UniSFA Unigames UWAnime UCC Aaron Goth!Chris James Jesus!Dave Max Rae (I) Rae (II) Tom Adam* Alex* Ben* Coman* Davyd* Goth!Chris* Liz* Maelkann* Pam* Rae* Stephie* Tom Tommo* Vegeta* Campaign: Valmar Kalika Evelyn Seigfried Aldo Lives: KnK's Fanfics Irrealistic.net The Academy RoodAwakenings Angel's Gate Disarming Smile Kaitou.net | Bob Tsaiko's World Laranica Firehorse Fantasy Arts Ephebian Paradise Mooncalf Just a Little Ecchi Ficbitches* CLAMPesque Questionable Reality The Very Secret Diaries A Life Like Any Other Juuhachi-gou's Place of Being Vejiita4eva Temple O' Trunks Daizenshuu Ex B-chan Makai Black Market Comics: 8-bit Theater Dominic Deegan Errant Story Utukki Penny Arcade Friendly Hostility Boy Meets Boy w00t_comic* Random...
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