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Friday, October 31, 2003
So. Tired.
Have had a headache since I woke up this morning. A solid, pounding headache through my left temple, although over the course of the day it's spread to encompass my right temple as well (although with less itensity). So, that's... almost 15 hours of solid headache. Someone shoot me now. NaNo starts in 1 hour 20 minutes and really? Right now I don't care. Because I'm really tired and I have to be at work at 8:30am tomorrow morning. My new hours are okay, but I liked my old ones a lot more. >.< At least I managed to get my short story entry in. The first one, only. I'll have to put it up on my website at some point. It's... FriendshipFicVer3, also called Moments in Time. Thanks to Dave for the title. I met up with the Perth Nano-ers tonight - was interesting to meet people. There were about ten of us there, and we had a nice chat. I have tickets to see Matrix: Revolutions next thursday night with my church. Sweet. Tuesday, October 28, 2003
Paradise Lost is up! *bounces*
Please go and look. ^_^ Monday, October 27, 2003
Going through my Stories section on my webpage, and until now I just didn't realise how much work I've (possibly) lost on that section.
I had to add 8 stories. Eight. That's /insane/. None of them had index or base pages, and... yeah. I know where those extra 100 html files that I'm missing are. *sighs* Sunday, October 26, 2003
Okay. So. I've taken out the links for three sections that still need buckets of work, because their content is on Fu-kun. The section on me is done. The links section is half done. The stories section is probably alright, but I need to go through and fix all the index pages from all the stories, because many of them have bits like
Blurb: insert blurb here. ^_^:; or something. Hmmm. Progress achieved in place of sleep. ...bugger. >.< Oh well. At current schecule, I might even /have/ the damn page up in a week or two. *bounces* Oh, and a quick summary of chapter 5: Seltyin *angst*. Yleyre *angst*. Harpies. Fight. Seltyin *pain*. Seltyin *thud*. Anami does nifty things. Anami *thud*. The end. ^_^ Go read. *pokes* Am doing some work on my links section. It's kinda scary how many of these html addresses I can type from memory... And, you know, because it's basically finished, the NaNo2002 Index page is now up on Paradise Lost. Chapters 1-5, character page and Anami is a slut.txt available. Everything else will be a broken link. Hell, if I'm industrious, I might get something else up there. Although I really should go home and sleep... So I went to get dinner and now I feel better for having eaten, although I suspect the several glasses of water had more to do with this - I was probably also dehydrated as well as tired. Probably still am, just slightly less so. :) So, I have been industrious, and therefore: Anami is a slut.txt NaNo2002 Chapter 5 Enjoy. *bows* I'm skipping church because I'm really tired - the type of tired where your entire head is in a vice and your eyes are sore and itchy and you can't do much because your eyes hurt but you don't want to go to sleep because it's only 7pm... *sigh* Yeah. Really tired, is me. Went to archery yesterday, finally. My bow is punishing me for not going for a few weeks - I was almost struggling at the end, and it was only 72 arrows. *sigh* Ah well. Am still sore, but eh. Not too fussed. Had my two year school reunion last night. Was nice to catch up with some people I haven't seen since, and some of my old friends who I haven't been able to see as much as I'd like. We had a nice chat, and got to find out what everyone was doing. Most people are still at uni or whatever, one is engaged. Nothing else special. *shrugs* Apparently, my school has yo-yos. Like, it produces yo-yo's with the school logo on it. I grabbed two. :) Catt, you and Thorne look really cute together. And that dog is enormous! Wednesday, October 22, 2003
Posted a short snip of one of my entires for the Unisfa short story comp on Fallen Angels. Please let me know if you like it or not. ^_^
Tuesday, October 21, 2003
Oh, and Penchaft - hope you don't mind that I linked you. You're on my sidebar. *points down and right*
Also: Just read all of HunterXHunter I can find up too on the net. Liz gave it to me, because Liz is nice. ^_^ *beams*
Thoughts: Hisoka? You're being /nice/. And not freaky. And /helpful/! ....what are you planning, you freak? >.< Gon... that must have really, really hurt. Biscuit... oh my goodness. that's /some/ transformation. Killua: you're so cute. Like a fluffy little kitten! (that can RIP YOUR HEART OUT AND EAT IT!. *ahem* I digress.) Gon: Awww. You and Killua are so cute together. Gin: You're /such/ a bastard. You git. The end. Also: Stargate. Daniel! Whee! I /so/ thought Jonas was toast. But no! (yes we are /so/ behind the US release over here shut up!) This week: Little Jack! (Cute...) Okay, the fangirl has been put back in her box. I'm taking her home so she can get some sleep. ...I may let her snuggle Chas first, though. ^_^ So. Work put me on full-time again. Starting next week, basically. Boss: We'll give you thursday mornings off, unless you'd like to work a 5 and a half day week? Me: .... thursday mornings off is fine. Well. Bugger. Hope I'm up to NaNo-ing while working full-time. Admittedly, this is something I've never done before. (I mean, last year I'd finished exams! Although I did start about half-way through the month...) So. My big news for the day. Trawled NaNo forums. By which I mean, I only went to the Perth, Australia forums to see how all my fellow Perthites were doing and OMFG is that the time?!?! .../Well/. And I was going to go home early, too. *sulks* Okay, so now Pitas is up, but not showing posts after the 7th October. So. Wonder what's up with them? Monday, October 20, 2003
I didn't realise just how many people on my list over to the right there are hosted by pitas until pitas went down. I mean, I /knew/, but I didn't /know/, if you know what I mean. 18. Count em. 18.
...wow. 18/32. I mean, that's over half! ...well. Shortest blog-check ever, really. Sunday, October 19, 2003
So, I went to a party. Unfortunately, I got photographed. Fortunately, I bought an X wallscroll that afternoon, that I managed to hide quite neatly behind. ^_^ Consequently:
I call on Subaru and Kamui to protect me from the cameraman. This wallscroll is /so/ gay. I look about 5 years old. Meh. Pitas won't load for me. Bummer. Kill Bill rocked. Absolutely and completely. So much. Loved it. ^__^ Iron Chef was hilarious. The dubbing was so bad it was funny. So glad to finally see the show. Chas watched in a frozen sort of horror, and then declared that he was never watching it ever again, thak you very much. ...don't know /what/ he's talking about. *grins* Played some more Xenogears this evening. Liz! It /is/ Citan who has Heimdal Gear!! *snerks* Heimdall: You have got to be kidding me. Loki: ... *dies laughing* *ahem* Anyway. Got out of that bloody cavern, had a heart to heart with Bart, and am now on my way to rescue Margie. Or whatever. Should be exciting. ^_^ Wednesday, October 15, 2003
I don't know how to spell surepticiously. I know, because I had to use it in a NaNo snippet the other day. *checks dictionary.com* Ah. Surreptitiously. Right.
So, I am also having proxy issues. The magic mojarra proxy is down, for the moment, and may never come back up. So... currently, since I don't have a tartarus proxy because I'm not currently enrolled in any units this semester, I am begging other people to let me use their proxies. So. I may not be able to be on as much as I would like. >.< Also, before I forget. IRON CHEF IS STARTING ON SBS THIS WEEK!!! Finally. ^_^ *bounces* And I'm seeing Kill Bill this evening. ^_^ Going to work now. Interesting snippet, Lunar. Oh, and I should mention that I was in such a good mood the other night because I'd just read all the VS stuff from Ashes to Looking in the last few hours. ^__^ Please write more of Modern Day Miracles soon... I wanna see "Mason's" reunion with his family and Val and Az and everyone! *flutters eyelashes* Onegashimasu? (I'd trade you something for it, but I don't do fanfiction well, so.. yeah. I have to resort to pleading. ^_^;;) So, karate not so bad. Troy says my techniques were looking quite snappy, and there I was thinking that I was just putting them out there and not really making much of an effort because I was tired, sick and asthmatic. Well. Figures, huh. Got that fic, Liz. Thanks. Body: So, we let you off easy on the cold thing. How about... we don't let you talk for the rest of the day? Me:... *sigh* So I have a scratchy voice. And I'm coughing a bit. Not too bad, though. Work was pretty good. Am /so/ going to see Kil Bill Karate now. Monday, October 13, 2003
Okay, am really going home now. Besides, they're about to kick us out of here. Bloody 11pm curfew.
Oh, and thanks for the great email, Changeling. Was very interesting. ^_^
Got sick over the weekend. woke up sunday feeling pretty bad, lump in my throat and a runny nose. Blargh. Skipped all my karate stuff, class and a grading, bummer. >.< Drank lots of vitamin C, though, 2000% of my Recommended Dietary Intake, infact, by drinking an entire 2 litre bottle of pineapple juice. Mmm, tasty.
Saw League of Extraordinary Gentlemen on saturday night. Was pretty good, even if there were a lot of things not covered and I though the ending was pretty... well, stupid. Watch the movie and I'll rant at you sometime. Apparently, Kill Bill is pretty good. Comes out in Perth on... *checks times* the 16th october. this thursday. Neat. The worst part about being sick is that I can not blow my nose silently. Trumpet at best, foghorn at worst. >.< Thursday, October 09, 2003
Does Anne McCaffrey ever have gay in her stories? Off the top of my head, I can't recall any. Because, you know how gold dragons only Impress girls? I'd say that's because when they mate, the bronze dragons are only Impressed by guys, so she's matching genders, right? Someone should write a story where the gold dragon breaks out of the circle of girls and goes and Impresses a guy. Either because he's gay, or because... I don't know, one of the guys who Impresses a bronze is actually only pretending to be a guy? Or something. *shrugs* Your weird thought for the day.
EVANESCENCE ARE COMING TO PERTH!!!! ...I'm calm. *bounce* Here's a snippet. Anyone who guesses who's talking gets a cookie and a death scene. ^_^ Monday, October 06, 2003
I swear, in a few years I'm going to have a bunch of these icons hanging around in my sidebar. Hopefully, all of them will be "Winner" icons rather than "Participant" icons.
Sunday, October 05, 2003
It's Australia, Twig. Just take out the second 'u'. ^_^
Saturday, October 04, 2003
I could say something here but I won't. Let's just say that my good mood has utterly and completely fucked off. Thanks. I really needed that.
Nano forums are open. My eyes hurt. So. Badly. I've been reading them for the past 9 hours. At least. *blinks blearily* Uh, this is your call to sign up for NaNoWriMo, and commit yourself to the *waves to Ann and Tsaiko* Seen you guys around already. ^_^ Thursday, October 02, 2003
Oh my goodness! 8 friends pages and 2 hours later, I am done with LJ again. Did I mention you guys talk too much?
Also, I do not have to work full-time again. *cheers* For the next three weeks I am on part-full-time with a few extra hours here and there and then I'm back to completely part-full-time with fridays off whee! Also, some people said some things today that I got quite upset over. Yes, I took this position knowing that I would have to contribute to stuff. I was also not working full-time. Things change. I was working full-time. I barely had time to eat, sleep and work. Despite this, I did stuff. I went begging with Liz for prizes. It's not like I have an official job description anyway, like secretary (write minutes/letter/correspondence) or treasurer (do the banking). It's more like 'do stuff'. I am trying. I do care. I haven't forgotten the club. And it hurts when you imply that I couldn't give a toss. I met Bart and Siguard! The things you remember from Technomancy fiction. When those two guys came in calling Bart "young master" I went '...' '...' '...gee, I remember Siguard and 'Hyuga' getting it on in those stories. Siguard better not be the old guy.' *grin* And now Fei and Bart are stuck underground. Stupid quicksand. Stupid rock. *grumbles* Thanks for the birthday wishes, minna-san. ^_^ |
Name: Vel'ithya Tevriel Age: 19 Starsign: Libra Chinese: Rat Status: Taken ^_^ Studying: Japanese (and Creative Writing) at UWA Fallen Angels Drifting Feathers* Paradise Lost Wishlist: X Vol 10 Angel Sanctuary manga Yami no Matsuei manga Yuu Yuu Hakusho (both) Saiyuki anime Captain Jack Sparrow Nano: Twig Tsaiko Ann Changeling Liz Falstaff Sonnlich Favourite...
Anime/Manga: X/99 Tokyo Babylon DN Angel DragonBall Z Blade of the Immortal Trigun Saiyuki Fullmetal Alchemist Characters: Captain Jack Sparrow Genjo Sanzo (Houshi) Sumeragi Subaru Sakurazuka Seishirou Monou Fuuma Duo Maxwell Briefs Trunks Edward Elric Roy Mustang Hobbies/Loves: Writing (mainly original) Reading Karate Archery Music/Singing Chas ^_~ Captain Jack Sparrow Pirates of the Carribean Links...
Reads: Asprosdrakos Catt Changeling Chaobell Fallimar Flamebyrd(LJ) The Great Conjunction House of Mews Ko Leareth Lunar Meia Metamia Mooncalf PenChaft Pirotess Snow Kitten Spooky Thorne Tsaiko Wind ff.net/fp.net Ann(fic) Catt(ff.net) House of Mirrors Lunar(fic) Thorne(ff.net) Twig(fic) Twig(ff.net) Twig(fp.net) LJ friends* Uni: UniSFA Unigames UWAnime UCC Aaron Goth!Chris James Jesus!Dave Max Rae (I) Rae (II) Tom Adam* Alex* Ben* Coman* Davyd* Goth!Chris* Liz* Maelkann* Pam* Rae* Stephie* Tom Tommo* Vegeta* Campaign: Valmar Kalika Evelyn Seigfried Aldo Lives: KnK's Fanfics Irrealistic.net The Academy RoodAwakenings Angel's Gate Disarming Smile Kaitou.net | Bob Tsaiko's World Laranica Firehorse Fantasy Arts Ephebian Paradise Mooncalf Just a Little Ecchi Ficbitches* CLAMPesque Questionable Reality The Very Secret Diaries A Life Like Any Other Juuhachi-gou's Place of Being Vejiita4eva Temple O' Trunks Daizenshuu Ex B-chan Makai Black Market Comics: 8-bit Theater Dominic Deegan Errant Story Utukki Penny Arcade Friendly Hostility Boy Meets Boy w00t_comic* Random...
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