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Saturday, May 31, 2003
Oh, and also, I have 2 new story ideas. Stress and deadlines do that to me. One involves clans of people, or possibly vampires, fighting to, um, get themselves into higher status positions among the other clans, or something. And the other one is about Light and Darkness and ships and necklaces and dragons and rocks falling from the sky, and a man whose name is not Roger, although it does start with an R. Yes, it's a little incoherant - I slept for 12 hours last night, woke up at 10, 11, 1, 3, and 6, and am still tired. This story was formulated during those parts of the night when I was dreaming, but still half-awake. God, I sound like I'm in the matrix. *sigh*
Time to go home and cook Chas dinner. ^_^ <3 I live! Well, I live on sleep deprivation and an annoying headache, but the project is in, the maths test is done, and the lab is... well, completed, but only half submitted because the submitting place is being a bitch. So. *shrugs* Oh well. Um. Today is a special day. Today is a special day because as at 4am this morning, Chas and I have been going out for a year. I am so very, very happy. ^_^ Tuesday, May 27, 2003
ARGH this project is killing me!
That is all. Monday, May 26, 2003
I will probably be pretty scarce for the rest of the week - I have several things to do that really need doing, and not much time to do them. In short:
* *OOP project due 5pm friday (25% of my final grade argh I am so screwed!) *Maths217 test 12pm friday *DSA lab due 5pm friday, I think. *sigh* I'll be over here now, working frantically. After reading the specification for OOP Project B, due at 5pm this friday, I think I'm going to curl up in a little ball in the corner and cry. I have no idea what the hell he is going on about. ... Well. There goes 25% of my grade. Short post on the ColdFire trilogy over on Fallen Angels. Mostly applicable if you live in my state - shipping is terribly expensive overseas. ^_^ Sunday, May 25, 2003
Happy birthday Thorne!! ^__^
And now, I go to a Mech 101 lecture. *sigh* Saturday, May 24, 2003
So Chas and I watched Babylon 5 last night, and we managed to get through the last five episodes of season 3 and the firt episode of season 4, because we just couldn't stop watching there. You know how it is. Massive cliffhanger and all. Marcus made Naroon laugh! ^_^ Squee Marcus. mmm, cute.
...I will be starting my OOP assignment today. Well, either that or my Mech tute for this week. Two more weeks of Uni, one week of break, and then one week of exams and it's /over/, baby. ...for this semester, anyway. *cries* And now... I'll go do something. Probably type up more of Kiara, because that's something I've got in my bag currently. *shrugs* Friday, May 23, 2003
In other news, I asked Sensei Ken to have a bit of a look at my techniques next week at training, and he said yes. Success! ^_^
To: My Body Cc: My Brain While I appreciate the nice inspiration that caused me to write more NaNo today, even though I was writing Sienne and not Seltyin or Anami, I do not appreciate these stomach cramps. If this continues, I shall have to take a leaf out of Tsaiko's book and threaten you with a rusty spoon. Thank you. Love, me. ^_^ Thursday, May 22, 2003
I'm with Liz on this one, Kouri - we can't /possibly/ go four years without finding out the end to Shadows! *cries* Stupid Australian publishers...
Liz: "I have fake Russian lesbians playing in my lap!" So I stayed up studying until 4am this morning with Chas, learning how to implement the PriorityQueue interface we'd been given. As a result, I am 100% confident that I've passed my DSA test. ^_^ In other news, I think Gainax is on crack for this. Eva live-action? *shakes head* All I can say is, they'd better not screw up the casting. Seltyin and Anami are taking over my head again. Argh. Go /away/, I have exams in three weeks, and NaNo was at least six months ago. Not /now/. I am very tired. And since we get kicked out of Cameron Hall in 5 minutes, I'd better go. ^_^ Tuesday, May 20, 2003
I have a Battle Imp over at Fallen Angels. Feel free to battle it if you want. ^_^
Mech tute due tomorrow. DSA test on thursday. I am so screwed. But I don't care, because... I watched something like 5 episodes of Babylon 5 last night with Chas, and all I have to say is !!!!! I knew it!!!!! Ahhh!!!! *ahem* So, yeah. ^__^ In other news, whirl has the same vowel sound as bird, but whorl has the same sound as the 'saur' part of dinosaur. Saturday, May 17, 2003
Got Chas to d/load the sons Bring Me To Life by Evanescence. Am now listening to it on repeat. Mmm, pretty. He then went on to get music by the Beach Boys, claiming that they were good and my taste in music sucked. >.<
I mean, really. My tastes are simple. 1) Minor. 2) Must have a beat. 3) Must be melodic. No screaming here. 4) Minor. No, really. I /mean/ it. Exceptions made for... well, exceptional songs. Hence I love Bring Me To Life and Clubbed to Death and suchlike, and shudder at the Beach Boys stuff that Chas was making me listen too. *shrugs* I just know I've missed a </b> tag somewhere. In other news, this being a LAN and all, I have a few points to make. 1) I am the only girl here. 2) Chas is probably the only male here with a girlfriend. That being me. ^_^ 3) It's probably lunchtime where most people on my 'reads' list are right now. I could talk to you! ...if I knew where you were. *sigh* 4) I'm pretty tired, having seen The Matrix: Reloaded at midnight friday morning and then not getting enough sleep the past few nights. Hell, I didn't get enough sleep /before/ the damn movie. Have taken to sleeping from 3 til about 7 every afternoon. Still dead tired. >.< Will probably leave soon so I can sleep. Friday, May 16, 2003
Made a post to Fallen Angels.
It's pissing down over here, and I have to work at 8:30 tomorrow morning. Someone shoot me. >.< I have seen the Matrix: Reloaded. ... ... EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! Jesus fucking /Christ/! ^____^ And that is all. Well, no it's not, actually. Make sure that you stay all the way until the end of the credits, because they show a Revolutions trailer then. Most of my cinema had already left by this point. ^_^ Wednesday, May 14, 2003
But I currently don't care about any of that now, because seeing as I don't have anything due in this week, I don't have to do much work at all! Whee! This gives me time to - finally! - watch and then return the session 4 UWAnime session dics, and then watch all the anime that I've been burning but haven't managed to watch yet.
And maybe I'll get some webpage stuff done as well, who knows? *shrugs* Likely. However, /un/likely that it's going to be anything big. Prolly just html-ing snippets or something. Eh. This week is week 10. The last week of Uni is week 13. Week 14 is study vac, and exams start the saturday of week 14, through to the saturday of week 16. Stuff to do:
...*sigh* Monday, May 12, 2003
Oh! I forgot to post this earlier:
I adjusted Liz's pants today. ;P *smirks* A little while ago, I dreamed that Liz and I flew to America and found ourselves on Kouri's doorstep. And we rang the doorbell and a girl opened it and we went, "Hi. I'm Flamebyrd and this is Vel'ithya, are you Kouri?" and she said "Yes" and then I woke up. ...I bet we had a great time. I have probably come down with something, other than extreme tiredness, which I already have, as I feel sick everytime I eat something. >.< Meh. Have half-cured the extreme tiredness by sleeping for over 12 hours last night - I can tell because the headache that I've been carrying for the past four days has disappeared. Unfortunately, the black under my eyes didn't go the same way. *shrugs* I'll be happier when I'm well. Ew. I'd be angry too. Hope everything goes okay. Try not to destroy anything important, like your computer or your clothes or something. Punching walls helps, but wrap your knuckles first, or you'll be sorry later. I've been at Ikea lately, looking for a wardrobe. And they have a shit-arse selection. No, really. I couldn't find what I wanted. Gits. >.< Oh, and I can see your blog again. *grumbles* I hate it when it does that. Thursday, May 08, 2003
And, ah, even though I could see your blog earlier this evening, Pitas has decided that "the file / couldn't be found" >.< Argh. Not /again/... Um, this means that I won't see anything on your blog for a little while. eheh. *rages against the universe*
And in other news, after 10 submits to DATlab, my DSA lab compiles and I have my two marks. And in other other news, Naruto 30 and 31 are really, really cool and I want 32 /now/ goddammit >.< (Although I had to watch them on Chas' computer because even though I finally got audio back the picture was all jerky and kept freezing, so argh.) And now I'll... mosey around and attempt not to do maths study for that test tomorrow. Thanks, Twig. A nice spot in an otherwise shitty day. ^_^ Wednesday, May 07, 2003
The DSA lab still won't compile. I know I need to make a few more changes to it, but still. *sigh* And best of all, when I went to watch Naruto 30 to make my mood better, it decided to play... without audio. >.< Despite Naruto 29 playing perfectly last night, it also plays without audio today. >.< Needless to say, mood not getting better. ew. ...ew. I mean, come /on/! When I submitted my lab for marking, it pulled up compiler errors that, admittedly, I had pulled up as well, but I thought that was just an error because I didn't have the interfaces downloaded. But no. Argh! *pulling hair out* We got project specifications today for DSA. It looks horrible, but at least it's not assessed. What's assessed is the /test/ that comes at the end, during our lab in week 11. (for the record, this week is... *goes and looks it up* week 9.) So we've got two weeks to do this project. What's even /better/ is that the specification for the OOP project comes out tomorrow! *sighs* And this one /is/ assessed, as is the 'small change' that happens at the end, which again is assessed, although for not as much. Meh. It's probably due in the same week, too. Maths test on friday - I'll probably study for that tomorrow, by learning how to find Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues, which apparently will make up a large part of this test, as well as some stuff on Linear Algebra, which is /always/ fun. (/sarcasm) And now, I'll go and attempt to write the implementations for these interfaces that we need to do for last week's DSA lab that's due on friday. *sigh* And the best part? I could have avoided all this work by doing the DSA lab last week and studying for the test during this week. Meh. No use complaining here, I guess, as it's all my own fault. ^_^ Nice chapter, Twig. ^_^ Poor Squall... poor Seifer. Yeah, Gryphoncat, I will be preparing for winter... except I don't have a three month break then. >.< We're still in first semester, see, and we have exams towards the end of June, and then a three week break. And /then/ we have second semester. *sighs* Oh well, I'm sure a three week break is long enough to finish FF7. And FF8. ... maybe I'll just concentrate finishing FF7 first, huh? Anyway, good to see you guys back, and also good to see that you are getting back to health. ^_^ Sunday, May 04, 2003
After talking to the resident UCC 2003 Bachelor of the Year, otherwise known as UCC President, otherwise known as James, and being informed that the amount of control needed to actually jump your way past a password is phenomenal, I think Liria will just blow up one computer and look sheepish, and then say "Umm... I think you'd better just hack your way around that password." ^_^;;
Yeah. Nothing to see here, move along. Saturday, May 03, 2003
In other news, Liria keeps shoving scenes into my head. And after watching Xmen 2 I think I'll make the Raimsey talent teleporting, because watching Nightcrawler at the beginning made me realise just how much that ability would rock in a fight. And as for not being able to teleport where you can't see... well, how about the Brion talent mutating slightly so that Ziona can project a picture of where Kit needs to go into his mind, so that he can teleport there? Or, you know, maybe he'll just have walked around everywhere in Perth so that he knows everything. *shrugs*
And I've decided that one of the Isolde inherited talents is computer hacking. I mean, Phil is obviously the next step up in hacker evolution - she can already move really fast, and everone knows that when you hack, you need to type fast. Which she can. And this is in the wrong tense. *sigh* //"Liria." The girl looks down from the loft, wings spread behind her, electricity crackling over the feathers. "Yes?" Phil is standing at the door to UCC, phone in hand. "Make this phone work." Liria blinks, and abruptly the Isolde can hear dial tone. "Thanks." She punches in a few numbers, pauses, then starts speaking rapidly. Liria leans over the railing to look down into the corridor below, the firedoor to her right barred with thick metal strips. She points, and electricity flashes down her arm and into the metal. Nodding, she leaps down the stairs three at a time and jogs across to the stairwell. "Kit?" Air moves to her left and she turns, the tall Raimsey appearing by her side. "You ready?" Kit nods, hands going to the assortment of weaponry he carries. "As ready as I'll ever be. How close are they?" Liria turns her head, looking up the short flight of stairs to the roof. "Ziona?" The Brion's head appears in the opening, red hair falling across her eyes. "Yo." "How much time do we have?" Ziona blinks. "Oh, I'd say about three minutes." "You'd better come down, then." The redhead nods and disappears from view, reappearing a moment later right-way up as she descends the stairs. "All yours," she says to Kit, who nods and disappears. The trapdoor to the roof closes, Ziona snapping on the padlock and then getting clear. A screech sounds as Kit, on the roof above, drags the blockade across the opening. "Done," the Raimsey says, appearing beside her once more. "Good. Stand clear." Liria raises her wings, gathering electricity into her hands, then thrusts them forward. The stairwell is filled with sparks, the Raimsey and Brion shielding their eyes. And then the light and noise fades, revealing the trapdoor fused shut. Kit blinks out, then back, nodding. "It's sealed solid up top," he says. "They won't be coming in here." "Good." Ziona closes her eyes, then they suddenly fly open. "They're here," she says. "You should be able to hear the helicopters now." "They have helicopters?" Liria blinks. "Oh, we are so screwed." "No, /you're/ screwed," Kit says, grinning. "I hear Hawaii is nice at this time of year." "Not a chance, Raimsey," Phil says, striding over. "My cousin Jess lives in Hawaii. Guess what /her/ talent is." "Kicking my ass all the way back here?" "You got it." Phil nods. "I'm all set. We'll have backup from the Isolde here in about 20 minutes." "Good." Kit sighs. "Good luck," he says. "See you in half an hour." He blinks out, the slight sounds from two floors down letting them know he's preparing for the White Badges downstairs. Phil nods and strides back into UCC, seating herself at a terminal. "Make this computer work," she says. "You can hack yourself around that password," Liria says. Phil sighs. "Look-" The screen fuzzes and changes, the OS loading. "Thank you." Liria grins. "Happy to be of service."// ... Methos is in X-men 2. /Methos/ is in /X-men 2/. ...I bet there's fanfic already. Friday, May 02, 2003
Damn, Thorne. Hope everything turns out okay. ^_^
In other news, I am completely and utterly addicted to Naruto. No, really. I've watched 17 episodes so far, and I downloaded and burnt 18 - 24 on CD ready to watch, probably tomorrow. And the only things I have to say so far are: Kakashi-sensei wa sugoi des! And Sasuke-kun too, of course. ^_^ And yeah, my Japanese sucks. I'm not sure that 'wa' is the best word there, but since I don't do Japanese... I'm not quite sure what to replace it with. And now... I'm going to go and watch X-men 2 with Chas and some of my other friends. I hear it rocks mightily, and has an extended Matrix trailer at the beginning. Wai! ^__^ Thursday, May 01, 2003
Cute layout, Ko. ^_^
Ah, you guys are alive! ^_^ How're things going over there? *snerk* Oh dear. *shudders* I've only played half of the game, and even /I/ can see that that characterisation is all wrong. Ew. >.< In other news, go to sleep before you fall over. No, really. ^_^ Nice layout, Catt. Am very tired. Am going to watch Naruto now. |
Name: Vel'ithya Tevriel Age: 19 Starsign: Libra Chinese: Rat Status: Taken ^_^ Studying: Japanese (and Creative Writing) at UWA Fallen Angels Drifting Feathers* Paradise Lost Wishlist: X Vol 10 Angel Sanctuary manga Yami no Matsuei manga Yuu Yuu Hakusho (both) Saiyuki anime Captain Jack Sparrow Nano: Twig Tsaiko Ann Changeling Liz Falstaff Sonnlich Favourite...
Anime/Manga: X/99 Tokyo Babylon DN Angel DragonBall Z Blade of the Immortal Trigun Saiyuki Fullmetal Alchemist Characters: Captain Jack Sparrow Genjo Sanzo (Houshi) Sumeragi Subaru Sakurazuka Seishirou Monou Fuuma Duo Maxwell Briefs Trunks Edward Elric Roy Mustang Hobbies/Loves: Writing (mainly original) Reading Karate Archery Music/Singing Chas ^_~ Captain Jack Sparrow Pirates of the Carribean Links...
Reads: Asprosdrakos Catt Changeling Chaobell Fallimar Flamebyrd(LJ) The Great Conjunction House of Mews Ko Leareth Lunar Meia Metamia Mooncalf PenChaft Pirotess Snow Kitten Spooky Thorne Tsaiko Wind ff.net/fp.net Ann(fic) Catt(ff.net) House of Mirrors Lunar(fic) Thorne(ff.net) Twig(fic) Twig(ff.net) Twig(fp.net) LJ friends* Uni: UniSFA Unigames UWAnime UCC Aaron Goth!Chris James Jesus!Dave Max Rae (I) Rae (II) Tom Adam* Alex* Ben* Coman* Davyd* Goth!Chris* Liz* Maelkann* Pam* Rae* Stephie* Tom Tommo* Vegeta* Campaign: Valmar Kalika Evelyn Seigfried Aldo Lives: KnK's Fanfics Irrealistic.net The Academy RoodAwakenings Angel's Gate Disarming Smile Kaitou.net | Bob Tsaiko's World Laranica Firehorse Fantasy Arts Ephebian Paradise Mooncalf Just a Little Ecchi Ficbitches* CLAMPesque Questionable Reality The Very Secret Diaries A Life Like Any Other Juuhachi-gou's Place of Being Vejiita4eva Temple O' Trunks Daizenshuu Ex B-chan Makai Black Market Comics: 8-bit Theater Dominic Deegan Errant Story Utukki Penny Arcade Friendly Hostility Boy Meets Boy w00t_comic* Random...
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