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Tuesday, December 30, 2003
I have done /so much/ HTMLing today it's just not funny. Those of you who read Paradise Lost will be happy to know that the next site update is going to be /huge/. ^_^
Monday, December 29, 2003
So we had a bit of a fire scare today as well - there was a fire at Narrikup. And Chas' place is technically in Narrikup. Not in the town, but in the Shire.
It was a few roads south, burnt one farm before they got it under control. Chas' dad and brothers went out with the fire unit from the home farm - a ute with a water tank on the back and a hose. Me and Chas' mum went around preparing in case it came to us - we tried to fix the hose and filled buckets with water, wet down blankets to put over the water pump so it didn't get burnt. Thank god we didn't have to use any of it. O.o So we are all fine and safe. If you were worried or anything. Sunday, December 28, 2003
Okay. So.
Had last day of work on wednesday, we got off at 3:30 yay! So I went home and made cake to take down with me for Chas' family's christmas dinner thing with all their relatives, and since there were chocolate eclairs left over from our work christmas lunch (which was pretty good ^_^) I put them in the fridge to take down too. As well as making the cake, mum and I had to prepare the two chickens for roasting in the oven the next day. It's a kind of ritual that we do every christmas eve - we squable over who gets the sharp food scissors and then have a kind of a race to see who can do their chicken first. Mum won this year, but she's had years of practice, and mine was the bigger bird. I also had to pack for the next day, and write out my christmas cards for my family and Chas' family. Of course, by the time I'd done them, Dad had already locked the loungeroom (where we keep our tree) so I couldn't put them inside - instead I propped them up against the door. Adding in the packing, and I didn't get to sleep until about 2am. Ali woke me bright and early at 8am. Since Pam and Olly were coming over and they were late, I had a shower before we went in to open our presents. After that it was time to go to church for service, at which Pam and another girl provided the vocals, and they both had a solo each. Go Pam! ^_^ Then it was back home for lunch to get underway - mum was cooking while I was putting finishing touches on my packing. Lunch was delicious, and after loading everything in my car I set off to Mt Barker. Driving down by myself was a new experience, and now that I've done it once I think I'll be okay to do it from now on. The worst part was the lack of open petrol stations/roadhouses. Yuledo was closed. North Banister was open, so I could take a pit stop, but bannister was closed. Williams was open, but I didn't need petrol, so I figured I'd stop at Port Arthur. Port Arthur was closed. Tenterden was closed. I figured I'd stop in Kojonup. Kojonup was closed. I got to Mt Barker, and the BP that you hit first was closed. I was running real low on petrol by this stage, having just driven about 400 kilometres, and I rang Chas, who reckoned the Caltex in town would be open. It was (thank God) so I could fill up before venturing out towards Chas' house. Reached there at about 6:30pm, and got all my stuff unloaded. Dinner was okay, they had edible food, and there was a bonus gluten free chocolate mousse that Chas' Aunty Sue had made, so I had some of that as well as an eclair, a piece of my cake, and some cream. ^_^ I love desserts. Slept alright that night, the bed was a little soft and saggy, but I didn't wake up too sore so that was okay. Although I had a little freak out about spiders the night before. But I was okay when I woke up, so. Pretty much been vegging out down here so far - typed some stories, all that I've written of Lissalya, and another Chapter of Ice Dancer, so we'll see how they go. Watched El Mariachi, with Desperado to go. Still have not seen Return of the King. Dammit. >.< Will see it sometime this week, I really mean it. Me and Chas both came down sick yesterday, him worse than me. He slept in/dozed to about 2pm this arfternoon, though, and was feeling a bit better, so he should be right for tomorrow. Hopefully. The white bordercollie/possible golden retriever cross is absolutely adorable. When not covered in mud and sand. I have been playing a lot of spider solitaire. And watching a surprising amount of cricket. I believe on boxing day I said "I can't believe I'm bored enough tht I'm watching cricket." Ah well, it was something to pass the time. The big bushfire at Tenteren that (if you live in australia) you may have seen on the news yesterday and tonight, well, I was worried there for a moment. We heard Kendenup, the next town over, had been burnt, but it turned out to be Tenterden, a few towns to the north. We saw the smoke over the Porongorups yesterday, and we watched it as it got thicker and blacker. Chas' dad and brothers went up there today, to help their Uncle Ian with his farm. Chas' dad reckons the Lord was protecting him, because the fire went straight through his property. Didn't touch the shearing shed, although the manure underneath was smouldering. Didn't touch his house, and burnt a diagonal strip right across his block, but didn't lose a sheep. They had to shoot three, and he lost a bunch of fencing, but the animals are okay. And now.. I have to go. Ja ne. Saturday, December 27, 2003
I am at Mt Barker. Updates Later. I have to be off by midnight.
Hope everyone had a nice christmas. Tuesday, December 23, 2003
So, I didn't mention this before for some reason, probably my weekend of Hell killed me, but I posted my christmas cards on friday. So. They should either arrive tomorrow, or, you know, next week. ^_^
Sunday, December 21, 2003
Okay, so my weekend of hell is over.
On friday night I had my work Christmas party thing - they had a magician as entertainment, and he was actually pretty nifty. I saw through some of the tricks, but at one point he handed a card to this girl, got her to close her hand over it, did something else, and then it was a different card. /INSANE/. Anyway. So then the next morning I had work as usual, and then I met Liz in QC quickly so I could let them know to hold my stuff for me over the next two weeks, and she could buy a present for her brother. And then I went and got my hair cut, the results of which you can see on Fallen Angels, and then I went to the Sensei party and hung out with them for a while. And there were Shenanigans. I... am quite interested in the final result, actually, but I probably won't know the full story until karate starts up again on the 5th of january. So after the sensei party I headed back home to pick up dinner for Chas and went into uni for a while. Got kicked out at 11pm as usual, dropped Chas home, went back home and picked up my little sister Ali, and headed to Zone 3 for War of the Rings. Now you (probably) already know I'm in UniSFA, the UWA science fiction and fantasy association. Two of the other three major Perth uni's also have equivalent clubs, CIA (Curtin Imagination Association) and MARS (Murdoch Alternate Reality Society). And War of the Rings is an annual tournament held at Zone 3, midnight to dawn. Three clubs, three teams, one winner. To cut a long (and tiring...) story short, CIA won the first game by this much -><- from us, something like 2000pts or other. We won the second game by something like 50,000pts, and then they won the third and final competition game by about 5,000. Since they won two out of three games, they won the trophy, despite us having a higher points score. >.< Anyway, after those three games it was free play, and we played a couple of different games until it was suddenly 6am and time to leave. Me and Ali headed home and went to sleep, the only difference being that I was woken 3 and a half hours later to teach karate. >.< So I headed off to class with no breakfast (wasn't time...) and taught for about 2 hours, then dropped the fees off at Sensei's house, and headed home. For breakfast. At about 1pm. And then I headed back into uni to pick up Chas, and take him to the bus station. Because he only boards up here, you see, and he goes home for christmas. And now I am sad because he is gone. CALL ME CHAS! I want to make sure that you got home safely, ne? <3 Anyway. Then I went back into Uni, went to church, went home to pick up dinner, and am now back at uni, tired out of my brain. The days where I could survive for consecutive days on little sleep are gone, my friends. I am about to drop. And I have to work at 8:30am tomorrow. >.< ....I should go home now and sleep, right? Saturday, December 20, 2003
And the only reason I'm posting there instead of here is that it has the LJ-cut feature where I can still have the pictures, but hide them so that I don't spam friends pages. That, and pictures screw up my layout something awful. ^_^;;
So! Pictures of my new haircut (SANZO!) and my duel with the deadly Thursday, December 18, 2003
If you are an american citizen, please go and vote in this poll.
http://www.afa.net/petitions/marriagepoll.asp. Thank you. ^_^ Tuesday, December 16, 2003
Katana pictures at Fallen Angels here. ^_^
Monday, December 15, 2003
... I /was/ kind of depressed for most of today, but Aaron managed to cheer me right up. Thanks so much. ^_^ Pictures to follow. :P Sunday, December 14, 2003
I get my hair cut next week. ^_^
I did seven hours of karate today. I had my usual class to teach this morning, and then because it was the second sunday of the month it was grading sunday, so I had to drive to Duncraig and go to the grading, and /then/, because I had a few of my students grading, and they were coloured belts, I had to stay for the coloured belt grading as well. So. Seven hours on my feet. I am in pain right now. Highlights of the grading include helping an adorable white belt who turned up to the coloured belt grading - Sensei got me to take him through the basic stuff when they switched to the advanced strikes. He was only about five years old and his techniques were incredible for his age and grade. So cute! And also, Sensei Steve, when taking the strikes and blocks. We were about to go through mawashi uke (round block) hard and fast for ten, and he was trying to psych the students up. And he said "I want to see your arms blurring. Be whirling HELICOPTERS OF DEATH!" And of course the students (not wanting to get pushups) went "HAI!" and me and all the other Senseis there just about died laughing. ...someday I'll post a clip or something of me doing mawashi uke hard and fast, and I will be a helicopter of death. My family are back so good! I got home friday night after going to uni and the washing machine and dishwasher were already on, and I could go straight to bed. Ah, bliss. Today, after spending the entire day doing karate, I get home and have a shower, and when I emerge my dinner is on the stove, cooking. May they never leave me home alone again. The only bad thing about this weekend is that I haven't really had a weekend. As such. I mean, I've been doing things solidly yesterday and today, and now it's after 10pm on sunday and I still haven't replied to Twig or done my christmas cards or done Terracon research or anything. *sighs* My cards are going to be really late, yo. Just so you guys know. ...also, I need to buy more, because I am /so/ running out. Either that or find out where I hid the left over ones from last year. They're in my room /somewhere/, I'm sure... Okay, I'm going to go home early tonight. And get some sleep. Much needed. Paradise Lost has been updated. ^_^ Thursday, December 11, 2003
More of Before the Dawn on Fallen Angels, if you do the LJ thing. For those of you who don't, yes, it will go up on Paradise Lost sometime. In the future. Maybe not this year, though. Will require formatting and ugh. Anyway.
My family has been away since last saturday.
So my big brother moved out a while ago, and he's currently in India for a few weeks... (actually I don't know how long) at a hospital there doing some training. For his med degree, or some such. So he doesn't live here anymore. And my big sister moved out about a month ago with her BF Oliver, and although they don't have a washing machine over there and she comes over about once a week to do laundry, she doesn't live here anymore. This means that the house residents total 5 - my dad, my mum, my little sister, and my little sister's bird, Munchkin. Guess which one of these residents I dislike? Immensly? Anyway. So the family went down south on saturday for a holiday, Yallingup, if anyone cares, and left me all alone. Mum made sure I had enough meat in the freezer and pasta/rice in the cupboard to last me for meals, and made two loaves of bread before they left so that I had breakfast. They also left me a list of instructions - water the plants, put out the bins, give the bird food and water every so often, don't let the bird die. Things like that. So for the past week I have been all alone in the house, working full time, and also doing all the cooking, all the washing up, and all my laundry. I never expected it to be like this. I mean, from the experience, I know I can live by myself, now - and I also know that I /don't want to/. When I moved out, in my head I was always going to move out /with Chas/, and we would share the cooking and the cleaning and the chores. And we wouldn't have a damn bird. (Leave blinds open during the day for Munchkin. Put music on so he won't feel lonely. Feed the- sorry, I'll stop now. Damn bird.) But cooking takes time, which I don't have anyway, and washing the dishes is almost as bad. At least we have a dishwasher here, thank the Lord. So, I have been living all by myself, which is why I've been scarce online, and I don't like it. The family comes back tomorrow. I shall show my appreciation by offering them stale sand cake and icecream. Tuesday, December 09, 2003
I have even managed to update Paradise, although... I have forgotten to do the updates on the main page. Um. Will do that tomorrow. ^_^;; Anyway, I have put the prologue and chapter 1 of Rhyliann up, you can go there directly here. Everyone who I sent email to, please reply! Going home now. More extensive update tomorrow. So, I am not dead! Although blogspot is, so you won't be able to see this for a while. ... Yeah. Monday, December 01, 2003
Oh, and no one is making it very easy for me to send them christmas cards. I want to send you cards, I really do. Please give me your address, and the name to address it to. I am not going to stalk and kill you, I'm only going to send you nice, happt christmas cards. Please? ^_^ Email is over on the side bar.
More Before the Dawn on the LJ. If you do the LJ thing. Sorry, Twig - just beat Luny into submission or something. It'll go up publically sometime... ^_^
UCC appears to be down.
... well. parts of ucc. Chas can get to the ucc page, but I can't, and my layout is dead. >.< I watched EQUILIBRIUM! ...the gun kata was /awesome/. Absolutely /fantastic/. ...I want to keep this movie for ever and ever. Unfortunately, it is a new release hired from the video shop and I must return it by 6pm tomorrow. *sulks* Now all I have to do is find/beg/borrow/steal a copy of six-string samurai and watch it over and over. They do not have it here. It is so disappointing. :( |
Name: Vel'ithya Tevriel Age: 19 Starsign: Libra Chinese: Rat Status: Taken ^_^ Studying: Japanese (and Creative Writing) at UWA Fallen Angels Drifting Feathers* Paradise Lost Wishlist: X Vol 10 Angel Sanctuary manga Yami no Matsuei manga Yuu Yuu Hakusho (both) Saiyuki anime Captain Jack Sparrow Nano: Twig Tsaiko Ann Changeling Liz Falstaff Sonnlich Favourite...
Anime/Manga: X/99 Tokyo Babylon DN Angel DragonBall Z Blade of the Immortal Trigun Saiyuki Fullmetal Alchemist Characters: Captain Jack Sparrow Genjo Sanzo (Houshi) Sumeragi Subaru Sakurazuka Seishirou Monou Fuuma Duo Maxwell Briefs Trunks Edward Elric Roy Mustang Hobbies/Loves: Writing (mainly original) Reading Karate Archery Music/Singing Chas ^_~ Captain Jack Sparrow Pirates of the Carribean Links...
Reads: Asprosdrakos Catt Changeling Chaobell Fallimar Flamebyrd(LJ) The Great Conjunction House of Mews Ko Leareth Lunar Meia Metamia Mooncalf PenChaft Pirotess Snow Kitten Spooky Thorne Tsaiko Wind ff.net/fp.net Ann(fic) Catt(ff.net) House of Mirrors Lunar(fic) Thorne(ff.net) Twig(fic) Twig(ff.net) Twig(fp.net) LJ friends* Uni: UniSFA Unigames UWAnime UCC Aaron Goth!Chris James Jesus!Dave Max Rae (I) Rae (II) Tom Adam* Alex* Ben* Coman* Davyd* Goth!Chris* Liz* Maelkann* Pam* Rae* Stephie* Tom Tommo* Vegeta* Campaign: Valmar Kalika Evelyn Seigfried Aldo Lives: KnK's Fanfics Irrealistic.net The Academy RoodAwakenings Angel's Gate Disarming Smile Kaitou.net | Bob Tsaiko's World Laranica Firehorse Fantasy Arts Ephebian Paradise Mooncalf Just a Little Ecchi Ficbitches* CLAMPesque Questionable Reality The Very Secret Diaries A Life Like Any Other Juuhachi-gou's Place of Being Vejiita4eva Temple O' Trunks Daizenshuu Ex B-chan Makai Black Market Comics: 8-bit Theater Dominic Deegan Errant Story Utukki Penny Arcade Friendly Hostility Boy Meets Boy w00t_comic* Random...
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