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Monday, June 30, 2003
*sigh* James, you said you were going to be in tonight. How can I get Fu-kun fixed if you don't come in? *cries* Twig, I should be able to get it fixed, it'll just be a pain in the ass and may require a reinstall. No, I am not going to install linux, so everyone can just shut up about that right now, and you know who you are. Meh. I have a possible boot/rescue disk, and I think the CDs that are with it may be the winME install CDs I might need, but I'm not sure. Jaaa~aames... where are you? :(
Oh, Changeling's birthday? Happy Birthday! Tell me the exact date and I'll write it down in my list of birthdays. Hope it was a good one. ^_^ I hate using the UCC computers. They are silly and slow and run linux, and I miss Fu-kun. Wah. On the other hand, the UCC Midnight to Dawn Zone 3 was awesome. 12 to 6am, solid running around and shooting things. Of course, my legs are very painful right now, but eh. Was definately worth it. ^_^ I even managed to come fourth in one of the games! (out of 12). And one of the guys was in the Army Reserve, so he was killing us all left right and centre. Except when I kept shooting him when he kept trying to shoot red base... hah, that was really fun. ^_^ Ouchy fun, but fun. On the other other hand, the (apparently, so Dad claims) quite strong bleach has spectacularly failed to do anything to the shorts I soaked in it overnight, or the collar of the jacket I painted it on. Dad was considering making a solution out of the chlorine we use for our pool and seeing if that worked. Blah. Stupid colour-fast clothes, or something. Oh well. As long as the red I attempt to dye half the jacket with sometime, probably wednesday, works, then that's fine. The collar is not the major worry. But I still need gloves! Um. Hands are cold, may go and lounge in Unisfa because I have nothing to do but sit and stare at Fu-kun. UCC machines suck for browsing, and don't keep my legs warm. How come you always get story ideas when you can't write them down? Saturday, June 28, 2003
Flidget, check the LJ for answers to one of your questions - I don't know my background colour. ^_^;
My computer is possibly fucked.
I am in a very pissy mood. ... Windows won't load. I have missing or corrupted files. Everything I treasure in this world, including NaNo, my story snippets that I don't have hardcopy for, and my entire webpage, all 300 html files of it, are stuck on Fu-kun and it won't fucking boot. Not. Happy. Thursday, June 26, 2003
Argh Blogger ate my entry! *kicks blogger*
Bumped two stories from the "not started" list to the "done" list. But they were short, so, Meh. And added one to the "not started" list, but all I have to type up for that is a handful of snippets, so, Meh.
Tired. Sleepy. Things to get done/events before Terracon: *Go shopping for Zell's costume and fabric paint. *Go shopping for new pants and thermals. *Take Chas shopping for clothes he needs. (hopefully this one and the one above should happen at the same time.) *Have *Go shopping with Matthias for Terracon food. *Unisfa committee skit costume??? Events already on the calender: *Midnight to dawn Zone3 saturday night/sunday morning. *Stargate watching with school friend Gemma all tuesday. *Work saturday morning, monday arvo, wed morning, thurs arvo. Days to cram this into: not enough. Crap. Anyway. Wednesday, June 25, 2003
Managed to get some typing done yesterday, while I was waiting for my hair appointment. Progress on the webpage still slow, though - updated statistics read 4 stories fully typed, htmld and formatted, with 8 partly done, and 6 not started at all. *sigh*
My boss told me today that she'll probably get me trained on the phones etc, and then employ me full time next semester, seeing as I will not be at Uni. Which is good, I suppose - I'll be earning lots more money. On the downside, I won't have as much free time. Bleh. Oh well. Money = good, right? Must find time to go shopping in the next week so that I can finish my Zell costume. I wonder how long it takes permanent marker to come off? I'm going to have to work monday afternoon, and if the Costumed Pancake Eatoff! is, say, Sunday, I'd better get a-scrubbin' Sunday night. :P Quizzes will be posted on Fallen Angels shortly. Apologies to anyone who bought Piffle and can't read the last line in chapter 2 of Liria - the line should read The three of them proceeded, gingerly, back to the UWA campus. Coman is a bad person and didn't check that the formatting was correct. *sigh* Oh well. Not too fussed. Karate tonight. Feeling lethargic. Wonder what everyone will think of my hair? Someone emailed me asking for Mirai DBZ, my future version of VFstory. And I don't know whether I should send it to them or not, because Mirai is old and bad and really needs a re-write, or at least a non-DBZ-rewrite. I just don't know. ... Quizzes posted. More Highlander fic to rec: The Witness, a hilarious Highlander/X-files/Starman/Forever Knight/Quantum Leap crossover. It's readable even if you only know about one of the fandoms, and very funny. I... am going to find something else to do now. I'm sorry. I've never had pets, so I don't know how you feel. I hope you and your dog had a good life together. Love. Such love. Keep these kind of layouts up, and I may have to join your cult. ^_^ Tuesday, June 24, 2003
So, my hair is now substantially blonder than it was before. Photos are at Fallen Angels. *bounce* Monday, June 23, 2003
So, after some prodding *grin* I've posted Chapter 2 of my NaNo to Questionable Reality. Enjoy. ^_^
Sunday, June 22, 2003
Okay. So, I'm in a few roleplaying groups at Uni, through a club called Unigames. [warning: webpage only half-finished. Lazy webmaster. ;P] Anyway, one of them is 2nd ed D&D(Cthulu/Ravenloft) Skills and Powers, a spin-off of the DMs long-running campaign (which is still running... we're all hoping for a cross-over one of these days). Anyway. And the campaign so far has been really fun. So. I present to you the journal of Evelyn Irwin, my character. It will be updated at least once a week (I hope), maybe more often if I can be bothered getting out my roleplaying book.
If you're reading this and are actually /in/ the campaign, or are Kieron, then, uh... please excuse my bad memory - I don't have any dialogue written down and am making most of it up. If you see any major mistakes, please let me know; alternatively, when you read major spoilers about my character, have the good grace to pretend it never happened and play your character appropriately. :P Nicole, Aaron - if you want journals for Aldo or Kalika, give Rae or I a yell and we'll chuck you an LJ-code. ^_^ Congratulations on graduating, Aspros. ^_^ I made a deal with Ali this morning: she let me read HP while she did her homework, on the condition that she got bread for lunch. See, Mum was making my bread, which Ali doesn't usually get (being gluten free and mine and all) and since it was going to be fresh out of the oven around lunch time, she really wanted some. So I agreed. Six hours later (with a break for said lunch) I finished. So. It was pretty good. I won't say anything here, of course. No spoilers. ^_^ Zell slash fic Zell Dincht photos Don't despair, whoever you are. Bishink have a /lovely/ selection. You'd want to be heading here, for the fic, and here for the photos. ^_^ Saturday, June 21, 2003
Ali has a cold, and consequently she has bits of tissue stuck up her nose. Dad thinks she looks like a walrus. I just think of what anime guys do when they get huge blood noses, which is, put cotton plugs in and then blush. I don't want to know what /she/ was looking at. ;P
Stuff to say. Lots of stuff to say.
Dad and Ali (little sister) went and nabbed a copy of Order of the Phoenix, not from some fancy bookstore, but from Target, for under $25. I was impressed. Dad was halfway through it when I left home - Ali /claims/ that she's next, but the way I see it, she's got school and has to study. And the book does not leave the house. Mwaha. I win. ^_^ And Pam is in Kalbarri with her boyfriend until Wednesday, so no sweat there. The only annoying thing is that Dad keeps making joking references and things, and even though he says not to believe anything that comes out of his mouth with regards the book, it still makes me annoyed because I specifically told him not to say anything at all. >.< Meh. Filled out my Change of Enrolment form; am going to take it to my interview with the Sub-Dean on Monday so she can sign it etc. Also, on Monday, have to go with Stephie-Penguin to make appointments to see the Arts "Student Advisor" (apparently they don't call it a Sub-Dean in Arts) which could be anytime between Tuesday and the end of the holidays in four weeks. *shrugs* Oh well. I forgot how bad Highlander: Endgame was. And there was only about ten minutes of Methos in it, all up! Maybe not even that! (Spoilers follow, if you care) What I don't get is, when Joe goes and rescues Duncan, and they get out, and Methos is driving the car, why didn't they take Joe's car and let Methos rescue Duncan? I mean, Duncan was all drugged up and could hardly walk, and Joe wasn't going to carry him, not with having no legs and having to walk with prosthetics and a cane. He ended up stumbling along against the walls. If Methos had gone in, he could have carried Duncan out, and Joe could have driven. ...anyway. My review, now that I know who the series characters are: Too much ageing Connor, not enough Methos and Joe. 4 Methos out of 10. Chris, pleeeeeease? *flutters eyelashes* Pretty please? I mean, Liz hasn't found it yet, and she might not, but if we do.... Please? :) Pretty kimono, Changeling. This 'Costumer's Handshake' sounds interesting. Remind me to make sure that even if the body of my future works are falling to pieces, the sleeves are perfect. :P I think that was all I wanted to say. Oh, Twig, if I haven't told you how much your latest chapter of Grasshopper rocks, let me do so now. It rocks. Someone needs to draw fanart of Seifer and Fuujin with pirate hats, parrots, and cutlasses. At least Fuujin's already got an eyepatch. Friday, June 20, 2003
*ahem* Methos is really neat and dawky and adorable. Someone give me more. ...please? Thursday, June 19, 2003
I am /done/ with exams. ^__^ Oh, and for the record, OOP is might, with probable tendencies. I'll go and make an appointment with the Sub-Dean later on today, and check about forms etc. Even /better/, Maelkann has finished downloading Methos for Liz and I. Not the actual character, although that would be really, really cool - just the Highlander episode with him in it. But still, episode Methos better than no Methos, right? ^_^ ...Chas wants me to study for OOP. ... ...stupid boyfriends. *grumbles* Someone give me Highlander fic. Methos/Duncan, for preference. ...Well. Guess I should go study, then. *sighs* Utukki is really, really cool. Maths. 217. Exam. Brain. Broken. On the upside, I probably passed. So I've definately passed Mech101, might have passed DSA 223, and probably passed Maths217. Lets see... I wonder what OOP tomorrow will be? One more exam and I am done. So. Tired. Shell. So Pretty. Much love. I think torturing Seltyin is my hobby. Well, it would be if Anami didn't look so piteously upset every time I do it. *grumbles* Stupid elf. Won't get Harry Potter for ages. And then family (stupid family) will probably all read it first. Dad will get it first, and then Pam and Ali will get it, and unless I get it before Ali it's going to be a while. On the upside, Pam and Dad both read reasonably fast, so I should get it about 3/4 days after we acquire it. /When/ we acquire it. Should probably study for OOP but can't be bothered. The lecturer is an insulting joke who thinks we're all morons and the subject it stupid anyway. Plus, brain is broken. Might just go to sleep and get an early night. Wednesday, June 18, 2003
So I get in my car this morning to drive to Uni, ready to study for my Maths217 exam this afternoon.
Triple J are talking about /fanfiction/. ... *snerks* I laughed so hard I nearly fell over, and was very sad when I had to park 5 minutes later. I hope someone rang up and pointed them in the direction of fanfiction.net. Huh? Juicers? *shrugs* Dunno about juicing a Koala... maybe those damn rabbits and foxes, though. Tuesday, June 17, 2003
Lecturer: "In the lab, you'll have a chance to-"
Josh: "Talk to a competant demonstrator?" DSA exam this morning. I /might/ have passed... well, hopefully. I think I got enough marks to pass, anyway. Cross fingers. Discussed Highlander fic/slash and fanfic in general with Liz today. She furnished me with this nice link which is pretty good. The one called 'Matchmaker' is the one you want to read. ^_^ ...Dominic finally updated.... *cries* Poor Siggy, I feel so sorry for him... My sister cooked dinner tonight because it was mum and dad's 25th wedding anniversary and they went out for dinner. It was spaghetti and meat, and the onion was in really big pieces and my little sister loaded it up with garlic. And they got garlic bread which Ali made, which wasn't gluten free... :( </whinge> Anyway. Was edible, in any case. ;P Sunday, June 15, 2003
So, I gave in. Liz convinced me. I've posted chapter one of my NaNo fic on Questionable Reality.
Liz, I can't get it to indent. Help. Please? ^_^ Saturday, June 14, 2003
1 exam down - three to go. It actually went pretty well. They hand the answers out at the door when you leave, you see, and checking over them afterwards, I think I've got 2 questions all right, 2 questions... pretty much all right, a few errors here and there that will most likely lose me a few marks, and 2 questions kind of a little bit right that I wasn't quite sure about. So. No problem about passing there. ^__^
I don't have a story box anymore - I cleaned out that little section of my room yesterday, and now I have little holders with my notebooks in them. Um. You know those magazine holders you can buy, with high backs and low fronts and sloping sides? Yeah, those. I've got about 6 or 7 of them lined up against my wall where the boxes were, although only about 4 of them are actually holding notebooks. The others are holding random magazines etc, like they're meant to. It's really cold over here. It's been getting down to a few degrees Celsius each night. ...what the hell's going on, weather gods? It doesn't drop below freezing in Perth. Cut that shit out, yo. Stuff. I want Methos goodness. I want food. I don't think the chances of Peter Wingfield dropping through the ceiling are very high, but I suppose I could always go home and scrounge something before dinner. Been reading Penny Arcade archives. Dominic hasn't been updated. I'm still waiting for yesterday's comic. >.< Grr. ...okay, really hungry. Going now. Wednesday, June 11, 2003
J!Dave, which pair of Zell's gloves should I have? The red ones or the black ones? Which ones are his final weapon? (I'm going to cosplay as Zell, you see. BOOYA!)
Liz, I hope you enjoyed reading Dominic. Isn't he an adorable little seer? ^_^ Just did karate. Sensei says my stances are getting better, and I /finally/ got my accreditation papers from him - now to fill them out, photocopy my liscence, and get a police clearance. Then I'll become an official accredited Sensei with a little ID card and everything! Whee! Despite all this joy, I am very, very sad - when mum was coming into my room this afternoon with an armful of clothes she happened to snag my 12" statue of Seifer Almasy which was sitting near the edge of my desk, and pulled him off. ...His gunblade is now in two pieces, and dad reckons that there's not enough surface area across the break (it's a /thin/ gunblade, you see) for him to araldite(sp?) it back together. *cries* I am so sad. She's going to have to get it either repaired professionally or replaced, because, dammit, I /liked/ the damn thing. Anyway. Tuesday, June 10, 2003
My archives work!!!! ^__^ I [heart] the new Blogger. (Of course, they only work after Liz and I sat there and tweaked my blog layout...) ...Blogger has a new layout. Everything looks different. Weird. On the downside, it seems to be taking fucking ages to publish... >.< I can't write. I tried, but the words just won't flow. I hate that. I don't particularly feel like doing anything else, and since the only other people in the room are trying to kill each other in Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, I may as well just go home and sleep. *sigh* Monday, June 09, 2003
Kouri, Liz and I think that by Botan they mean Botan from Yu YU Hakusho.
I'm on an anime high, and I haven't even watched any. Whee!
Uh, that is, there's a post on the LJ. *bounces off into the distance* Sunday, June 08, 2003
mmm, roleplaying. Evelyn is neither dead nor insane, yet. *sigh* I'm sure that it's only a matter or time, though. Kalika and Lichtenstein are soo in love, and Lichtenstein has a neat sense of humour. Long sea voyages are good for sanity. I think I failed every sanity check I made last session. Except for 1? Yeah, except for 1. My san dropped to 27 in the middle, but now it's 36 because we destroyed the temple of Zoth Aqqua and everything. Whee!
Anyway. I am now Chas, because I am sitting in UCC keeping the door open. Study week is fun for doing nothing. I wish that I didn't have to actually /study/. Bleh. Friday, June 06, 2003
So. Good news - I can major in Japanese. Bad news - I can't major in Creative Writing - I could only find 2 units that were about it at all.
So. Looks like (with subsequent approval from all the relevant academic types, of course) I'll be doing nothing next semester, and then starting 1st year Arts, probably part time, because I might be able to get credit for about half my first year units that I did last year. Hopefully. And then I'll go into 2nd and 3rd year as normal, full-time study. Yeah. I was so excited about this I was jumping around in the kitchen this evening. ...I know I wasn't this excited about doing Software Engineering, I'm sure. Lunar, fic snippets are neat and funky. You rock. Twig, I like your new chapter of Grasshopper. I really need to play FF8 in the nearby future, don't I? Sorry to hear about the job, Catt, and I hope your computer cleans up its act soon. Seltyin: *appears in Anami's room on his horse* Anami: ... Seltyin: Can you get someone to take my horse to the stables? Anami: We're in the middle of the palace. Can't you leave the horse behind next time? Seltyin: ...not my fault I can only teleport to you. Anami: ... Seltyin: I mean, if you want to hang around in the stables all the time, fine, but... Anami: *sighs* Whatever. Seltyin: *looks around* Hey, nice room. Sorry about the carpet. Anami: *winces* Thursday, June 05, 2003
Me: What happens at Zangband conventions? Do people go and cosplay letters?
Tom: Yeah. I played a capital U last time I was there. Wednesday, June 04, 2003
Post on Fallen Angels, I did that LJmatch thing. Apparently people who don't have LJ's can sign up, I think... yeah, so all you guys can do it too! ^_^
Also wrote a quick thing about karate. I am dead tired. My legs are exhausted. Blah. Almost fell asleep in maths this morning. Need more sleep. Two days to go until In other news, Aaron and I are going to look at the UWA handbook sometime next week and try and find a course - any course - at this uni that we might enjoy. If creative writing is a degree (apparently it is at Murdoch) then I'm so going to do Japanese/Creative Writing. That would rock so much more than Software Engineering. Because right now I'm just not enjoying myself. Yeah. So. As Liz always says: "Have fun, don't die." Tuesday, June 03, 2003
There's a bit of fic in Fallen Angels. It's the second story from that entry earlier, about the Light and the Dark and the ships and stuff. Yeah. And I think I'm using the word 'black' too much, but really. You can't call it anything else.
Anyway. Go read. ^_^ So, Saturday went well. We had a nice dinner, watched some Babylon 5, then had dessert. Apple Pie, mmm. ^_^ Sunday was also pretty good - went to James' 21st. Was a very nice small gathering. James had a pretty new turtleneck. Green. Very nice. Did nothing monday. Except!!! I loaded up my old save game of Vagrant Story and started playing. Since my game was at the point of killing the Dark Crusader over and over again until he gave me the Holy Win, I continued killing him over and over again. And then! I got a Holy Win! ^__^ Mmm, happy Jen. And then I left the Iron Maiden and put my Holy Win securely in the chest, and then went back again for another one. ^_^ I also made up Antenna Dancing. Basically, to antenna dance, you sway from side to side with your hands at your temples, index fingers outstretched and slightly curved. Yes, I was feeling a little silly yesterday, why do you ask? OOP small change today was really easy - all we had to do was change the text in the <strong> tag to be back-to-front. So I went: StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(text); buffer.reverse(); strongString = buffer.toString(); Saved it, compiled it, and was out in fifteen minutes. My only remaining assessments for this semester are Mech101 tutes, one due this week and one the next week (even though semester is technically finished, grah). My eyes hurt. My goddamn rock solid ghetto shiznit name is Nadj-ir Cwac Cwac. Twig, I read that Highlander fic you recced. Damn it was neat. ^_^ Thanks. And now... I shall go and attempt to write something without clawing my eyes out. |
Name: Vel'ithya Tevriel Age: 19 Starsign: Libra Chinese: Rat Status: Taken ^_^ Studying: Japanese (and Creative Writing) at UWA Fallen Angels Drifting Feathers* Paradise Lost Wishlist: X Vol 10 Angel Sanctuary manga Yami no Matsuei manga Yuu Yuu Hakusho (both) Saiyuki anime Captain Jack Sparrow Nano: Twig Tsaiko Ann Changeling Liz Falstaff Sonnlich Favourite...
Anime/Manga: X/99 Tokyo Babylon DN Angel DragonBall Z Blade of the Immortal Trigun Saiyuki Fullmetal Alchemist Characters: Captain Jack Sparrow Genjo Sanzo (Houshi) Sumeragi Subaru Sakurazuka Seishirou Monou Fuuma Duo Maxwell Briefs Trunks Edward Elric Roy Mustang Hobbies/Loves: Writing (mainly original) Reading Karate Archery Music/Singing Chas ^_~ Captain Jack Sparrow Pirates of the Carribean Links...
Reads: Asprosdrakos Catt Changeling Chaobell Fallimar Flamebyrd(LJ) The Great Conjunction House of Mews Ko Leareth Lunar Meia Metamia Mooncalf PenChaft Pirotess Snow Kitten Spooky Thorne Tsaiko Wind ff.net/fp.net Ann(fic) Catt(ff.net) House of Mirrors Lunar(fic) Thorne(ff.net) Twig(fic) Twig(ff.net) Twig(fp.net) LJ friends* Uni: UniSFA Unigames UWAnime UCC Aaron Goth!Chris James Jesus!Dave Max Rae (I) Rae (II) Tom Adam* Alex* Ben* Coman* Davyd* Goth!Chris* Liz* Maelkann* Pam* Rae* Stephie* Tom Tommo* Vegeta* Campaign: Valmar Kalika Evelyn Seigfried Aldo Lives: KnK's Fanfics Irrealistic.net The Academy RoodAwakenings Angel's Gate Disarming Smile Kaitou.net | Bob Tsaiko's World Laranica Firehorse Fantasy Arts Ephebian Paradise Mooncalf Just a Little Ecchi Ficbitches* CLAMPesque Questionable Reality The Very Secret Diaries A Life Like Any Other Juuhachi-gou's Place of Being Vejiita4eva Temple O' Trunks Daizenshuu Ex B-chan Makai Black Market Comics: 8-bit Theater Dominic Deegan Errant Story Utukki Penny Arcade Friendly Hostility Boy Meets Boy w00t_comic* Random...
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