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Tuesday, July 29, 2003
Today my boss came up to me at about 5:00 and told me that I was doing really well, and that she'd been talking to some of the girls and they'd said that I was doing really well too, and that I sounded really professional on the phone, and that I should keep it up. ^_^ Whee. And today was a Tuesday which means that we have full exercise tests, echos and holters, as well as six or seven doctors consulting and the pacemaker clinic. And if I can handle all /that/ on the front desk, I can handle anything. ^_^
Dad says... that we probably have a deal. He's going to get a new laptop, which I will put at least (AUS) $500 towards, and I will get his old one, which has such specs as 1.2gig CPU, 30gig hard drive, 15" screen, CD-RW/DVD drive, better sound and speakers, win2k. mmm, shiny. Will take a few weeks to sort out, of course, and this way we don't have to transfer the several gigs of my Feb backups across to somewhere else. NeoFu is probably out, as a name, although it sounds vaguely cool. Will have to think of something else. Will have to get changed into karate gear at work tomorrow night, and then rush to my car and hope I make it to Duncraig in time for the special class that Sensei is holding. Work finishes at 5:30, and the class starts at six. Several factors will ensure I am late: -rush hour. nuff said. -20 minutes up freeway even when not-rush-hour, eg at 10pm at night. -getting into my gi -walking to my car takes at least 5 minutes - I might try and park on the road outside the hospital, if I can -I have to strap my ankles once I get there ...oh well, I already told Sensei that I was going to be late, I just don't want to miss too much of the class. Am contemplating trying out archery on saturday, complements of Davyd. Am trying to get Chas and Liz to attend. I've always wanted to have archery lessons, and I asked mum for them for my 14th birthday. But because I was already doing heaps of other stuff, including swimming training 10 times a week, I never got them. :( So... we'll see how it goes. And only $8 each lesson. Cheeeep. (And then I can start the ice-skating lessons, and the hang-gliding/ultra-light lessons, and the sword-fighting lessons... :P) My sister did something very big today. I am happy for her. I have to wash my hair tomorrow morning, because I should have washed it this morning but didn't because I was really tired and wanted to get as much sleep as I could. This means I will have to get up earlier. Wah. Monday, July 28, 2003
Got an interesting phone call today at work.
Me: Good afternoon, [place of work], may I help you? her: I want to know how much an echo is going to cost. Me: I'll put you through to accounts. her: I don't want to go to accounts! the last person put me through to accounts and I don't want to talk to a machine. me: ...*checks that there is someone in accounts* There's someone in there now, you won't have to talk to- her: I don't want to talk to accounts! don't put me through! I don't want to talk to accounts anymore. me: ...okay. her: how much is the echo going to cost. me: *pulls out costing sheet* $288. her: *pauses* and how much do I get back? me: medicare will refund $196. her: so I'll have to pay- me: the gap will be about $80. her: that wasn't so hard, was it? me: ... her: what's the waiting period? me: three to four weeks. her: three to four weeks? you've got to be joking! me: I'm sorry, but we're really busy for echos right now. her: people could drop dead in three to four weeks! me: ...if it's urgent then your GP can ring through and organise something, but otherwise, the waiting period is three to four weeks. I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do about that. her: You've got to be fucking joking! *hangs up* me: ...*blinks* so. That was a nice conversation. other than that, first day of full-time went quite well. Tomorrow I'm on front desk basically all day, so we'll see how I go. *crosses fingers* Thorne, sorry to hear about your hand. Hope it heals quickly and well. In other news, Jacob is horrible to Dominic. Poor guy. *hugs* Saturday, July 26, 2003
Lunar... love. Such love. I praise your new VS stories, and wait eagerly for more. Love. [heart]
So, because I was on Chas' computer last night and couldn't post here, there's a post on the LiveJournal.
Saturday, July 19, 2003
Oh, and for those of you who don't read my LJ, I knew it. Thank you very much, and good night.
I will never let my friends list get so that I have to go back three pages ever again.
Gerald Tarrant is my new deity. Well, Prophet, anyway. :P Work is interesting and since I've been trying to catch up on sleep because my hours start early half the time, I haven't been blogging or blog-checking as much. Hopefully when I get settled into full-time I can sort something out where I check every second day or something - that way it means I can get other stuff done too. Or something. Grahame has checked over Fu-kun, and the disk image keeps hanging at about 50 meg, so... he's going to email me some data-recovery places that I can check out. *sigh* Pride and Prejudice screening tomorrow, the one with Colin Firth et al. I might go, open the room for everybody, and then retreat to, say, UCC, with my book. Because I need to read book 2 so that I can get to book 3, and seeing as I gave my dad book 1 tonight, he's going to want to get book 2 either tomorrow or monday... Rar. And now, I'll go and... do something. Probably pack up because it's 10:50 and we get booted in 10 minutes. Hopefully I won't be late for the screening tomorrow. Several people will kill me if I am, I'm sure. ^_^; Tuesday, July 15, 2003
So, got my results back for the semester. The verdict:
Mathematics 217: 62, Credit Data Structures & Algorithms 223: 68, Credit Object Oriented Programming 224: 70, Distinction Introduction to Engineering (Mech) 101: 74, Distinction The first thing my mum said when I told her that I got 2 C's and 2 D's? "You're going back." Which was a little disappointing, as it showed just how much she didn't understand about why I was leaving. But then I explained again and it was all okay. So, yeah. I'm very happy with these results, as I sure as hell was expecting a fail, 2 passes and a credit. ^_^ This, my friends, is scaling. My reception thing is getting better, I'm learning more about handling things at the front desk. It gets pretty hectic after a while. But I'm managing. I think that in a week and a half, when I have to start doing it by myself, I'll be fine. Also, Chas is in Mt Barker, so I am all by myself until friday. Wah. :( Slightly good news about the computer: When I got my screen fixed, I backed up a whole lot of stuff on Dad's laptop. Out of the 228 html files I know are on Fu-kun somewhere, 129 are on Dad's. Unfortunately, all my latest snippets and ideas on my desktop are hiding in limbo somewhere, since windows seems to think that c:/windows/ is empty except for a temp file. Which means c:/windows/desktop/ to which I had many text files saved, may be gone. ...I don't want to think about that, because it makes me very sad. Anyway. Twig, your Seph/Cloud pic was hilarious. And now, I am going to go home and go to sleep, because I was up until 3am reading a book. Friday, July 11, 2003
Thanks Changeling, Thorne. ^_^ Even if the hair didn't come out quite right, playing Zell was really, really fun. ^_^
My photos have been developed, but I haven't scanned them yet, so no pictures here. Besides, I don't have a computer to ferry the pictures in to UCC. :( James has gone away for a week and a half, so there will be no progress until then. *sigh* In other news, I am enjoying reception work very much. It's kind of fun answering the phones and booking appointments for patients. Of course, since today was a no-brain day, just like wednesday at karate, I booked a patient in for an echocardiogram instead of an exercise stress test, but that was all okay because they rang back to find out how much it cost and I realised my screw-up and booked them a new appointment without them knowing, so all good. *breathes* J!Dave is playing FF8 beside me. He's on the Island Closest to Hell, and is getting Zell to Devour various monsters. I found this hilarious. Especially when he tried to get him to Devour Squall, although I was disappointed to find out that you actually can't Devour your own team members. And then Chas went and searched on google for "Zell Squall Devour"... *grin* Dave did make some quote about Rinoa that, out of context, was amusing and made her out to be useless, but I can't remember. Also, Rinoa looks like she has a giant spinny-wheel on her arm. Useless whiny bitch. *grumble* But hey, Zell's gloves look just like mine! ^__^ ...I have nothing else to say, really. Except that Zell is cool and nifty, and only does less damage than Squall because he's 20 levels below him so /there/ Chas! *ahem* Tuesday, July 08, 2003
So. I don't have my terracon photos yet, but Mike Fineberg (sp?) does. So, here are some links to those of his that I found myself in, or that I liked...
I am a thief with a nifty cloak And again Slave auction, where the comittee was sold. You can see me second from the right, as Zell, and Liz fourth from the right, as Hermione. And again, with better light Us again Zell watches a game of snakes and ladders while preparing for a boxing match. Yes, that is my dressing gown. Yes, it was really cold. Shut up. ^_^ Zell prepares for hopscotch Zell in action! (yes, my hair is wrong. The hairgel wasn't strong enough.) Zell is attacked by a Chas, and decides to succumb. It was cold, remember? and again Zell sizes up the competition. That's my sister to the right, if you were wondering. Chris looks evil as Zell explains how to make gluten free pancakes. My sister becomes Lara Croft. A dragon arrives to eat pancakes! and mysteriously shrinks. The contestants ready to go... And we're off! mmm, pancakes. Zell calls for more "Are you okay in there?" Chris' cooking skills (yes, that /is/ a completely black pancake, why do you ask?) ...I ate it anyway. Delicious. Lara Croft prepares to attack... "Hey! The lady has guns!" Zell is unconcerned at the life or death battle behind him. "Do I get any more?" (Lara defeated!) I have sugar all over my hands yet another pancake... "Are you going to shake my hand, too? (he didn't :( ) So, yeah. Enjoy the photos, and I'll finish my film eventually... Monday, July 07, 2003
Um, updated Unisfa rant. It was quite long and I am somewhat lazy tonight, so here is a link. For those intercontinental people who read my blog, and don't know which one is mine, you want to scroll down to "Vice President - Aaron", because the webmaster is lazy and hasn't changed the names yet. I assure you, if it doesn't sound like me, the blog links at the end should convince you.
And now, I really /am/ going home. Promise. Back from Terracon. Full report will have to wait until my film gets developed, which will have to wait until I use it all up. So... might be a while. *shrugs* In any case, it was cold and wet, but quite fun. Straight into work 5 days a week, and then in three weeks full time. Hopefully I can master the phones etc and not screw up much. Dealing with people is scary. Hobo gloves really /are/ god. Tired, so I'm going to go to sleep. I think I'm all caught up with webcomics and blogs and LJ. Thursday, July 03, 2003
Off to Terracon. Stuff is done. I am out of here. See you on monday evening. ^_^
Wednesday, July 02, 2003
needless to say, with all my current computer troubles, there will be no chapters of NaNo until further notice. I don't have the version on my website, you see, and that was the one that had all the html and chapter breaks etc. So, yeah. Sorry.
Skipped karate. Went to Uni and decided after talking to Chas, not to continue Scandisk-ing until there's been a copy made of the drive, so if scandisk screws up as, apparently, it's been known to do before, I'll still have the original screwed drive. Well, a copy, anyway. So, blogchecked and read Cassie-claire's first Draco story, which was interesting, and pretty good. And now I feel a little better. Good enough to go home, paint another coat of red on the back of Zell's jacket, and go and have a nice, long sleep. And wake up feeling okay. ^_^
IE feels so clunky and slow after using Mozilla. Stupid new windows instead of tabs. Blah.
My computer is fucked. No, really. The entire directory structure is screwed. Fucked so bad when James tried to read the hard drive under linux it wouldn't read. Thus, nothing is backed up. Nothing. Hopefully scandisk will fix the structure enough that James can read it under linux and then crate my entire drive across to the UCC computers. Hopefully. I am still really, really sore, and I have to do karate tonight. Meep. In fact, I have to leave in about... oh, half an hour? >.< The jacket has been cut, hemmed, sewn, and the back is currently wearing its first coat of red paint, in the process of drying. Hopefully it will turn out okay. Still need gloves, red duct tape for my sneakers, and a belt. And, you know, pants that will dye themselves blue. I do have a last resort, but as with all last resorts, I'd rather not use it. Blah. Still depressed. Hopefully karate will not be too painful and will cheer me up. |
Name: Vel'ithya Tevriel Age: 19 Starsign: Libra Chinese: Rat Status: Taken ^_^ Studying: Japanese (and Creative Writing) at UWA Fallen Angels Drifting Feathers* Paradise Lost Wishlist: X Vol 10 Angel Sanctuary manga Yami no Matsuei manga Yuu Yuu Hakusho (both) Saiyuki anime Captain Jack Sparrow Nano: Twig Tsaiko Ann Changeling Liz Falstaff Sonnlich Favourite...
Anime/Manga: X/99 Tokyo Babylon DN Angel DragonBall Z Blade of the Immortal Trigun Saiyuki Fullmetal Alchemist Characters: Captain Jack Sparrow Genjo Sanzo (Houshi) Sumeragi Subaru Sakurazuka Seishirou Monou Fuuma Duo Maxwell Briefs Trunks Edward Elric Roy Mustang Hobbies/Loves: Writing (mainly original) Reading Karate Archery Music/Singing Chas ^_~ Captain Jack Sparrow Pirates of the Carribean Links...
Reads: Asprosdrakos Catt Changeling Chaobell Fallimar Flamebyrd(LJ) The Great Conjunction House of Mews Ko Leareth Lunar Meia Metamia Mooncalf PenChaft Pirotess Snow Kitten Spooky Thorne Tsaiko Wind ff.net/fp.net Ann(fic) Catt(ff.net) House of Mirrors Lunar(fic) Thorne(ff.net) Twig(fic) Twig(ff.net) Twig(fp.net) LJ friends* Uni: UniSFA Unigames UWAnime UCC Aaron Goth!Chris James Jesus!Dave Max Rae (I) Rae (II) Tom Adam* Alex* Ben* Coman* Davyd* Goth!Chris* Liz* Maelkann* Pam* Rae* Stephie* Tom Tommo* Vegeta* Campaign: Valmar Kalika Evelyn Seigfried Aldo Lives: KnK's Fanfics Irrealistic.net The Academy RoodAwakenings Angel's Gate Disarming Smile Kaitou.net | Bob Tsaiko's World Laranica Firehorse Fantasy Arts Ephebian Paradise Mooncalf Just a Little Ecchi Ficbitches* CLAMPesque Questionable Reality The Very Secret Diaries A Life Like Any Other Juuhachi-gou's Place of Being Vejiita4eva Temple O' Trunks Daizenshuu Ex B-chan Makai Black Market Comics: 8-bit Theater Dominic Deegan Errant Story Utukki Penny Arcade Friendly Hostility Boy Meets Boy w00t_comic* Random...
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