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Sunday, August 31, 2003
*grin* Friday, August 29, 2003
I am a sheep.
Thursday, August 28, 2003
Oh, I should probably mention the horrible warnings that I should have slapped on that link. Um, violence, rape, traumatised Seltyin, and major spellcasting. Also, tailbone abuse. Mwah.
Keep voting, guys. Closes sunday. ^_^ 35 lb draw? ...ouch. Don't think I could handle that draw yet. Bright red sounds nice. And the point of being a stealth elf is that you can /have/ a bright red bow, and not care, because you're just that good. *grin* Tuesday, August 26, 2003
Twig, please go here for your viewing convenience. Anyone else who was looking for NaNo chapter 3 - follow the link. Please disregard the links at the bottom - they do not work because the rest of the page is not up. ^_^
I really need to see Pirates of the Carribean. September 11th! *mutters darkly*
Okay, Liz says that "Shiranai" means "in the dark" as in "I don't know", and has suggested (with the help of Phillip) Shinobu, like shinobi, but with a u. Which doesn't sound quite as neat, but is less stupid. Shinobu is a) a really common girls name and b) means "to be able to hide", or something, and shares the "nin" character of ninja. So, something like the meaning I was looking for.
Look for a new chapter of NaNo soon, Twig. Now that I've got the laptop, I'll see if I can format one and have it up tonight. ^_^ Also, very important. My new computer does not have a name. This means that it is imperative that you go here and let me know which of my names I should call the laptop. Because I'm leaving it up to you. [Liz suggests "Lapu-topu-kun". I say no. She suggests "Elu-pi-kun". I say no.] [Liz suggests "Persocom". I say no, and hit my head laughing.] Anyway. Sunday, August 24, 2003
mychara now has a name: Shiranai. Means "In the dark", according to my Japanese/English dictionary. Mmm, ninja-licious.
Nice layout Kouri. Pretty. And thanks for the Con pictures, they looked pretty nifty. ^_^ I turned up as male on that gender generater, Catt, using chapter one of Liria. Maybe it would have been different if I'd used NaNo, or something. Car? Sweet. Pictures of you and the car any time? :P Made chocolate eclairs today, in my continuing attempts to Also, archery was neat yesterday. Am now drawing 25 lbs, and picked up a quiver in the process. Looks very nifty, although the belt I was wearing it on was a little big, so I had to wear it cowboy-style, up on one hip and down on the other. ^_^ Nicked my arm again too, but my technique is improving lots, so I don't mind. Although my arm is very dead. That bow is /heavy/. I've got to practise holding bricks straight out or something, try and build arm strength. Also, bracing the bow against the draw is another problem, especially when I'm tired. If the bow isn't braced properly, bad things happen. Wednesday, August 20, 2003
Attempting to draw mychara (that's her name so far ^_^;;) is going to kill me and EAT MY BRAINS!!!
I need saturday because I will be shooting stuff the entire day. With a break for lunch, but still. <3
Also, my DM for the besm campaign okayed my character! *dances* Although I can't say anything because I know at least one of the other players reads this and will therefore discover things that I don't want them to discover. Suffice to say that it's really nifty, and there will be a story about it. Eventually. ^_^ Oh, and hugs to you, you don't deserve all the shit you have to put up with and I'm real sorry about that, but I'm really looking forward to making and playing this characters. ^_^ *bounces*
And now, to trawl besm online. Or maybe I'll just go home. ...nah. Trawling it is. ^_^ Although, if you ask, I can email the comcept to you. Unless you're Fall. In which case I say "Nice try, sucker. :P" I've had that talk, Thorne. It involved mum going "...you do like /guys/, don't you?" and me going "...yes, yes I do." and her going "...Oh." And then not asking about it again. It was amusing, sometime later, after getting together with Chas, to remind her of that conversation and go "See? You had nothing to worry about!" and watch her squirm. ^_^ The wonderfully angsty backstory... that's revealed in the next chapter. I suck at drawing things out. Meh. But then you get the half-gay, so all good! *ahem* Anyway, I have the stuff I wrote in november on disk, in one big word file, but I have the html chapter files on the computer that I will get soon, so if you don't mind waiting another week or two (hopefully not more than that *crosses fingers*) I can maybe post more. ^_^ Tuesday, August 19, 2003
*ahem* Various and sundry posts are on the livejournal. In summary, archery was nifty, and I have a neat idea for my Big Eyes Small Mouth (besm) character. Also, Liz and I have been fangirling lots. Is fun. ^_^ Sunday, August 17, 2003
Okay, weird. When I'm using James' tartarus proxy, I can log into Blogger on Chas' computer. Whee! Anyway. You should go here for yesterday's post, because I was on Chas' computer and couldn't log in. Blogger confuses me sometimes.
Tuesday, August 12, 2003
Hey, Sab... Can I have a new layout? ^__^ Ple~ease? If possible, a picture of Dark would be great. ^_^ I'd give you one... but my pictures are currently inacessible. >.< Liz, do you have any nice ones I can give to her? *beg*
Hugs for Thorne. Wrap up warm and get well soon. Project List Lissalya - Army type fic, complete with wings. Liria LPPstory - Wings and electricity. Mix well. The Mark of Les'na - Vampires. Mine are cooler than regular ones. Kiara - Elves. And wars. And stuff. NaNo2002 - Elves, humans and wars. Now with added gay! Ashley - Genetic experiments and nightclubs. Also possibly spaceships. I haven't got that far yet. Saskia's story - Lines of succession are messy things. Being the heir means being on top of the hit-list. Ank'iara - Elves and humans and wars and prophecies. Without the gay. VFstory/VFstoryNEW - MiraiDBZ - Rhyliann - If you're in love with a guy, don't get yourself stuck in a shapeshifting accident as a horse. DragonStory - Dragons pretend to be humans. And stuff. Dragon/Serpent - Dragons vs Serpents. Like Seals and Angels, only with less apocalypse. Amberwing - reborn goddess. Except there aren't meant to be 200,000 of her. Dark/Light Fic - His name was Rahn, and he was Ice Dancer - paralysed ice-skater gets transported somewhere where... she's still paralysed. Bummer. Continued on Fallen Angels, if I can remember any more stories. Because there are more. Let's not count the snippets. Monday, August 11, 2003
Tired. Sunday was okay - watched entire series of Loki, episodes 1 to 16. Work today was okay. Am still all bouncy over archery. I owe people email and her questions, and am a bad person. No apple pie left, and no choc-chip after tomorrow, if no-one else eats the last little bit. Evanescence good. Project list later, also. Perhaps tomorrow. Night, all. Sleep. *thud*
Saturday, August 09, 2003
Twig, you missed a 'No' - it's NaNoWriMo. NaNo for short. ^_^ Have fun this year! *bounce*
Oh, and Pam and Chris came home from the Church night about 5 minutes before I was going to leave, causing me to get into trouble with Chas. Mrr. :)
Lunar, you should join archery, it's so much fun. ^_^ Today I shot again with the same bow as last week, and in the first hour or shooting, managed to get my Novice Archer certificate. This involved shooting a score of 130 off 30 arrows (or 5 ends, 6 arrows per end) from a distance of 15 metres. I got a score of 215 - this was because on my last two ends, I finally worked out how to aim properly, which meant that I stuck four arrows in the gold (the centre two circles, worth 10 and 9) meaning two 52 point rounds. ^__^ I then moved up to the 20 metre target. It took me an end to get used to the new distance, but I scored 38 on that one so I kept scoring and managed (omitting the round where the guy was correcting my draw and I only scored 27) to gain my Cadet certificate, which is 150 off 5 ends at 20 metres. This is while counting the 22 I scored when my aim was all over the place. So, whee! And, I am buying a second hand bow next week. It goes from 20 to about a 31 pound draw, and comes with 6 arrows and a case to carry it in. This for AUS$300. All I'll need after that is a sight, an arm guard and a finger tab. One of the guys said he had some stabilisers I could borrow, so whee! Bow next week, all mine! ^_^ *bounce*
I will list all my projects next time I blog... going to go home now, eat pie and icecream with Chas, and then go to sleep. Loki screening tomorrow, which should be fun and amusing. "I hate you more than words can /say/, Heimdall." *snerk* Hee. Friday, August 08, 2003
Okay, I lie. You want to scroll down 8 posts. Got that? Good. Okay. /Really/ going now. ^_^
Am really going now. Promise.
I am not as depressed as that last post sounded, but I am talking too much because I am bored and have nothing to do. Also, I should go home because otherwise Chas will snot at me for missing the half night of prayer and worship to "go home early and catch up on sleep" when I didn't, in fact, go home early /or/ catch up on sleep. Meep. Also, slightly annoyed at my sister, who is first in line on Oliver's Champions campaign waiting list, and started making her character today, and is basically Rinoa with permanent wings. And my character was a cross between Liria and Lissalya, which means wings (but only in superhero ID, if that means anything to you), who can make it rain. And my feathers will be supersharp, like knives, and my wings act basically as a forcefield, for protection. And in one stroke, Pam has sort of made my character, even if she /is/ Rinoa. Although she doesn't have a dog. Although, on second thought, since I can make it rain and Pam's character has a fear of drowning... >:) Reckon I can make it rain inside a building?
List of things that I'll lose if C:/WINDOWS/Desktop/ proves to have self-combusted:
*NaNoNext.txt, the continuation. *NaNoSnippets.txt, random snippets that were quite long and involved. *DarkFic.txt (or something), new story snippet. *VFnew.txt, the new VFstory idea. *quotes.txt, which also contained interesting links, my list of birthdays, and a lissalya snippet. *liriasnippets.txt, which contained Liria snippets. Duh. ...there was more. Why, oh why, didn't I save these txt files to My Documents, and shortcut them to the desktop??!! *sigh* I suppose I can recreate them, but in my mind, they've been written, and nothing I will rewrite will ever be as good as what came before, and was lost. Oh, also, Sensei said that I was getting lots better. And my ankles were feeling pretty good too - they only hurt a little bit. ^_^ I might even be able to spar in the next few weeks... ^__^ Wondering when my shirts from Shell will arrive. Hopefully soon. Saiyuki goodness, and all on a crisp white shirt! [heart] List of things to save from Fu-kun: *Everything, if possible. Failing this: *My Documents/Stories/ *My Documents/Unipage/ *Program Files/epsxe/ (VS saves) *WINDOWS/Desktop/ (if possible...) Everything else, while important, is irrrelevant compared to those. Decided to go in the Conjunction's pirate contest thing. If you guys didn't get my email, let me know and I'll email again. ^_^ Don't know quite what I'll do yet - probably stick a few of my original characters on a ship and see if they kill each other. Not Seltyin or Anami though - they've got quite enough to deal with. Dad got his new computer yesterday as well - I've paid him his money and hopefully I'll get my new computer sometime in the next week or so. Suggestions for names, anyone? I thought about naming it after an original character of mine, but none of them have really good names for stuff. You know, Seltyin would randomly crash and not reboot for about 12 hours, Liria would electric shock me, and Kit would up and vanish occasionally. Not good traits for machinery. :) Whee, you said I was all coolness and now my yay, weekend! mood has got even better! ^_^ Archery tomorrow and happy!Chas have a lot to do with this mood as well. :P I might even dig up another chapter of NaNoWriMo - once I get the computer off Dad I'll have all my Feb backups on disk and while that doesn't contain a lot of the stuff I want (ie C:/WINDOWS/Desktop/) it does have a fair chunk of my webpage and at that point I'm pretty sure my NaNo section was finished. So I should be able to gack another chapter off that. Although I warn you it's not a particularly /happy/ chapter... (does the word /flashback/ have any nice connotations? no? ...oh. I didn't think so. Well, too bad for you.) I believe is the general summary. ^_^; Argh. Blogger ate yesterday's post. *sigh* So. I got my blood results back yesterday. As a quick explanation, the cholesterol total is made up of three things: LDL, HDL, and Trig(licerides). HDL is good, the other two are bad. Now, a few months ago my total cholesterol was 4.6 (meant to be below 5.5), LDL 2.6 (meant to be below 2.5). So, this time... LDL stayed the same at 2.6, HDL rose by 0.5, and Trig rose by 0.3. This meant that my risk ratio fell from 2.6 to 2.3, even though my total cholesterol went from 4.6 to 5.3. Mum and Dad discussed this, and decided that because my ratio fell and my LDL hadn't actually risen, the rise in cholesterol due /mainly/ to the rise in HDL, I could have choc-chip icecream. ^__^ Related to this, one of the patients at my practice brought in a large box of apples for us (apparently they own an orchard or something), so I took some home and proceeded to make an apple pie. Hence, last night and tonight I've had apple pie with choc-chip icecream and cream. ^_^ Chas gets his in a little container that I bring in for him. Tonight he took a while to get to it, so his slice of pie was sitting in this little pool of melted icecream. Was amusing. :P And that was yesterday's post. *posts so Blogger won't lose it again* Tuesday, August 05, 2003
Updated Fallen Angels twice: once for that five questions meme that's been making the rounds on LJ lately, and once for the post that was going to go here, until I remembered that I was on Chas' computer and hence couldn't log in. Feel free to post replies to the meme if you want to be interviewed - just remember to sign your name on the end so I know who to ask questions of.
Monday, August 04, 2003
I have my blood tests tomorrow. If my cholesterol comes in within normal limits, I get choc-chip icecream. Whee! *mentally orders LDL to drop*
Flidget, join GKR in the UK. They'll teach you to punch hard. ^_^
Twig, I so will. Write that fic, I mean. *grin* But later, when I'm not so tired. Must join Pirates thingy too. Now, if only I could actually draw... :) Saturday, August 02, 2003
Oh, and Liz - more, please. ^_^
So. Cool. I got nicked by the string twice; both times I adjusted my forearm guard to compensate. At first my arrows were going everywhere, in the white at the edge of the target, and over the top; then I got better (and got my metal sight thingy adjusted, hee) and at one point shot almost 2 forty point rounds! (out of six arrows. Whee!) So, yeah. Davyd reckons I can get my "Novice Archer" certificate next week, if I shoot that well again. And then I can move up to the next distance targets. ^_^ And I am trying to get everyone to come - I have plugged this to both my sisters, my brother, Chas... Hopefully Liz can come again next week, as she shot really well this week - she hit the middle circle more than I did, that's for sure. (and you say your eyesight's bad... :P) So next time we might have a car consisting of Liz, Chas, me, brother!Dave, and maybe Ali... *grin* should be lots of fun. Of course, first I have to get through the week... *sigh* Re-organized my manga shelves today, and also am in the process of doing my desk and its drawers. Shelves now look nice and tidy, except the artbooks, because they're still in their plastic. No /way/ are they coming out of that unless they're being admired. ^_^ Kazuya Minekura is a fangirl, and I love her for it. Also listened to Fallen, the Evanescence album, about five times today, possibly six. I think I like it. And now... to sleep. DN Angel tomorrow, starting from 10am. Oh, the pain. So early. *cries* On the upside... oh, the gay. *Grin* Friday, August 01, 2003
Thank God it's friday.
*ahem* Today I had nothing to do for about 20 minutes, so I went and drew a picture. I tried to do Anami this time, but I don't think it turned out so good. Not that I'm finished, in any case. More of a sketch than an outline, like the Seltyin one was. (And I still have to finish that one...) Liz, if you're coming to archery, Davyd says it's at Melville Glades Golf Course. Get on the freeway south, get off (and turn left onto) South Street, and then turn right onto... a street starting with B. Um. *checks street directory* Beasley. And you follow that all the way round until you see the big sign saying "Melville Glades Golf Course" And you turn in there and drive until you get to the carpark, and then turn onto a small white limestone track, and you go over a rise and then come to a sign that will say "Bowmen of Melville". Apparently. You should get there at 9:45am; alternatively, get to my house (you know how to get there, right?) at 9am, and I'll drive us both. Or you can drive us both. I'm not fussy. I plan to wear a polo shirt with my cargos; Dave says that you can wear pretty much anything, just try not to make it too loose otherwise it might flap into the string. Or something. And now... I'll |
Name: Vel'ithya Tevriel Age: 19 Starsign: Libra Chinese: Rat Status: Taken ^_^ Studying: Japanese (and Creative Writing) at UWA Fallen Angels Drifting Feathers* Paradise Lost Wishlist: X Vol 10 Angel Sanctuary manga Yami no Matsuei manga Yuu Yuu Hakusho (both) Saiyuki anime Captain Jack Sparrow Nano: Twig Tsaiko Ann Changeling Liz Falstaff Sonnlich Favourite...
Anime/Manga: X/99 Tokyo Babylon DN Angel DragonBall Z Blade of the Immortal Trigun Saiyuki Fullmetal Alchemist Characters: Captain Jack Sparrow Genjo Sanzo (Houshi) Sumeragi Subaru Sakurazuka Seishirou Monou Fuuma Duo Maxwell Briefs Trunks Edward Elric Roy Mustang Hobbies/Loves: Writing (mainly original) Reading Karate Archery Music/Singing Chas ^_~ Captain Jack Sparrow Pirates of the Carribean Links...
Reads: Asprosdrakos Catt Changeling Chaobell Fallimar Flamebyrd(LJ) The Great Conjunction House of Mews Ko Leareth Lunar Meia Metamia Mooncalf PenChaft Pirotess Snow Kitten Spooky Thorne Tsaiko Wind ff.net/fp.net Ann(fic) Catt(ff.net) House of Mirrors Lunar(fic) Thorne(ff.net) Twig(fic) Twig(ff.net) Twig(fp.net) LJ friends* Uni: UniSFA Unigames UWAnime UCC Aaron Goth!Chris James Jesus!Dave Max Rae (I) Rae (II) Tom Adam* Alex* Ben* Coman* Davyd* Goth!Chris* Liz* Maelkann* Pam* Rae* Stephie* Tom Tommo* Vegeta* Campaign: Valmar Kalika Evelyn Seigfried Aldo Lives: KnK's Fanfics Irrealistic.net The Academy RoodAwakenings Angel's Gate Disarming Smile Kaitou.net | Bob Tsaiko's World Laranica Firehorse Fantasy Arts Ephebian Paradise Mooncalf Just a Little Ecchi Ficbitches* CLAMPesque Questionable Reality The Very Secret Diaries A Life Like Any Other Juuhachi-gou's Place of Being Vejiita4eva Temple O' Trunks Daizenshuu Ex B-chan Makai Black Market Comics: 8-bit Theater Dominic Deegan Errant Story Utukki Penny Arcade Friendly Hostility Boy Meets Boy w00t_comic* Random...
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